Announcing the Great Reconquista Challenge
Get Your Mind & Body Back!

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The reality of the Great Replacement is relentless. If we want to win, we have to try new things and new strategies. I have prepared a multi-media project to convey this: the Great Reconquista Challenge.

We are all AMATL (A Man Appointed To Liquidation). Big media, big money, and big corporations push the Great Replacement. We know it is wrong and that it is destroying our communities and our language, replacing our culture, and destroying our gene pool. But we are absolutely not in a position to do anything about it.

We can do something about ourselves, however. If we‘re not in a position to change the world, we can at least change ourselves. The world as we know it is heading for collapse. It’s up to us to decide where we stand in the days leading up to it: whether we will be strong, intelligent, have resilient communities, grow food, know how to use weapons, organize people, and be able to survive without the support of corporations. We can influence all of that. First we take back our body and soul, and then we take back our Fatherland.


You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here [3]

Fulfill the Greek ideal of kalotogathia! If we let things run free, if everyone eats what they want, most people will have dyspepsia and become overweight. If most people think as they want, they will believe in a lot of nonsense and conspiracy theories propagated by the mainstream or alternative media. We need true information: a healthy diet and to take care of our physical health. We need a role model worth following. We don’t want to simply passively watch. What’s more, we ourselves need to become that role model for those around us. There is no other way.

The Great Reconquista Challenge is a multimedia project: Every 14 days, a point will appear on Odchod’s Facebook page [4]. Odchod is a euroskeptic Czech political association that has long criticized the European Union’s direction from patriotic positions and has organized its own events and demonstrations, and regularly participates in the Patriotic Meeting at Příčovy Castle. If you join the challenge, you can add a photo of yourself doing the challenge under the corresponding point. The more photos you add, the more it will motivate others to perform better. Reconquista’s six-month challenge is meant to lead to a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a natural predation and will to power. The Great Reconquista Challenge starts on January 1, 2022.

We cannot influence the Great Replacement now, but we can influence the chaotic world that comes after it — and this is exactly the path that the Great Reconquista Challenge is following. We are the futurists of tomorrow, and we are the titans of the new world!

  1. Body Challenge: Exercise at least three times a week for 10 minutes, and once a week give yourself a bigger challenge — bike, skate, run, swim, or hit the gym. It’s important to stick to it, as you’re exercising not only your body, but also your will! The Challenge will appear on Facebook on January 15, 2022.
  2. Nutrition Challenge: Eat at least one piece of fruit or vegetable every day. Try to maintain a good diet and skip sugary and fizzy drinks. Don’t skimp on food; it won’t pay off. Try to eat good-quality food. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on January 29, 2022
  3. Health Challenge: Visit a nutritionist and find out what your body is lacking and try to solve it. Maybe you’re just missing a few minerals, maybe you need a change in your diet, or maybe you’ve got a particularly difficult health problem and you need a complete lifestyle change. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on February 12, 2022.
  4. Mind Challenge: Read at least three times a week — a wise article, and at least once a week read a book. This is very important for your self-development. When you read books, make lists of the most important things. Use a pencil to underline directly in the text what caught your attention. Try writing a review of the book and publishing it online. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on February 26, 2022.
  5. Forest Challenge: Visit an open landscape or forest at least once a week. Experience the feeling of being a Wanderer or a Forest Rebel. It is very important to know the local landscape well. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on March 12, 2022.
  6. Research Challenge: Learn about plants, fungi, rocks, and/or animals. Improve your knowledge of the natural world and then pass this on to your family and friends. It’s a nice interest. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on March 26, 2022.
  7. Crafts Challenge: Through your knowledge, or knowledge gained from books and the internet, try to create something yourself, preferably from natural resources. There are no limits to your imagination. It can be, for example, homemade soap, homemade syrup, honey, marmalade, herbal liqueur, preserved fruit, etc. Over time, this interest can grow into a regular business, freeing you from working for someone else and from the toxic world of corporations. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on April 9, 2022.
  8. Planting Challenge: Try growing something or preparing for it in your living space. If you don’t own land, help a parent, friend, or acquaintance with his garden, or consider buying a small garden, it’s not expensive. It is important to try to become at least partially independent and occasionally leave your apartment or house to experience life outdoors. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on April 23, 2022.
  9. Creative Challenge: It is not enough to merely receive information and experiences. In order for the body and mind to be in balance, it must also give back. Try something artistic: draw, sculpt, try woodcarving, or start writing. It’s important to bring out the artist in you. It will develop a part of your personality. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on May 7, 2022.
  10. Support the Scene Challenge: Once a month, support a nationalist writer, clothing designer, magazine creator, musician, woodcarver, painter, farmer — whatever. Buy something directly from the. You’ll be supporting the highest-quality creators in the scene, and with your support, the scene itself will grow and people will be able to pursue smaller businesses. Your interest will certainly please the creators. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on May 21, 2022.
  11. The Sexuality Challenge: Stop watching pornography altogether. It only makes you a servile and passive consumer, not to mention a loser, and corrupts your sexuality, leading to addiction and the slow extinction of your inner beast. Better to indulge your own sexual fantasy with your girlfriend, female lover, or wife. The same applies to women: Indulge in your own sexual fantasy with a friend, lover, or husband. If you don’t have a partner, try to get acquainted. There are plenty of black metal concerts, pin-up meetings, pagan gatherings, hot rod events, or other pro-white activities. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on June 4, 2022.
  12. The Solidarity Challenge: Buy only from retailers/companies/businesses and producers from your own country. It is important to support domestic and local production. If this solidarity grows in your neighbourhood, it might be possible to escape from the multicultural society. Take care of everything yourself. It can become a project like the Afrikaner town Orania in South Africa. That should be our main goal: to bring together capable, intelligent, and independent people and involve them in our projects. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on June 18, 2022.
  13. Self-Presentation Challenge: Have your girlfriend, friend, or a professional photographer take good-looking photos of you, either in a historic setting or in nature and present these photos on social media. It’s important that nationalists present themselves differently from how the mainstream media depicts them. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on July 2, 2022.
  14. The Challenge of Silence: Don’t speak if you are not asked. Learn to be silent when no one wants your opinion. Try to live by the ancient laconic phrase; speak in a blunt, concise way. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on July 16, 2022.
  15. The Ecology Challenge: Recycle what you can and reduce waste. Buy local food without packaging where possible. A friend of mine even recycles old building materials, both reinforced cement concrete and brick. You can also organize a garage sale, or sell or give away these items. I’m sure they will still be of use to someone. The Challenge will appear on Facebook on July 30, 2022.

If you complete the challenge, don’t forget to reward yourself with something — preferably something of value and that you’ve wanted for a long time. You deserve it.

I will appreciate it if people would spread this announcement on their own social media or websites, as well as translate it.

Thank you,
Ondřej Mann

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