La Femme Fatale Française de TikTok:
An Interview with Estelle Redpill

[1]2,284 words

French original here [2]

I had never heard of Estelle Redpill until last week. Browsing through Antifa Twitter, I found someone pointing and sputtering at an article in the Financial Times [3] about the so-called “fachosphere,” which the Times assures me is French shorthand for “fascist sphere” — a sort of French Alt Right. The Financial Times selected 25-year-old Estelle Rodriguez, better known by her nom de guerre Estelle Redpill, to be the face of the “fachosphere” — and a memorable face it is.

A former fashion model from Tolouse [4], Estelle Redpill came out of nowhere a year and a half ago to take the French far Right by storm. With her videos about immigration and the Great Replacement, she quickly racked up 120,000 followers on TikTok before Big Tech came scrambling with the ban hammer. She has appeared on French television and has been making big enough waves that even Antifa journalists in the anglosphere have started to take notice [5].

Estelle Redpill is wildly ambitious. The feisty Latin declares [6] without a hint of irony that she intends to become the President of France — and yet something tells me that she might not be crazy for thinking she can.

I reached out to Mademoiselle Redpill to find out more about her plans, the state of the French far Right, and what exactly the “fachosphere” is — if it is anything at all.

[7]1. How did your first discover identitarian politics? What is your “redpill” story?

I have known identity politics since I was very young. I am a little Spanish pieds-noir girl from my father’s side. My paternal grandparents were both born in French Algeria. My paternal grandfather was part of the OAS (Organisation de L’armée secrète). My grandparents and my father always voted for the extreme Right, that is to say, for Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Part of my family supported the French far Right and the other part, on my mother’s side, supported the Left. I was not really involved in politics or any more in one camp than another.

That was until the day that I began to focus exclusively on the French national camp — when immigration touched me personally, and when I began to no longer feel at home in my country of France. I saw my country being totally changed: the language, the businesses, the outfits, the customs. In the middle of my adolescence I became nostalgic for my childhood in the countryside, and for the France in which I had grown up: beautiful and admired by the whole world.

As the years went by and I started to feel more and more insecure as a woman, I was getting a lot of aggression from increasing immigration into France (extra-European immigration). I was assaulted several times in the street and when I was studying in high school. It is therefore through my experience, my journey, and my daily ordeal as a woman that I discovered identity politics more clearly, and it was then that I joined it and began to actively campaign for it.

I used “Redpill” as a pseudonym in reference to a scene in the movie The Matrix, where the character of Morpheus offers Neo the blue pill: Live without trying to understand life or even asking the right questions, but only live to exist and to turn to dust upon dying. Just settle for your basic needs and consume what the ads want to sell us.

The second choice is the red pill, that is to say: Live for your convictions, join the fight, support a doctrine, and seek to discover and learn more every day. Learn how to go beyond your limits, get out of your conditioning and preconceived ideas, know how to question the dogma, and push yourself to always seek the truth on your own. I really liked this scene, and the choice of this red pill fits perfectly with my philosophy of life. This is therefore why I chose to call myself “Redpill.”

2. I read that you used to be a model. What was your experience in that field like?

I was a photo model and an extra. I have also participated in parades in my city. I made an income from my modeling activities. I did these activities for fun. I started when I was 16. I retain only the positive. I always liked to take care of myself. I was a very pretty little girl when I was a child, and sharing my photoshoots with my subscribers was a real pleasure.

On the other hand, it is a very ephemeral environment where the competition is tough. I would tell a young person who is starting out that he or she must not take it too seriously and do it only for pleasure.


You can buy Greg Johnson’s It’s Okay to Be White here. [9]

But I stopped being content with only being a showpiece. I began by emphasizing my physique, but I am much more than a “physique.” I have things to say, to share, and a war to wage.

We evolve over the years. We come to no longer have the same desires and ambitions. I still have a positive view of the fashion world, but I needed to live by my reasoning and not just as a decorative “flowerpot.”

It is a very limiting environment for a woman if she only lives on her appearance. It encourages a toxic version of self-worship when you focus solely on your own aesthetics. I use my physique as a springboard to promote my ideas so that they can spread with greater ease. It is a communication strategy, because we live in a society of the image and I am perfectly aware of it .

3. Who are your main political influences?

My main political influences are my father, my paternal grandfather, Éric Zemmour, and Brigitte Bardot. My father, because he helped me open my eyes when I refused to see the truth about what is happening every day in France today. My grandfather, because he had honor and a very precise idea of what France should look like. He predicted during his lifetime what would happen in our country if nothing was done.

Éric Zemmour, because I share a lot of ideas with him. I discovered him on the program On est pas couché (We are Not Lying) on France 2 when I was a teenager. I found him brilliant — a well of knowledge. He is someone who has never changed his mind, is still true to himself, and who is the most frank of all the journalists I have seen on TV. Many guests refused to come on this show because Zemmour knew how to put them in their places. Even today, many guests refuse to come on CNews because Zemmour is there.

Brigitte Bardot, because she has always been a combative woman who defended the freedom of women and the honor of the French homeland. She shares the ideas of the national camp. I love her big mouth. She is an incredible woman. [10]

4. You rose to prominence on TikTok. What are the advantages of TikTok for spreading identitarian ideas as opposed to other platforms?

The advantage of TikTok is that it targets a young, non-politicized, and growing audience. You can do politics there in an accessible, quick, cool, and slightly intellectualized way with music, dance, humor, and challenges.

A video can quickly go viral and get thousands of views — even up to a million. This allows young people to see politics differently, because there it is less boring and aggressive. It can affect televised debates.

We can also develop a real community through our online lives and interact with our subscribers directly. It builds a new audience and renews the old-fashioned ideas about a simpler policy, which reaches more people and especially the youth, who are the future of our country.

5. You have been faced a lot of censorship. Your first TikTok and Twitter accounts were banned. Was there anything in particular that you said that got you banned? Why is Big Tech so afraid of you?

I lost seven TikTok accounts in all, including the very first one that had made me known with 122,000 subscribers after six months of identity content. I am currently on my eighth account on TikTok, where I am tolerated if I no longer talk about politics. I was banned because I talk about sensitive topics like immigration.

I represent the future. I am modern, pretty, and unlike those ideas that never triumphed, I bring innovative ones embodied in a person of the people (myself) — by the people, for the people. I am far from bourgeois intellectualism and cowardice, and far from the stupid anti-Semites. I have new ideas for the freshness and dynamism of a Europe for Europeans.


Estelle with Jérémie Piano of Génération Identitaire

6. Génération Identitaire was banned earlier this year. What was your involvement with that group, and what effect will the banning of Génération Identitaire have on the French identitarian movement?

I have never been part of Generation Identitaire or even been a member of it. I went to their demonstration only to support freedom of expression, which is a fundamental right. Otherwise I never had any links with this group.

Génération Identitaire was not the only group in the identity movement. They have only been a part of it. The identity movement existed before them and will continue to grow with new groups and people. French people who believe in their identity will never give up!

7. I first read about you in a recent Financial Times article about the “fachosphere.” What is the fachosphere? Is that a term people on the French Right use to describe themselves, or is that a term invented by their enemies in the media?

The term “fachosphere” was invented by the media. The extreme Right exists, but the fachosphere does not. It was made up by journalists on the Left to label us. No one on the extreme Right uses this therm. They rather use the term “FAF” (France for the French.) The media, which are mainly Left-wing, use the word “fachosphere” to add a fascist connotation in order to discredit the French identity camp.

8. I’ve noticed some influence from American meme culture on the French online Right. In your case, you use the American term “redpill” in your name, and the French website Democratie-Participative [12] appears to be strongly influenced by the American website The Daily Stormer [13]. To what extent is the “fachosphere” influenced by the American Dissident Right?

First of all, I am not a dissident. Moreover, French dissidence does much more harm to the French national camp than anything else . . .

The French far Right is being influenced by the QAnon movement, who are crazy conspiracy theorists who also greatly discredited Donald Trump. The only American Right I am close to are the rednecks, the American identity Right.

9. Speaking of Democratie-Participative, they recently endorsed you to become the leader of French nationalism [14]. Are you ready for such an immense challenge?

I have confidence in myself. I am able to take up the challenge that I have set for myself. I embody the revival of the modern, Western Right.

10. You are a controversial figure even on the French Right. Your parents are Spanish and Italian, and some people think this undermines your credibility to speak about French identity. What does being French mean to you?

At the time of the Great Replacement and great waves of migratory invasions, the question is not to be French but to be European. So being Europeanist and Westernist as a European is to share a similar cultural heritage, and to understand each other from Portugal to Sweden. It is to understand that we have common roots and a compatible way of life with each other. Europeans are peoples who understand each other and who know how to live in harmony together. We are part of the same European family, and we understand each other. We live according to more or less the same principles. We are civilized and totally assimilable amongst ourselves.

11. You have advocated for sending problematic foreigners to do forced labor in the Kerguelen Islands if their home countries do not accept them. How would that work? Who do you consider “problematic”?

It would work like the old penal colony of Cayenne in Guyana, where dangerous and criminal people were sent to do forced labor. I consider fanatic religious people (Islamists), anti-white racists, and anti-French racists to be a real danger, as well as pedophiles, rapists, and all other unhealthy people.

12. You have said that your grandfather was in the Organisation Armée Secrète. What did your grandfather do in the OAS?

Algeria was French at that time, so he was defending France. Apart from that, only he knows. He has never talked about it.

13. Le Pen has been a disappointment for the identitarians, and many have been drifting towards Éric Zemmour. Who is Éric Zemmour, and do you think he has a chance of defeating Le Pen?

Éric Zemmour is a French journalist who firmly defends French identity. He is more radical than Marine Le Pen. He took the limelight from her in no time. Regarding Marine, she lost her audience because of her demonization strategy. Zemmour, in my opinion, is appreciated more than Marine Le Pen, but I cannot answer your last question; I am currently just observing what is happening.

14. What are your plans for the future?

I am founding my own party. The goal for its first five years is to do everything to become known and to change the national camp by developing something never seen before! I have big ambitions. I’m 25, and convincing yourself that you are capable of doing this is already half the battle. We will talk about it again in five years.

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