1,231 words
Genetically speaking, I am almost 100% a child of the British Isles, with my strongest links to recent ancestry being London, Dublin, and County Cork. Even that stubborn and pesky 4.3% “Spanish and Portuguese” quotient of my genetic makeup may simply be “Black Irish” DNA resulting from when the Spanish Armada dropped a few loads in the Emerald Isle half a millennium ago.
I’ve never set foot in Ireland, but I visited London for eight days in July of 1985, and the fact that it rained for seven of those days cured me of my rampaging teenage Anglophilia. I found it to be a disappointingly dreary place, especially compared to continental European cities such as Rome, Oslo, and Berlin. But thinking back, the only time I saw people who didn’t look like me was when I deliberately took the Tube south to see Brixton, a black ghetto immortalized in songs by The Clash and Eddy Grant. Back then, I had to go out of my way to see nonwhites.
Oy, how the worm has turned!
On May 6, London will be holding a mayoral election, and according to a recent poll, none of the current top four candidates are white men, despite the fact that London is still a majority-white city, if not for long. Those top four — a Pakistani Muslim, a Jamaican black, a blonde-haired woman who at least appears to be white, and a Jewish woman with “Spanish, Turkish, Egyptian, and Austro-Hungarian ancestry” — are currently eating up 89% of the polling figures.
Two white men — one a British-born actor, the other an American-born financier — are taking the fifth and sixth spots, sharing only a meager 7% between them. Tellingly, the Standard describes them as “fringe candidates.” Laurence Fox, the British actor, even gained “notoriety” when he accused a mixed-race female TV presenter of being a “racist” after she accused him of being “white, privileged male.”
It doesn’t take much to be notorious these days, does it?
Current London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s grandparents immigrated to England from Pakistan, and when he became mayor in 2016, it marked the first time in history that a Muslim was elected mayor of a major European city. Judging from his campaign video for reelection, one might think that London is three-quarters black rather than 15%. His first act as mayor was to appear at a Holocaust memorial extravaganza at a rugby stadium in North London. He calls himself a “proud feminist,” has vowed to show “zero tolerance for anti-Semitism,” and he vocally opposes “homophobia,” whatever that is. According to his Wikipedia page, “He and his family often encountered racism,” as if that’s something that can be proved. Under his watch, knife crime has skyrocketed in London and the city has surpassed New York in its homicide rate for the first time in history, but hey — he’s against racism and homophobia and anti-Semitism, so cut the short little bastard with dark, anus-like circles under his eyes some slack! The latest YouGov poll has him at 47%, and unless he murders and eats a black baby live on the telly, it’s almost certain he’ll be reelected.

You can buy Jim Goad’s Whiteness: The Original Sin here.
His closest competitor, standing at 26%, is the coffee-bean-colored Shaun Bailey, whose parents immigrated to England from Jamaica in 1947. Bailey was involved in gang activity as a youth and has been described by former neighbors as a “free-loading scumbag” and “the most hated man in Kensington.” In a pamphlet he wrote in 2005, he claimed that festivals celebrating Muslim and Hindu heritage “[rob] Britain of its community” and threatened to turn England into a “crime-riddled cesspool.” In contrast with Muslims and Hindus, he said that blacks are more compatible with indigenous Britons “because we’ve shared a religion and in many cases a language.” Despite all that, his Wikipedia page says he “was subject to racism during the campaign on social media and in a letter posted to a Conservative party office.”
It would appear that everyone except white people is subjected to endless racism in England these days.
Oh — Bailey is running as the Conservative Party’s candidate, which brings into question exactly what he aims to conserve.
Coming in a distant third in the polls with 9% is the Green Party’s Sian Berry, a phenotypically white woman who claims that the Greens are “the only truly independent voice who can speak for the dispossessed and ignored people in the gaps,” which is quite rich coming from the mouth of some twat with an estimated net worth of $14 million.
Rounding out the Four Horsemen and Horsewomen of London’s Apocalypse is Luisa Porritt of the Liberal Democrats, a Jewess who is currently polling at 7%.
And then come the “fringe candidates” — the two white guys.
Laurence Fox — an “outspoken and often controversial actor” — is reppin’ the “fringe” Reclaim Party, which seeks to do extremist things such as ending the COVID lockdowns and building new statues rather than tearing down old ones. He is currently holding on to dear life with a piddling 4%.
Nipping at Fox’s heels with 3% is American-born banker and podcaster Brian Rose, who threatens to end life on the planet as we know it by “using science-based decisions when it comes to setting policy.”
As recently as March 28, another white male, Dr. Peter Gammons of the UKIP, was polling in fifth place, but according to the most recent YouGov poll, he has all but vanished from contention. VICE magazine published a smarmy article about how cutely coincidental it is that the term “gammon” emerged around 2018 as “an insult that refers to a certain kind of angry, puce, middle-aged white man who loves Brexit, hates immigrants, and votes Conservative (or indeed UKIP).” Then, after insulting angry white men, VICE scoffed at the idea that white men can even be insulted, seeing as they still hold all the power.
None of these smarmy, smackable MSM pundits seem to think it’s even a tiny bit weird that London’s top two mayoral candidates are Asian and black in a country that is still about 85% white and only about 8% Asian and 3% black. To them, this isn’t racial colonialism — it’s “justice.”
A hundred years ago, when that tiny little soggy island nation with horrendous weather and scant natural resources was unapologetically English, it boasted the largest empire in world history in terms of landmass, claiming nearly a quarter of all the planet’s terra firma and gloating that the sun never set on its domain.
Then the English were persuaded to feel guilty rather than proud about it, and now the sun is setting on England itself. These days, England is not even listed among the world’s “potential superpowers.”
Such is progress, I guess.
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Great article, but I’ve one quibble: it is probably a myth that the ‘Black Irish’ originated from marooned Spanish Armada sailors. A small amount of mediterranean DNA has been present on the island for far longer than 500 years, iirc. I am an Irishman with very dark hair on one side of my family and I believed the Spanish Armada story for many years too, but it seems there is little evidence for it.
The “celtic” Druids were not Celts at all, but Phoenicians from the Mediterranean southern coast, what today are Tunisia, Morocco and Alger.
Who set up HQ in Anglesey (Mona). Sure they were Phoenicians. Ffs.
I don’t know that that is correct.
I have read it by Miguel Serrano.
The ‘black Irish’ are sephardic Jews who came to Ireland in the century after the reconquista. Just as Ireland was being colonised they came in. The Spanish armada line is thier cover story. They fit in well in Ireland because there are some indiginous Irish people with black hair. A relative of mine has a friend who knows 500 years after the expulsion from spain that they are a spanish Jew despite claiming to be Irish. In fact this person is so Jewish looking (and sounding) that people automatically assume they are Jewish are are astounded when told Irish. In Holland- a famously blonde country- you also have the ‘black dutch’ and these are sephardic Jews also.
No. The Atlantic coast was and English colony off and on again for centuries with the Plantegenets. Basque land was an English colony and Portugal was founded with several thousand English longbow men backing a local Duke. The mercenary populations shifted back n forth.
As I said in another comment above, I am half “black Irish” by birth. One of my parents comes from a family with really curly, thick black hair.
According to 23andme my genome is “99.2 British and Irish” with the two remaining .4% segments identified as Sardinian and Anatolian. Take from that what you will.
Little Known fact that Portugal was founded by a Crusade that shipped out from Dartmouth and decided to stay and install a Portuguese. This was a great success in the Crusades. Permanently changed Iberia. Chancers from London, Sussex, Devon, Suffolk etc…
The genome of 21st Century Ireland has nominally zero Levantine markers in its population. Why repeat nonsense when genomic studies for every population on Earth has been done?
***||| A hundred years ago, when that tiny little soggy island nation with horrendous weather and scant natural resources was unapologetically English, it boasted the largest empire in world history in terms of landmass, claiming nearly a quarter of all the planet’s terra firma and gloating that the sun never set on its domain. |||***
Sir, a hundred years ago the British Empire was busy constructing Brown Englishmen whose progeny would later on develop a kind of compulsive Anglophilia forcing them to sail all the way to Britannia with their (quite) extended families.
The Crown governed its overseas territories very seriously. So seriously that even after their abandonment by the Anglos, the erstwhile subjects, now fluent in English and nostalgic about the Raj, decided to relive the experience by shifting to Anglophone territories.
Simultaneously, the majority and dominant culture began to recede in the name of ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’. It was a fatal mistake because the incoming folks, understandably, were not going to abandon their traditions and ethnic solidarity.
The Victorian/Edwardian Englishman sowed these seeds and now his progeny is reaping the ‘benefits’. Indeed, a tragic state of affairs but actions have consequences.
I don’t want to speak too soon but Covid19 and it’s implications with sunshine, warm weather meant that a lot of swarthy foreign nationals bolted and went home. Situation is not clear at all.
From what I gather it is mostly Europeans returning home. There is also massive white flight out of London since COVID lockdowns, and no doubt many of those departing have other reasons that are not suitable for polite conversation, similar to what is happening in the USA.
“Nipping at Fox’s heels with 3% is American-born [b]banker[/b]and podcaster Brian [b]Rose[/b],”
Might have to do a little diggin’ in regards to this fella’s goy status
Re ” [b]banker[/b]” :
You have to use brackets to access HTML attributes (so not [ and ]).
Counter-Currents should have an on-line guide to correct usage. I have no idea what href=” “ means!
Democracy destroyed Britain. Tragic that there isn’t one colonel who can raise an army and proclaim himself Lord Protector. Sad to witness the destruction of a great nation.
It was the “Lord Protector” – Cromwell, who sold out Britain to the Jews.
He allowed them back , thrown out by Longshanks 300 years earlier, in return for them paying his debt incurred by his disastrous treason.
“Sadiq Khan is still dodging questions on his extremist links”
He is a disgusting little man.
Those ’23 and me’ type tests only go back in time so far, and can be unreliable. For a more detailed (and yes, expensive) test, consider this (‘Big Y’ 700 Test FTDNA). This will take your paternal line (Haplogroup) from thousands of years ago to your most recent DNA mutations.
(I have no affiliation with FTDNA, just a former customer)
No, he’s much better off with autosomal DNA than Y. I took the 67 allele Y test and the Mito test at Family Tree years ago and discovered my “deep ancestry’ in prehistoric Eurasia, but to this day nothing of genealogical value. On the other hand, the Ancestry test has connected me to pedigree charts going back before the Reformation.
I would really recommend Family History and Genealogy as a tool for huWhite consciousness….I have hesitated to talk about it because I know they will call it raycis….and try to cancel it.
I guess it depends on the preferences of the individual and what their reason for testing is. I have done both autosomal and Y700. I have an interest in deep ancestry and migration patterns over time, more so than just finding recent relatives (although it helps with that also).
There are just too many branches on the “Y tree’ which still need to be fleshed out, and a Y test (preferably 700) will give a tester a more accurate ‘terminal’ haplogroup. In my own experience, I know my paternal line is British, but now I also know my line prior to that is Germanic, and most likely I am related to the migration of those who became known as the Anglo Saxons, which of course are the modern English today.
I do agree family history and genealogy are a great idea to promote an interest in our past and also help develop White consciousness. My apologies for going off topic a but, thank you also for your reply !
Y haplogroup is a tiny fragment of your DNA. What really matters is the autosomic DNA. To get a clear picture of your genetics you have to download the raw data and put it into a dna calculator that you can find on the internet. You will get a classification of your haplotypes according to where they are more frequent.
Visited London in 2012.
Glad I got to see it before this mess.
Life was relatively normal there then.
Now I don’t care what happens there.
I live in London. Now that remote work is possible I am struggling to justify raising my kids here but my wife, a local, doesn’t see the problem with the demographic situation or perceive the city’s steady decline.
It is all too obvious to me, the BLM fireworks for NY, renaming streets, removing statues, extra funding for BAMEs to address inequality and now I see he is looking to rename the underground lines so we can expect his “diversity taskforce” to get very creative.
On a side note your comment regarding the “Black Irish” is interesting to me. Looking at my family tree I had assumed I was 100% Northern European. On having my DNA tested I was surprised to learn 7% of my DNA is from the Iberian Peninsula. My maternal grandfather hailed from Ireland. Could it be?
Gascony and Basque area used to be an English colony. There is no mystery here at all. Portugal was founded by a couple of thousand English archers who stopped in Lisbon to back up a Duke who went on to be King of Portugal. The Atlantic coast was a military singularity.
That 7% most probably is ancient DNA from the 1st humans who settled Ireland during the mesolithic period. They were hunter gatherers and basques have lots of their genetics. I think english people can get aa bit of iberian on 23andme.
What you said is very sad. I would suggest you get another wife, one that is either not blind or braindead as yours seems to be. Mind you, most English seem to be like that, which is the result of 60 years of Cultural Marxism and, unfortunately, is not limited to the UK.
However, the English seem to be the worst kind of cucks available, with the Swedes in close competition. I know that there some very decent, patriotic persons over there but the majority are despicable traitors or cowards who don’t care about their race nor their country. They deserve everything they get!
I do like the way Khan confuses the counter-Jihad crowd. An influential Muslim that is down with the feminists, blacks, Jews, LGBT and various woke causes really throws a spanner in the works.
My guess is he is just trying to be ‘everything to everyone’ for political and financial purposes. Once the muslim population in London reaches a certain percentage of the demographic, watch him switch gears and throw his supposed liberalism out the window.
I recall him being interviewed on Al Jazeera news some time ago, gloating about using his position as London Mayor to advance islam and muslims in England, but can’t find the recording. He is a dangerous man. …
Whites are being shamed and blamed for ever creating superpowers in the world in the first place, and those of us in Western, Civilized countries are just rolling over and not saying a thing, thanks to the New Woke rules. We’re just taking it all in while just lying down and apologizing. This really has to stop!
I am so proud of Laurence Fox, one of my favorite actors in the British TV detective series, ‘Lewis’, which carried on the greatness of its predecessor, ‘Morse’. Thank goodness, there are good detective series in England — they’ve carried me through a year of sitting home avoiding Covid. I am so glad Fox is speaking out and actually doing something to strike back against the worship of ‘foreigners’ of every stripe in England! And by the way, “Asian” in England does not refer to the Far East, but rather to the Pakistanis who have swamped the place, after being an English ‘colony’. ‘Asian’ would also encompass all Moslems, as near as I can tell. They had to come up with an ‘inclusive’ word to hide the reality of the terrorist tendencies of these people. I think England is doomed, unless the Right Wing takes over politically.
Great article — and having visited there in 2016 and 2019, I can tell Goad that nothing has changed, only gotten worse. Many very old Christian churches, well-built of stone, are now ‘Islamic meeting halls’, and burkas abound. And it still rains. But the trains still take you through lovely countryside, replete with sheep grazing, and magpies fluttering and squawking. I pray I can go back this summer.
You are proud of Laurence Fox, aren’t you?. Well, I have got news for you. He is a POS who has denied the existence of the British people as a quite unique ethnic group within the White race. Here is his disgusting tweet. He is as “woke” as his supposed enemies. He is a traitor and a fraud, like Nigel Farage.
When it’s not raining, it can be lovely.
I lived in England and traveled throughout England and Scotland back in the early 1980s. London was still thoroughly White. Even if I was still willing to fly (I will neither submit to body scans nor masks), I doubt I’d be allowed in today, due to my political opinions. One of my son’s English friends is in jail there on charges of ‘terrorism’ for internet comments. The stepdaughter of a friend is trying to expedite visas for her family to leave, clearly perceiving no future for her young White children. I have no English ancestry (hubby is 29.5% Irish/English) but proudly retain my anglophilia for their fascinating history, brilliant culture, and thoughtful, funny, courageous people (yes, they’re properly reserved with strangers, unlike ‘murricans who post every private detail on faceborg).
The Roman Emperor Honorius told the Roman Britons who requested help with barbarians that they should “fend for themselves”, signalling Britain’s political seperation from the Roman Empire, not too long before that same empire’s final collapse. The same principal applies here, the average White Briton is going to have to “fend for themselves” to throw off this ZOG yoke that’s pushing these black and brown people as legitimate “leaders”.
Laurence Fox has been called controlled opposition or words to that effect by Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative. I haven’t investigated but I suspect he is right. Though maybe it’s time for PA themselves to get their application for registration as a political party with the Electoral Commission (a Tony Blair abomination) audited as it’s been wanting progress for some time. Probably (((governmental))) obstruction but if [unknown and unverified by me] they’re using a lawyer who is also head of the English Democrats, maybe a change of lawyer is indicated even if PA has presumably waived any conflict of interest?
For those voting it does seem a case of spoiling the ballot by writing on it e.g. “none of the above”?!
It’s not just the “main” candidates who look off-white. Dig a little deeper if time permits…
Brian Rose/n?
Laurence Fuchs?
“Luisa Porritt of the Liberal Democrats” – wonder if she’s a daughter or other relation of Jonathan Porritt who headed the UK Friends of the Earth or whatever it was a generation or more ago.
Those Greens who are in fact, Reds:
….and so on…
Legion of St George: Endangered Species, from Last Talons Of The Eagle:
The goverment’s recent announcent on counter-extremism made reference to PA, I don’t expect to see them becoming a political party.
Just yesterday Fox tweeted that there is no such thing as native British, no surprises there.
“No such thing as native Brits. Just Brits from all different backgrounds, united under a flag, who stand for freedom of speech, equality under the law and democracy. “… https://twitter.com/LozzaFox/status/1380236768394539009
He comes across as a civic nationalist, but I just wonder. (I am also a little suspicious of his motives)
Free speech is in extreme crisis throughout the UK. Enforcement of speech laws is subjective, selective, and arbitrary.
The 85% still White is encouraging. Which Western European country has the highest White percentage. My guess would be Norway, but I’m not sure. I was surprised at the 85%. Watching any British programming these days you would think it’s more like 50%.
The magic of Talmudvision. I’ve corresponded with several foreigners who think the blacks are 50% of the US population given their egregious over-representation on TV. The Electric Jew tells all sorts of lie doesn’t it?
Agreed. I would have seriously guessed in the 70s% for Britain. As for America, I’m always amazed at the sheer amount of blacks on TV and film when their percentage is relatively small, especially compared to hispanics.
Afraid that 85% is a bit out of date now. Among new-borns Whites are at best 70 to 72%, and White British around 58 to 60%.
The two Sonic commercials white guys, who were the Sonic guys for eight years, were dumped in the wake of the George Floyd uprising and replaced with not just black people but EXTRA black black people.
You can almost hear the overly-white director just off camera, urging, “You gots ta git DOWN wid it…”
I saw a commercial the other day for a soap that seemed to be based on the premise that I want to smell like a negro.
Quite astonishing really.
Speaking of Brixton, this Ian Hunter song seems fairly based:
My tea turned seven shades darker
As I sit ‘n’ write these words
And London’s gettin’ paler
In my theatre of the absurd
You figured for an evening
And you made it all worthwile
It’s seldom people have a job
And even rarer that I smile
Play me some, play me some
Play me Brixton power
Teach your children to be them
And never ever ours
Pedant here. The ‘City of London’ which Khan oversees is distinct from the rest of London which has a different mayor. A simple point of fact to an excellent article.
Khan is not the mayor of the City, he is the mayor of Greater London. The Lord Mayor of the square mile City of London is William Russell.
Got it wrong on the above. No delete function, so this instead.
Yo I have unexplained Spanish ancestry too, prolly from Black Irish. We wuz soldiers. My Armada brudda.
Great piece. If I had known you were there in the 1980s you could have dropped by my flat in Brixton, which I shared with Nick ‘Topper’ Headon of The Clash. We knew Eddy Grant’s cousin.
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