250 words
In the latest episode of Guide to Kulchur, Professor Ricardo Duchesne joins Fróði Midjord to discuss Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Topics in this two-hour conversation include:
- The rise of the novel
- The greater variety of personalities in Western culture
- Marxist interpretation of Robinson Crusoe as the prototype capitalist persona
- The history and nature of Western individualism
- Protestant introspection
- The coexistence of individualism and ideological totalitarianism in Scandinavia
- The claim that Crusoe “upholds the racist ideology of white supremacy”
- The Darwinian character of Jack London’s Call of the Wild
- Current Western effeminacy
- The Darwinian struggle for existence,
- The forging of collective identities based on the uniquely free consciousness of Whites.
The episode is archived on BitChute (video) and Spreaker (audio only). Guide to Kulchur streams live on YouTube and DLive every Tuesday and most Sundays. Two episodes per month are devoted to First Principles, focusing on books that are central to understanding a Right-wing worldview.
Previous episodes of Guide to Kulchur are archived on BitChute. You can also follow them on Twitter and Telegram for regular updates about upcoming shows and guests.
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