Video of the Day:
The War that Destroyed the West

204 words

In the latest episode of Guide to Kulchur [1], historian Mark Weber joins Fróði Midjord to discuss Pat Buchanan’s book Churchill, Hitler, and “The Unnecessary War”: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. The conversation sets the record straight about misunderstood aspects of the Second World War and reveals how the war ultimately resulted in the fall of the West.

The episode is archived on BitChute [2] (video) and Spreaker [3] (audio only). Guide to Kulchur streams live on YouTube [4] and DLive [5] Tuesdays at 2:00 PM Eastern / 20:00 CET. Two episodes per month are devoted to First Principles, a series discussing books that are central to understanding a Right-wing worldview.

Previous episodes of Guide to Kulchur are archived on BitChute [6]. You can also follow them on Twitter [7] and Telegram [8] for regular updates about upcoming shows and guests.

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