Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 262
Nostalgia for a Lost Future:
A Conversation with Xurious
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson talks to composer Xurious about his intellectual, political, and artistic journey and the censorship of his music by YouTube.
- 0:00: Introduction
- 1:46: With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of Europe
- 6:02: Electronic Music: Vaporwave, Synthwave, Fashwave
- 14:55: Nostalgia for a lost future, the end of the end of history
- 17:00: From Artificial Intelligence to mysticism
- 18:26: His political journey begins
- 24:00: Anarchism, liberalism, and the rule of unaccountable elites; Carl Schmitt; the inevitability of hierarchy
- 34:30: From the Left to the Right: men’s rights, evolutionary psychology
- 37:02: Radical Traditionalism and the French New Right
- 37:40: Nostalgia directed not to past or future but upward to the divine
- 39:35: Recovering a vision of a beautiful future
- 40:09: The origin of the name “Xurious”; the angry mystic
- 44:40: Evola, Guénon, the possibility of reinfusing Christianity with mystical experience
- 49:24: His favorite composers, European classical music
- 50:29: Synthwave music and the European tradition
- 55:14: Stringed instruments and the bow and arrow
- 57:45: Xurious’ experiences with YouTube censorship; Google, the world’s most evil corporation, as a law unto itself
- 62:16: How social media and tech giants interfere with governments and target dissidents for economic destruction
- You can follow Xurious on Twitter: @xuriousmusic
- You can listen to his music on BitChute:
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 262 Nostalgia for a Lost Future:A Conversation with Xurious
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Trčanje pred rudo: O zabludama desničarskoga trećesvjetaštva
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Big synthwave fan here, so naturally, Xurious is #1 on my list. It really is a testament to how good his music is that they have to censor it when most of the songs don’t even have lyrics! Anyway, keep doing what you do, Xurious. I can always count on your music to give me a boost of energy and motivation, and I know many others feel the same way. Some of my favorites in no particular order:
1. Fight for Western Civilization
2. Team White
3. Which Way Western Man
4. Become Who We Are
5. Dying Society
6. Pray for a Saviour
7. Look Back in Anger
8. The Never Ending Fury
9. Pure Will
10. Return of the Right
11. Men Among the Ruins
12. We Have Dreamed the Same Dream (w/ lyrics)
13. Generation of Revenge
14. Metapolitical War
Beware the Terrence McKenna-to-white-nationalism pipeline.
Beware of white guys who like electronic music.
Beware of white guys like Xurious, John Morgan, and Thomas Roswell, who have spent time in India. You may want to question them and find out if they are racist. If you find one then contact me at:
Poor, Tired Huddled Masses Law Center
Million Dollar Suite
Manhattan, NY
Attn: Natalie Steinbergblatt
I know nothing of contemporary music and so found this especially enlightening. An immensely rich interview that merits transcription.
I particularly liked the optimism of Xurious: a beautiful future is possible if we will it.This sort of positivity is refreshing change to the cultural pessimism that blights so much of Dissident Right thought from Chambers and Oliver on.
Nostalgia is correct.
This music sparks images of the (now gone) Goth night clubs with all white people dressed in clothes that range from the medieval period all the way to the current (read 1980s) period goth clothes. (and pointy boots!)
It’s funny because, literally the only reason I even follow the guy on BitChute is due to the controversy surrounding his being banned on YouTube, back when it happened however many months ago.
We’re it not for that, I would’ve continued to mentally lump him in with the 10,000 other synth composers who upload lyricless tracks.
Speaking of synth: check out a YT channel called Dungeon Synth Archives if you’re looking for a more Medieval sounding genre of computer creates music
Interesting interview. Thanks. An album that Greg and Xurious might like is Eddie Jobson’s “Theme of Secrets” from 1985. Its on YouTube (sorry!). I bought it on Cd at the time and just thought it was ok, back then, because I was a prog rock snob and generally hated what the 1980’s music turned into, but some of this Jobson is darn good. Separately, I’m glad Xuriuos mentioned Elgar and Vaughan Williams, two of my all-time favorite composers.
Thanks Greg!
Xurious’ music is enthralling.
Banned as “HATE” it was all music no lyrics. The Jewish fellows who own Google and Youtube are more frightened of Aryan creativity than one would have imagined.
Rene Guenon remains my inspiration in life. He ended his life in Egypt as a Sufi Muslim.
His last word was: ALLAH
His world view was molded by his thought and life experience, his mind is quite rare today.
I would feel quite confident in Guenon enjoying Xurious music, as odd as that might seem!
It is that the music touches SOMETHING inside us, not the OTHER , but US .
Wonderful show! Really enjoyed hearing Xurious discussion on nostalgia and our longing for connection with the divine. Will be meditating on these points.
Electronic music is the lingua franca of white people. European whites make most of the good stuff but American whites have contributed a lot as well. The only non-whites that have made decent contributions are close to being white such as Hispanic, Hindu or Turkish.
Electronic musicians have got to get rid of the syncopated beat, at least for some of the music. Ideally, they’d get rid of the beat altogether. It will force them to make better melody/harmony because syncopated beats are hypnotic and seem to accentuate the quality of the music artificially.
Someone please post the Lyrics to Xurious’ song Keep In Mind.
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