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“It’s Okay to be White” (IOTBW) first appeared in 2017. Three years later, it’s just as powerful as it was then, perhaps more so. It truly is a meme with no expiry date.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a fellow Scot spam the entire town of Perth with IOTBW stickers, provoking a silly over-reaction from Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney.
There have been several other notable occurrences in recent months. For example, IOTBW posters found at Universities in the United States even spurred an FBI investigation. Which is astounding when you think about it.
As a result of this meme’s ongoing success, we’ve officially declared January “It’s Okay to Be White” month, to complement our annual Halloween event.
January is officially international #ItsOkayToBeWhite month.
All around the world, the posters will go up.
5 Simple words, affirming our right to existence and well-being. pic.twitter.com/RDgeYpQUH1
— It’s Okay (@UpAndOv3r) December 27, 2019
So, to mark the occasion, I am calling upon all Millennials and Zoomers to escape the self-destructive obsession with theatre-politics for a moment and get outside and do your bit for our people.
In order to help you get started, I’ve made an “It’s Okay To Be White” 2 by 4 sticker template (Word doc.) You can purchase the necessary printable sticker paper online.
Find suitable locations like busy streets or university campuses. Stick them up quite high so that the 5’4” cat ladies can’t rip them off easily, but don’t stick them anywhere too obnoxious. Go on a dry and quiet night, preferably not a Friday or Saturday when it’s usually busy.
Do a trial run if you want so, that you can find the best spots.
A few more tips:
- Don’t change the message.
- Don’t add watermarks.
- Don’t add symbols.
- Don’t change the font.
- Don’t engage the Left in any way except to point out the absurdity of their overreactions.
- Know where the cameras are. Don’t leave fingerprints. This is not illegal, but plenty of jurisdictions are being pressured to treat it that way.
- Don’t commit vandalism. Put them up only where posters and stickers are already placed.
- Remember: the simplicity of the message and its inoffensiveness to sane people is its strength.
I went on bike so I could cover a lot more area.
I’ll admit I found it an exhilarating experience.
Your goal is to make the local newspapers respond to it.
What could be better than exercise, refreshing night air, a good burst of adrenaline, and waking up to anti-white histrionics in your local media?
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There is a risk of being traced if using a laser printer to print your stickers:
Hundred Handers recommend using a label printer, which cannot be traced via the same method.
This guy said what I was just about to reply with.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation did a big expose on this over a decade ago.
Tip to people who wish to print up and distribute dissident papers: buy a second hand printer + computer setup from a yard sale or flea market and use that, NOT anything you purchased yourself, especially if it was with a credit card
For fuck sake, how timid does one have to be?
Well for one, if you’re posting on a forum like this it wouldn’t matter because there’re much easier ways to track you E.G. your ISP keeping lists of what users access which wrongthink websites.
But given that 95% of people who read an article, like this one, don’t comment, or may not even access them from their home computers, those people may wish to maintain their privacy if they’re active and putting up posters and such.
This info is important for those types of people.
Actually, every month is ‘It’s OK to be white’ month.
That’s not really true, and to assume so is to be either ignorant or purposefully obtuse. Anti-white rhetoric has invaded almost all American institutions and media. Where, those in power don’t only avoid combating it, they actively encourage it. Not only that, most interracial violence that occurs between whites and blacks/hispanics are done to whites.
So, it’s not hard to imagine how some young white people could feel uneasy about being white in current times. Why not spread a message of positivity like “its okay to be white” to those who feel like it isn’t? To be against such a thing that can only bring good into the world then mean you are either an anti-white bad actor or the victim of an extreme propaganda campaign.
Meanwhile in Canada: They want you to have nowhere to run to.
They are now openly targeting the Whitest areas of Canada for diversification, and telling us that unless we accept this aggressive ethnic cleansing process, Canada will not survive.
Canada is a nation built by northern Europeans– destroy THAT and it doesn’t survive.
Prepare for the flood.
Very good.
Also consider putting up similar flyers saying “it’s OK to be Black”, “It’s OK to be Hispanic” and then
“It’s ALSO OK to be White European American”
Why not include some links to Counter Currents, Amren so people who thought they were alone can find out they are not alone.
IOTBW – Overtime Edition
Why not keep going in BHM February?
Fast, easy, practical technique for urban walkers:
* In the US, get 2×4″ labels 10 per sheet (Avery 8163/5263 or Office Depot 612-271). About $10 for 250 labels. Avery offers a doc template. Your printer may only support a ‘landscape’ version of the sticker: line 1: “IT’S OK TO”, line 2: “BE WHITE”.
* CUT the labels about 1/8″ less than the full size on all edges. These can FIT between credit cards in your wallet. PREP each label by peeling the LRHC backing 1/4” and folding over.
* Put your phone in your pocket to free your hands. Walk with a label discreetly between your thumb and forefinger. BOLO! When you find a good spot, stick it and wipe it to get a firm hold and smudge any prints. Done in five seconds. Pull out the next one.
* You can also create quarter-sheet flyers (four/page, economical, print both sides). These can be stuck under windshield wipers.
If you can’t find ‘legit’ spots, consider posting on:
* GRAFFITI: Especially territory markers. If a city is going to let graffiti stay on walls, signs, benches, etc. then why can’t we cover it? Graffiti is vandalism after all, offensive, and encourages crime.
* ADVERTISEMENTS. IOTBW labels look great on breast pockets, lapels, or as word balloons. This may be illegal.
* BHM SPECIAL: You may see pious BHM ads and promotions this month. These might be good spots. Have a little fun with it!
Stay safe and spread the message!
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