Counter-Currents Loses Its Payment Processor Yet Again

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Last week, we were cut off from yet another credit card processor – at least the fourth time just this year that this has happened. This means that for the time being, we are not able to receive payments for books or donations from credit cards. We are working full-time to set up a replacement – and rest assured, we will – and we hope to have one up and running in a matter of days.

Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly clear that deplatforming might eventually make it impossible for us to continue supporting Counter-Currents through book sales and small donations from a large number of supporters, as we have always done. There may come a day – very soon, actually – when we will have to rely mostly on support through crypto-currencies and good, old-fashioned postal services. But it is likely that few of our supporters will make that transition, unfortunately.

Realistically, this means that if Counter-Currents is going to continue to grow, we must cultivate a smaller circle of high-commitment, high-dollar patrons. I know you are out there. Until now, you have been part of a much larger donor pool, and you could take that into account when calculating your support. But now, we can no longer take that for granted. So I would like to talk to you about increasing your support to make Counter-Currents less vulnerable to deplatforming. If you want to help out, please contact me at [email protected] [2].

We are starting to lose count of how many times we have been deplatformed from payment processors – as well as other platforms, such as social media – this year. This means that we are doing something right, because there are people out there who are afraid of the impact we are having – and in that respect, it is encouraging. But it also deals us a major financial blow, as well as a lot of extra work, every time it happens. So please, if you value what we do, make sure to support us in any way you can.

Thank you for your continuing support.


Greg Johnson