1,312 words
Most white identitarians and White Nationalists today are keenly aware of the hypocrisy practiced by our enemies – especially the Jewish ones – who declare that seeking sovereign white ethnostates across the world is somehow evil, while Jews doing the same thing in Israel is righteous. There really is no way to square this circle. One cannot support Jewish nationalism and oppose White Nationalism simultaneously without either being a Jewish supremacist of some kind or simply having an anti-white outlook. Both outcomes violate the high moral standards that the Left tries to set for everyone.
Perhaps the best way to illustrate this double standard would be to place quotes from famous Jewish nationalists into the context of White Nationalism. I have selected easily-found quotes on the Internet from Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion, and Ze’ev Jabotinsky – all leading Zionists who contributed greatly to the formation of Israel. This will demonstrate how the two movements are indeed quite similar and how insidious it would be to support Jewish nationalism while condemning White Nationalism – two actions that were formally taken by the anti-white United States Congress in 2019.
In the following examples, original terms such as “Jewish,” “Palestine,” and “Israel” were replaced with the appropriate White Nationalist term in bold type. Place your cursor over the term to see what was originally used.
It is true that we aspire to our ancient land. But what we want in that ancient land is a new blossoming of the European spirit. — Theodor Herzl
The spirit in which the offer was made must of necessity contribute to improving and alleviating the situation of the white people without our renouncing one iota of the great principles upon which our movement is based. — Theodor Herzl
Europe is our unforgettable historic home. The very name would be a force of marvelous potency for summoning our people together. — Theodor Herzl
White Nationalism demands a publicly recognized and legally secured homeland in Europe, Australia, and North America for the white people. This platform is unchangeable. — Theodor Herzl
It goes without saying that the white people can have no other goal than white ethnostates and that, whatever the fate of the proposition may be, our attitude toward the land of our fathers is and shall remain unchangeable. — Theodor Herzl
By a white ethnostate I mean the creation of such conditions that as the country is developed we can pour in a considerable number of immigrants, and finally establish such a society in a white ethnostate that a white ethnostate shall be as white as Israel is Jewish. — Chaim Weizmann
We ask today: “What are the Mexicans? What are the blacks? What are the Muslims?” When that is asked, everyone points to a country, to certain institution, to parliamentary institution, and the man in the street will know exactly what it is. He has a passport. If you ask what a white person is – well, he is a man who has to offer a long explanation for his existence, and any person who has to offer an explanation as to what he is, is always suspect— and from suspicion there is only one step to hatred or contempt. — Chaim Weizmann
We will establish ourselves in a white ethnostate whether you like it or not . . . You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world. — Chaim Weizmann
There are no English, French, German or American whites, but only whites . . . living in England, France, Germany or America. Chaim Weizmann
Within then the next twenty years, we must have a white majority in the United States and Europe. — David Ben-Gurion
A white majority is not White Nationalism’s last station, but it is a very important station on the route to White Nationalism’s political triumph. It will give our security and presence a sound foundation, and allow us to concentrate masses of whites in this country and the region. — David Ben-Gurion
Let me first tell you one thing: It doesn’t matter what the world says about a white ethnostate; it doesn’t matter what they say about us anywhere else. The only thing that matters is that we can exist here on the land of our forefathers. And unless we show the non-whites that there is a high price to pay for murdering whites, we won’t survive. — David Ben-Gurion
What matters is not what the Jews say, but what the whites do. — David Ben-Gurion
I devote my life to the rebirth of white America, with a white majority, on both sides of the Mississippi. — Ze’ev Jabotinsky
We whites, thank God, have nothing to do with the East. . . . The Islamic soul must be broomed out of a white ethnostate. — Ze’ev Jabotinsky
We cannot give any compensation for a white ethnostate, neither to the Jews nor to other non-whites. Therefore, a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most restricted, must continue in defiance of the will of the non-white population. Therefore, it can continue and develop only under the shield of force which comprises an Iron Wall which the non-white population can never break through. This is our non-white policy. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy. — Ze’ev Jabotinsky
The whites might become the dynamite that will blow up Jewish hegemony. — Ze’ev Jabotinsky
One can try to argue that white ethnostates will necessarily normalize anti-Semitism and promote violence against Jews. The Jews themselves like to bring up Nazi Germany as a reason why white people cannot be trusted to run their own ethnostates. Since Nazi Germany was a white ethnostate, so goes their logic, then all white ethnostates must end up being like Nazi Germany. Such feverish reasoning fails on two main accounts. For one, all the Western nations that lined up to fight the Nazis in the 1940s were also white ethnostates. One look at the racial makeup and immigration laws of the United States, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain in 1940 will show overwhelming white majorities and a preference to protect those majorities. These nations were de facto white nations in culture, in identity, and in fact. By definition, that makes them ethnostates regardless of their minority populations. A White Nationalist today who wishes to return to the demographics and immigration policies of 1940 cannot then be likened to a Nazi, since historic White Nationalists fought against the Nazis during the Second World War (and liberated a large number Jews along the way).
Secondly, the most explicit white ethnostate in the world at the time also contributed to the Allied effort against Nazi Germany during the Second World War. South Africa initially remained neutral according to the wishes of Premiere J. B. M. Hertzog. But on September 2, 1939, he was overruled by his own assembly and resigned as a result. South Africa, with a population of 10.16 million at the time, raised an army of 120,000 and suffered nearly 12,000 military deaths fighting the Nazis.
Therefore, it is illogical to blindly equate modern White Nationalists with Nazis, since White Nationalists have been enemies of the Nazis in the past and were instrumental in their downfall. As a result, one can only conclude that opposing White Nationalism while simultaneously supporting Jewish nationalism is the result of excessively hating whites or excessively loving Jews. In either case, a double standard is being promoted, and White Nationalists must never tire in pointing this out to other whites, if only to show them that our enemies have no honor, and do indeed wish us ill.
Perhaps then we will enjoy a “new blossoming” of the European spirit.
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“Jews R Da Reel Hypocrites” sounds like a winning meme.
This piece could be the first installment in a large three-ring notebook, The JQ Weekly Reader. A section on the Trump years to date, alone, would be a beefy segment.
I have a running debate with a friend who claims that liberal whites are our main problem, not Jews (or, that Jews as a group are not a special problem); that if–in a thought experiment–one were to imagine that Jews suddenly vanished, whites would face precisely the same problems. Hence, Jews are not a problem.
My response is twofold. First, by analogy, one could reason that continued immigration isn’t a problem, for, if one were to end immigration today, there are still enough nonwhites in our country to render whites a minority. That would be an absurd reason for not changing our immigration policy. So, his thought experiment is defective because it proves too much.
Second, the thought experiment is compatible with Jews having been at least partly responsible for whites’ precarious condition to begin with. Examples abound. He counters that this response is analogous to blacks’ ludicrous charge that whites are responsible for all their problems. We are playing the part of blacks to the Jews’ white devil. This move is designed to shame his opponent: First, do you want to sound like whiny blacks? Second, blaming other groups for one’s failures is unmanly. Whites, he claims, are responsible for their own problems.
But the cases are not analogous. As Jared Taylor and Michael Levin have shown, blacks’ problems stem from their low group IQ and other psychological/behavioral conditions, all of which are genetic: an alternative explanation to white oppression. But the same cannot be said of whites/Jews. Jewish influence does offer a partial explanation for white demise. (Blacks were never successful.) My friend’s argument assumes that whites are completely autonomous, not subject to powerful influences, which is absurd.
Third, whites would not face the same problems in his imagined scenario, since a powerful adversary who constantly adds fuel to the fire would be absent.
IMO your friend is correct about White liberals being the main enemy. Jews are a problem now only because White libs opened the door for them, and as society became more liberal (which was inevitable) Jews suddenly had a niche they could exploit.
Here, Rabbi Meir Kahane should also be mentioned. He was by far the most honest Jew of his age. He proudly wore his racialist views on his sleeves and never quivered from expressing them.
He states,
“It is not Arab armies from without that are the problem, but the quietly — and soon loudly ticking bomb inside the Jewish state itself. There is an insoluble contradiction between the right of Arabs to become a majority and the Jewish state. Every day the Arabs of Israel move closer to that majority. And we sit, stricken dumb.
Is there, then, no answer? Is there, then, no hope?
Of course, there is an answer. Of course, there is hope.
…. If we have the courage to be Jewish and sane. If we can throw off the needless and false burden of guilt and the gentilized, twisted concepts that are so wrongly called “morality” but constitute the worst kind of immorality, if we can free ourselves from the false shepherds, the leaders of Israel who have driven their Jewish flocks to the pastures of the shadow of death.
Our answer, our hope, is to remove the Arabs of Eretz Yisrael from the land.”
(They Must Go, pgs 185-186)
That’s a good one. Thanks.
You’re welcome.
When the situation warrants, I’ve begun posting ‘White Nationalism is Zionism for White People’ to attempt to leverage the warm fuzzies Diaspora Jews have been building for Zionism for so long.
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