Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 250
European Cooperation & Other Questions
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and Frodi reconvene our roundtable to discuss more “normie” questions and objections regarding white identity politics shared by our readers.
- 0:00: Introduction
- 0:08: Donations
- The limited edition of Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism
- 2:33: “How can Europeans band together to defend their collective interests while preserving their independence and sovereignty?”
- Greg Johnson’s “Grandiose Nationalism”
- Greg Johnson’s “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off: In Defense of Petty Nationalism”
- Greg Johnson’s “Notes on the Ethnostate”
- Anton’s “Sex and Politics at the Euro-Hostel”
- Michael Walker’s “Going Somewhere? A Review of David Goodhart’s The Road to Somewhere”
- 29:19: “How did journalism go from one of the most respected professions to one of the most reviled in only a couple of decades?”
- 39:58: “Could a victim of a crime committed by migrants sue the NGO that allowed them in?”
- 45:04: “How can we incentivize whistle-blowers to expose establishment wrong-doers?”
- 57:47: Concluding Remarks
- Send your questions to: [email protected]
- To attend The Scandza Forum, send an email to [email protected]
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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 250 European Cooperation & Other Questions
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Excellent idea to forewarn the left that they will be held accountable. Even against the current laws!
Maybe we could also launch “Crimes against Culture”?
Perhaps is the first time that we see Evola smiling!Even though it is a photoshop!
“How can Europeans band together to defend their collective interests while preserving their independence and sovereignty?”
They have already done it – it is called NATO.
The next step is to accept the inevitable and disband the UE supranational structure that has been designed to fail and nowdays even threatens to blow up the US/Europe NATO by actions of the same two countries that were responsible for the UE idea in the first place.
I think the Holy League, opposing the Ottoman invasion of Europe via the Balkans and culminating in the Siege of Vienna, is the historical example the panellists were reaching for.
There were various interests under the umbrella of the Holy League (1684):
This video shows what happened at the decisive timepoint.
Battle of Vienna (September 11, 1683)
The battles continued on various fronts, in central and eastern Europe.
The value of the above is mainly symbolic in that there is a need for a common understanding in today’s Europe.
EU is a dead end already, a mighty screw-up in political and economic spaces.
NATO is in place – it ensures our security and controls political tempers of its nation-state members.
What is needed is a clarification within NATO, and in particular Europe, of who we are.
In my view, the presence of Muslims and other races and non-christian religions in Europe can not be reconciled with our history and long-term civilizational interests. We have to reverse it.
As an example, Turkey should not stay in NATO. Greece is in NATO. Greece contributed a lot to our early civilization. Turkey and Greece are in a state of semi-conflict (direct or via Cyprus). Turkey knows that they are a diffrent tribe. They made already somes moves, mostly symbolic but clearly seeking a place in a new asian economic and military space (Russia, China, India, etc). When the Islamists become a real problem for them, Russia in particular will be anxious to keep close to Europe.
I think NATO and Europe should recognize the new reality and start lay the fundaments for the next phase of northatlantic civilization.
This will coincide with the next multi-century economic cycle that is upon us.
We have together almost 1 bil people, racial/historical/military/economic/technological/cultural/land resources.
We can trade our goods (material and immaterial) with anybody in the world, but we can not trade our identity and self-preservation interests.
We have to reform capitalism and use it and technology to our advantage and health and prosperity of our people (a capitalist-techno model based on surveillance and oppresive social control has no place in future white socities).
The civilizational changes that are upon us (some happening around us already) are profound and we can not afford to stay timid or idle.
We have to clean our european and US houses, continue voting out or otherwise remove from power our compromised elites who messed up our socities and nations. It has to be done, otherwise we will bleed our precious energy and may even face civil wars.
Re: “How did journalism go from one of the most respected professions to one of the most reviled in only a couple of decades?
Original incomprehension; subsequent correct understanding.
I wish you’d bring the old intro music back. It was really good.
(Health warning: The first 30 minutes of this podcast contains a large dose of WW1 Entente propaganda.)
I wish Western nationalists would stop pontificating about and lecturing Eastern Europe. We take care of our corner of the white world, and you take care of yours, that should be the rule in nationalist politics.
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