1,207 words
Part 3 of 3
God save the Queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
A potential H bomb
God save the Queen
She’s not a human being
and There’s no future
in England’s dreaming
— The Sex Pistols
It is somewhat ironic that a nation that can trace its democratic roots as far back as the Anglo-Saxon King Athelstan, nearly a millennium ago, is today standing on the brink of having Jeremy Corbyn – the leader of the Labour Party, who is an IRA apologist, a former Trotskyite, and an advocate for a one-party state – as its next Prime Minister.
Despite deep divisions within his own party, riven as it is with Jewish and Muslim discord, it is just feasible – if he can overcome some of the other party leaders’ egos as they jockey for position – that by harnessing the support of anti-Brexit Conservative rebels, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, Greens, and the Scottish National Party, that Corbyn could force a vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson’s new cabinet and form a caretaker government before calling a general election.
And after he met with Tory Remainers such as expense fraudster Caroline Spelman and arch-conniver Dominic Grieve, the opportunist Labour leader issued a chilling letter which read:
This government has no mandate for no deal, and the 2016 EU referendum provided no mandate for no deal. I therefore intend to table a vote of no confidence at the earliest opportunity when we can be confident of success . . . Following a successful vote of no confidence in the government, I would then, as leader of the opposition, seek the confidence of the House for a strictly time-limited temporary government with the aim of calling a general election, and securing the necessary extension of Article 50 to do so.
In other words, a cabalistic coalition is deliberately obstructing the will of 17.5 million voters under the guise of a disputable technicality, and continues to collaborate with and pay over £39 billion of hard-earned British taxpayers’ money to a supranational socialist entity whose unelected Commission has regularly failed to obtain a clean bill of health even from its own auditors in the very recent past. The official wording of the audit called attention to the Commission being “affected by material error” and being in need of “urgent reform.”
Such a travesty hardly fills one with confidence – unless, of course, you are like Neil Kinnock, the former head of the Labour Party, and his wife, who are already riding the gravy train; or if you are like former Conservative Minister Ken Clarke, a man who said that immigrants make Britain “far more exciting and healthier,” and that the United Kingdom Independence Party was full of “fruitcakes, loonies, and closet racists.” Let’s not forget Labour’s Yvette Cooper, former Chief Secretary at the Treasury under Gordon Brown’s administration and Ed Balls’ (the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families) wife, who reportedly “flipped homes” and submitted very suspect expense accounts amounting to close to a hundred thousand pounds according to a parliamentary ombudsman investigating the potential fraudulent behavior of elected members in 2009. Both Clarke and Cooper typify the current Westminster elite, who despise their own country and its people, and who are so enamored with the swindlers in Strasbourg that they would sell their own grandmothers to an Israeli brothel managed by Ghislaine Maxwell in order to buy a ticket on the Eurostar.
As Tony Blair once said, “The European Union is not a project about peace, it’s a project about power.” In addition to its single currency and open borders ethos, Article 28 of the Lisbon Treaty facilitates the setting up of a European Defense Agency, with EU battle groups to be stationed around the world, and an EU navy to be deployed against sea-borne threats to trade and security. This is military posturing which has witnessed the Euro Corps marching under the EU flag in the courtyard of the EU’s headquarters in Strasbourg, and Members of the European Parliament denouncing “Russian aggression” in the Baltics. In the meantime, their public relations staff spreads rumors and innuendo about Marine Le Pen, Matteo Salvini, and other Right-leaning or national populist parties being in Putin’s pocket. This is exemplified by the entrapment scam carried out against Heinz-Christian Strache, the head of the Austrian Freedom Party, in July 2017. And yet no one resigns and no scandal ensues when George Soros funds Remain groups like Best for Britain, or migrant caravans heading towards the US’ southern border, or Democratic Party cadres, or anti-family women’s groups all over the world, or Black Lives Matter “activists” who foment riots in places like Detroit. Soros further wants the EU to commit to giving Africa thirty billion euros as part of a new “Marshall Plan”; militates against national populists like Viktor Orbán; spends billions on maintaining the current liberal-Left establishment; and receives glowing praise in publications like The New York Times Magazine, which has written that his “Judaism and career in finance render[ed] him a made-to-order phantasm for reactionaries worldwide,” to which Soros replied in a hubristic tweet: “I must be doing something right to look at who my enemies are.”
I must be doing something right to look at who my enemies are. https://t.co/s9NwQM0QQp
— George Soros (@georgesoros) July 17, 2018
Here is a partial transcript of a response to George Soros given by Gerard Batten, a former leader of UKIP and a Member of the European Parliament, after Soros had addressed the European Parliament about the turmoil in Britain being a clear sign of “Leavers’ Remorse”:
It is not Leavers’ Remorse but is a concentrated propaganda effort by the media establishment, the political establishment, and the banking and financial establishment to actually try to undermine the result of that referendum . . . You said the anti-EU and pro-Brexit vote was fueled by anti-immigration sentiment. Well, we’ve had uncontrolled and unlimited immigration in the UK for many years, and that certainly played a part. But what this was really about was a pro-democracy vote. People in England and Wales voted to leave to get back democratic control of their country . . . You said there were two looming crises, that came in the form of the financial markets and military crises . . . Regarding the financial crises, yes, we can expect one to be engineered by the crooks in Goldman Sachs and various other financial institutions . . . There is a real crisis, however . . . a financial crisis which is coming, and that is because the Eurozone and most of its Member States’ public finances are nothing but gigantic Ponzi schemes . . . The second, the military threat, is actually because the EU’s foreign policy pretentions are undermining NATO . . . Now I come to my point: You said it was tragic that the budget for the EU had been reduced to 1.27% of GDP for each national government. So I agree with you, let there be a euro-tax so people can see just how much this project is costing . . . And by the way, however long this crisis is, I’d be surprised if you don’t make some money out of it, like you usually do!
It is almost time now to see if Mr. Batten was on the money. And from where I am sitting, I can just make out the Rothschild vultures circling over the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
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And what is the alternative on offer in this “ruined and conquered Britain” ?
“It is somewhat ironic that a nation that can trace its democratic roots as far back as the Anglo-Saxon King Athelstan, nearly a millennium ago”, is now today ruled by Boris Johnson, born in New York city and boasting a Turkish grandfather on his father’s side and a Russian Jew on his mother’s side and whose government is filled with Pakistani, Hindu Indian and Jewish government ministers with no native Britons in sight. If the Globalist, Internationalist BoJo, as he is known to friend a foe alike, can secure himself in power, then Britain will soon resemble the city BoJo war born into and become effectively the 51st state of the US and be fighting Israel’s wars for ever. That is the prospect with Boris Johnson at the helm.
The alternative on offer as Prime Minister is the leader of the Socialist Labour Party, former Trotskyite and advocate for a one-party state, Jeremy Corbyn , the British politician repeatedly and viciously accused of anti-Semitism by powerful Jews in the UK.
Should Boris Johnson fall, then what might we expect from a Corbyn government ? Corbyn is not enamoured of the State of Israel, he has close political friends who have publicly questioned aspects of the “Holocaust” allegation; and perhaps most importantly Corbyn is opposed to Britain’s continuing membership of the American military alliance of NATO. You can see that Corbyn is really a very anti-Establishment figure. For example, when Corbyn expressed his anti-NATO views, a British Army general threatened Corbyn, that if Corbyn as Prime Minister ever tried to leave NATO, then Corbyn’s government might well have a army mutiny on its hands. The last time that the British army mutinied against the government of the day, was the English Civil War of Cromwell versus Charles the First. So a very serious threat.
Clearly we live in “interesting times” as the Chinese say. Trump’s election back in 2016 and the BREXIT vote in Britain of the same year have clearly destabilised the politics of the western world. BoJo himself is a very divisive figure in contemporary politics. Should his government fall and be replaced by the “Trotskyite and anti-semite” Corbyn, then the process of political and social destabilisation will be given a further hammer-blow.
So Corbyn is the accelerationist candidate.
By saying that he has no natives in his government, are you referring to the cabinet? This is interesting.
Dear Richard,
I almost included several quotes from yourself in my set of 3 articles about the state of Britain. Your erudite and insightful comments always inspire my respect. I deliberately stopped short of that in order to tempt others into making exactly the sort of link you have described above – although one must be careful about military interventions – a recent opinion piece (if credible?) indicated a certain Solly Zuckerman was at the centre of secret discussions with Lord Mountbatten about replacing the Wilson government in 1968.
With Very Good wishes
To Fenek Solere,
Thank you for the kind words. One does appreciate the Counter-Currents site. One finds here first-class articles and commentaries. We Whites need to learn to use our God-given brains. The situation that we find ourselves in, is getting serious.
Regards, R.E.
Dear Richard,
You will find in myself a respectful and appreciative compatriot in this struggle
Best to you and all you do for us
I admire your phrase:
“Both Clarke and Cooper typify the current Westminster elite, who despise their own country and its people, and who are so enamoured with the swindlers in Strasbourg that they would sell their own grandmothers to an Israeli brothel managed by Ghislaine Maxwell in order to buy a ticket on the Eurostar.”
So true, the disgusting creeps of Britain’s political establishment deliberately turned a blind eye to the mass-rape of English children committed for years and years across the whole of the North of England by Pakistani immigrants, and on a scale that dwarfs the crimes committed by Epstein and his gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell.
Thanks Richard,
We really must collaborate on some projects etc
I’ve read parts of Britannia Unchained, co-authored by several members of Johnson’s current cabinet, and comrade Corbyn doesn’t look so bad in contrast to Johnson’s menagerie of neo-liberal carrion feeders.
Say what you like about Dear Leader Corbyn, and you’d better say it now before the show trials begin, but he’ll only sacrifice the indigenous British working class on the pyre of crackpot economic ideology. In contrast, Johnson’s vultures will destroy the indigenous British working class simply because they despise them — their destruction is the goal, and not simply a byproduct of socialist lunacy.
Under a Corbyn regime you’re guaranteed a free pair of blue overalls and bowl of cabbage soup between shift changes down the collective tractor factory. In the post-Brexit Britain Tories like Kwasi Kwarteng, Priti Patel, and Dominic Raab want to build the only gainful employment available will be running around with a poopa scoopa cleaning up after the millions of central Asians imported to replace the departing eastern Europeans.
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