Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 229
The Meaning of Notre Dame & the Žižek-Peterson Debate
Counter-Currents Radio
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Greg Johnson, Fróði Midjord, and John Morgan reconvene the weekly Counter-Currents Radio Podcast:
- 0:00: Introduction
- 0:15: Donations
- 1:55: The Meaning of the Notre Dame Fire
- 18:05: Thoughts on the Žižek-Peterson Debate
- 54:49: Forthcoming from Counter-Currents
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Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
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Oscar the Grouch vs Kermit the Frog. Perfect! 🙂
Re Zizek. By the way, after the catastrophes of the 20th century, it is a moral and intellectual scandal that someone who espouses any form of Marxism in public is not immediately stoned or at the very least pelted with rotten fruit. But this is no accident, is it.
Marxist=someone who engages in a campaign of psychological warfare against the population to convince them that they should be ruled by Marxist intellectuals. A Marxist is good at propaganda. He’s not good at anything else, but he’s good at propaganda.
Marxists really do look at the population as the enemy. That is why they regard the enemy of the people, the career criminal, as the “Socially Friendly.” They use career criminals to harass and terrorize the population.
Marxism is a scam to put intellectuals in power. They couldn’t care less about the average worker.
Marxists also couldn’t care less about what’s true. To a Marxist, truth is a bourgeois concept. Every claim is evaluated on its political utility, not on whether it conforms to reality. Marxists just figure they will create reality in mass consciousness with their propaganda.
The term cultural Marxist makes perfect sense. Their tactics and goals are exactly the same as those of economic Marxists. The minute the Soviet Union fell every Communist in the west became an environmentalist. The goal is the same: we need to turn the economy over to intellectuals who will tell everybody what to do.
Excellent comment. Marxism is what it is because it comes with unwritten rules.
I found Peterson’s university lectures on Psychology, personality traits and even the Maps of Meaning, to be interesting. When he ventured into politics, I have no use for him.
The fact that Peterson started off the debate by “rebuking” The Communist Manifesto basically tells you all you need to know.
It was never intended to be a serious socio-political text, like Das Kapital, and even if it were, basically nobody alive in 2020 is an orthodox Marxist.
It would be arguing against a Christian, and starting out by making a critique of the Essenes or some Gnostic school nobody believes in anymore.
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