Month: April 2019
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: This article is translated from the French version in Emil Cioran, Apologie de la Barbarie: Berlin – Bucharest (1932-1941) (Paris: L’Herne, 2015), pp. 67-71. (more…)
From the desk of Thomas Goodrich . . .
I am extremely proud to announce that an audio book is now available for Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (click for link). Since the paperback was first published in 2012, people have constantly asked if an audio book would soon be available. Unfortunately, although I wanted very much to say “Yes!” my answer was always, “No.” That has now changed. (more…)
Disclaimer: This article arose out of a challenge posted to me by John Morgan that I couldn’t do a write-up of the Žižek-Peterson debate without having watched it, while completely blotto. Okay, not really, but John liked a comment in which I stated my intent to do exactly that. Proceed at your own risk.
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I loved her from my boyhood – she to me
Was as a fairy city of the heart
Rising like water-columns from the sea.
— Lord ByronThe cupola of St. Mark’s basilica glows against the midnight-blue sky as I follow in Monet’s wake, sailing on a bobbing gondola that is being showered by flickering light, reflecting outward across the windless lagoon through medieval arched windows. (more…)
In this Guide to Kulchur, Fróði Midjord and John Morgan discuss the latest (the second episode of the eighth season) episode of Game of Thrones, which marks Westeros’ entry into The Current Year as the series decides to go full SJW in nearly every scene. (more…)
A while ago Guillaume Durocher did an interview with Erkenbrand to introduce them to a wider audience, and to promote their 2018 conference. Today I want to likewise honor a Portuguese organization I recently discovered. They are called Escudo Identitário, or Identitarian Shield. (more…)
Richard Corben, Robert Ervin Howard, & John Jakes
Leawood, Kan.: Morning Star Press, 1976Bloodstar is a post-apocalyptic sword-and-sorcery graphic novel based on a short story by Robert E. Howard (“The Valley of the Worm,” from the February 1934 issue of Weird Tales) about a warrior who must defeat a giant worm-like creature that threatens to destroy his race. (more…)
Today is Earth Day, which has been an occasion to call for conservationism and environmental protection since it was first celebrated in America with bipartisan support in 1970, in response to the Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969. Although in recent decades, environmentalism has come to be identified with the political Left, taking stewardship of the Earth and seeking harmony in the relationship between man and nature has traditionally been an issue of the Right. (more…)
When banned 17 Counter-Currents titles, that included their Kindle E-books. Now all 17 censored E-book titles are available again from Counter-Currents, some at lower prices, in MOBI format, which is compatible with many free E-book readers.
Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto: $3.49
Greg Johnson’s In Defense of Prejudice: $5.99
1,548 words
Notre Dame de Paris burned this week in a fitting metaphor for our civilization. We all watched as the spire crumbled in real time and the fire ripped through the interior, feeling helpless before the inevitable march of history.
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Czech version here
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: The following is an excerpt from the concluding chapter of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s Mémoires: Fils de la nation (Paris: Muller, 2018), pp. 396-398. The title is editorial.
[The civil war between Gaullists and anti-Gaullists] calmed down somewhat in the 1950s, or shifted to other areas. It came into focus again with Algeria. (more…)
2,229 words
Arabic version here
“The real failures [in Vietnam] were made at the policy level. We were fighting on the wrong side.”
— Merrill McPeak, USAF“No matter what we do, the goyim always find fault with us.”
— Aaron Rubashkin