Happy Birthday to Us!

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It was eight years ago today that the Counter-Currents Publishing/North American New Right website went online.

In Year Eight, we published online 856 articles and reviews and more than 8,000 comments.

In Year Eight, our web traffic averaged around 150,000 unique visitors per month.

From the beginning, our webzine became our most important activity and my primary occupation. Nevertheless, in Year Eight, Counter-Currents published fourteen books:

  1. Jason Reza Jorjani, Novel Folklore: On Sadegh Hedayat’s The Blind Owl [2]
  2. Anthony M. Ludovici, Confessions of an Anti-Feminist: The Autobiography of Anthony M. Ludovici [3]
  3. Julius Evola, East and West: Comparative Studies in Pursuit of Tradition [4]
  4. Tito Perdue, Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come [5]
  5. Spencer Quinn, White Like You [6]
  6. James J. O’Meara, The Homo and the Negro [7], second embiggened edition
  7. Christopher Pankhurst, Numinous Machines [8]
  8. J. A. Nicholl, Venus and Her Thugs [9]
  9. Tito Perdue, Cynosura [10]
  10. Greg Johnson, ed., North American New Right [11], vol. 2
  11. Greg Johnson, You Asked For It: Collected Interviews, vol. 1 [12]
  12. K. R. Bolton, More Artists of the Right [13]
  13. Jonathan Bowden, Extremists: Studies in Metapolitics [14]
  14. [15]Fenek Solère, Rising [16]

This is a significant increase over the number of titles published in Year Seven, and it is largely due to the fact that John Morgan now works for Counter-Currents. We are particularly proud to have added Tito Perdue — who we regard as the best novelist writing in English today — to our roster of authors.

In Year Eight, I spoke at 8 events in Seattle, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Budapest, and Tennessee. I also organized two Northwest Forums and the Francis Parker Yockey Centennial Dinner.

In Year Eight, we put 43 podcasts online, including interviews, lectures, and audio versions of essays. I also did 18 interviews, debates, or podcast appearances with Red Ice Radio, Millennial Woes, Me Ne Frego, Matthew Drake (Illustrated Philosophy), Luke Ford, Styx Hexenhammer, Warski Live, the Public Space, the Southern AF Podcast, A Comfy Tangent, and Westward Thought.

I want to thank our writers, readers, subscribers, and generous financial donors for making all this possible.

Year Eight was not a year of progress on all fronts. There were three major setbacks.

  1. After the Unite the Right fiasco in Charlottesville, our enemies exploited the media-orchestrated moral panic surrounding the event to deplatform Counter-Currents from PayPal. Hatreon and Maker Support were unable to replace PayPal. Our fundraising has not yet recovered from this loss.
  2. After Unite the Right, our webhosting company also deplatformed us, necessitating a costly and time-consuming migration to a new hosting service.
  3. Finally, recent DDOS attacks and necessary counter measures have caused a drop in our web traffic. Those whose ip addresses were blocked should write to Mike Polignano at [email protected] [17].

Here is what to expect from Counter-Currents in Year Nine:

  1. I will publish my long-awaited White Nationalist Manifesto.
  2. The World in Flames, the first volume of our Centennial Edition of the Works of Francis Parker Yockey, will be published.
  3. Our most important initiative in Year Nine will be to increase our podcasting activities, and particularly our YouTube presence, to take better advantage of one of the most important media for spreading our message.
  4. We are going to make up lost ground in fundraising and web traffic.

[18]Like metapolitical publishers and periodicals on the Left, Counter-Currents/North American New Right simply cannot function without donations from our supporters. Thus each year on our anniversary, Counter-Currents kicks off our annual Summer Fundraiser campaign, which ends on October 31. This year, the goal is $70,000.

Since the beginning of the migrant crisis in 2014, Counter-Currents’ traffic has increased enormously. More of our people are listening than ever before. So we have to get our message to them. I have to get more articles, more podcasts, more videos, more translations, and more books out there. I need to travel more, network more, and bring more people together. But I can’t do it without your help.

2018 is off to a strong start, but we need your help to maintain momentum. Counter-Currents reached more than 1.5 million unique visitors in 2017, but we had only 412 unique donors keeping the whole thing afloat. Yes, I know, the great thing about the internet is all the free content. But consuming free content means being a free rider on other people’s generosity. This year, one of my resolutions is to convert more free riders to donors and book buyers.

If you want Counter-Currents to thrive, make a donation today.

If you want to send a non-tax deductible donation to Counter-Currents Publishing, you can make two different types of donations:

Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We still have not recovered from the loss of monthly donors after being deplatformed by PayPal. Let’s rectify that right now. Please use the secure online form below.

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You may also send check, money order, or credit card payment by mail. Just print out our donation form in Word [20] or PDF [21]. Our address is:

PO Box 22638
San Francisco, CA 94122

Counter-Currents also takes a variety of crypto currencies:


Our Bitcoin address is: 1ChE5DZVVZJpv8mnJ3fRrtSDrTikBh7uFL



Our Etherium address is: 0x6cB1fd85326739bABf48B80B82a4E8470F98Db7C



Our Litecoin address is: LauRgjKWtSSQPkvsjQwzcRtd9DyVwioLfu



Our Monero address is: 45ijQwamhwMDkE4S1gQ2GS7VG5jp181bYC3rEw71aKdJfYjBhMiiLDYbTKLQY7LdfierEbfNJ9HNAYLj6h39i7paL4q29Bz


Also, as we first announced in October of 2015, you now have two possible destinations for your donations: Counter-Currents Publishing and the Counter-Currents Foundation. The Counter-Currents Foundation is a US 501c3 educational corporation. Donations to it are deductible from US federal income taxes. The purpose of the Counter-Currents Foundation is specifically to promote scholarship and translations connected to the European New Right and allied movements. If you wish to earmark a donation to the Counter-Currents Foundation, or to discuss a particular project you would like to support, please contact me in advance at [email protected] [26].

Please give generously!

Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your loyalty and support.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right
