Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 197
Patrick Le Brun on Changes in the French National Front
Patrick Le Brun
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Patrick Le Brun joins Greg Johnson to discuss changes in the French National Front, Macron’s policies promoting the deindustrialization of France, the Catalan independence referendum, Breton nationalism, and the National Front’s promotion of French state-nationalism rather than ethnonationalism.
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Patrick, what do you think about Henry de Lesquen?
His website is:
He seems better than the Front National. Can you interview him or write something about him?
Madrid-Barcelone. Je reste convaincu que c’est une confrontation irréelle et inutile entre deux concepts neuronaux et abstraits. La désintégration est typique de l’âge des Ténèbres et se manifeste en meme temps par Solve et Coagula. La réponse n’est ni l’un ni l’autre, elle réside dans la vision impériale que tout comprend, connecte et sublime et que, il y a plus de soixante-dix ans, fut proposée par l’avant-garde italo-allemande. Le reste est une foutasie.—Gabriele Adinolfi
Supposing this is true—and I believe there is much to recommend it—the question is still how we can arrive at that “vision impériale” in our day. If one believes it can be attained through the institutions and regimes now existing, I should very much like to see some indication of the road along which this might be realized. If on the other hand these institutions and regimes are rather precisely that which blocks and confounds the “vision impériale,” then in order to attain that vision we must first break apart the status quo.
This is pretty much how I feel: “La réponse n’est ni l’un ni l’autre, elle réside dans la vision impériale que tout comprend…” When I listen to Nasrallah speaking to the Ummah, I’m struck by his cred-ibilty and prowess. He’s more than a man with a vision. He’s a man with a record that even the most ardent Zionists respect.
Nasrallah is aware that he needs the throw-weight of Lebanon to be effective. So rather than completely formalizing his independance, he works with Lebanese Christians and Secular Arabs. They don’t share his religious vision, rather they share his political vision: Zionist expansion must be stopped. In this way, Nasrallah refuses to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Also, a religious man, he thinks in terms of the generations past and generations to come. He has the metaphysics, the governing warrior metaphysics, that Europeans sorely lack. In this light, I don’t think much of Catalan independence based on Enlightenment principals. It’s just further breakdown. Further isolation. Further atomization.
But to be the gem of Spain, the birthplace of artists with a mission? That’s something quite different than hoarding dollars on Spanish Riviera. And keeping one’s Euro-trash beholden to local customs in a boutique state.
Yes, the “vision impériale” is lacking.
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