The Empire of Quebec:
The Dominion of White Displacement

2,364 words [1]

Peter Brimelow
The Patriot Game: Canada and the Canadian Question Revisited
Hoover Institution Press, 1986

The Government of Canada makes bafflingly stupid decisions.For example, since the Global War on Terror began on September 11, 2001, not one, but two Canadian “citizens” of Islamic, Third World origins have been awarded millions of dollars by the Canadian government after the United States deported or detained them for being active terrorists.[1] [2] The Canadian government is also ineffective against the terrorism coming from the Sikhs in British Columbia. The investigation and trial of the terrorist bombing of Air India Flight 182 was a debacle.[2] [3]

It’s not just terrorism problems. Canada’s economy is also warped. In Vancouver, money laundering from Chinese expats have raised the price of housing to obscene levels. Additionally, Canada’s economy underperforms year after year. Despite spending a great deal less on defense and having far greater natural resources, Canada’s standard of living is only about 70% of the United States’.

Furthermore, Canada’s political system often produces political leaders that are shockingly inexperienced and naïve, a situation which feeds into the economic underperformance and poor decisions described above. Why such a thing has come about is described by Peter Brimelow, editor of [4], in his book The Patriot Game: Canada and the Canadian Question. The book was first written in 1986, so it is a bit dated, but the major themes are still accurate today.

The problems of Canada are summed up “on one half-sheet of notepaper” are:

  1. Canada is merely a geographical expression.
  2. There are at least two and conceivably seven incipient sub-nations within Canada.[3] [5]
  3. Within the Canadian framework, Quebec is emerging as a genuine nation-state.
  4. All of Anglophone Canada is essentially part of a greater English-speaking North American nation.
  5. Canada’s political system is badly designed and seriously misrepresents Canadian reality.
  6. The political system and Canada’s deep divisions, particularly linguistic, have facilitated the growth of an unusually large and powerful public class.
  7. The Canadian public class has developed what Marxists call a “dominant ideology” rationalizing and justifying its power, and has been quite successful in imposing it as the Canadian conventional wisdom.
  8. Canadian politics are surprisingly volatile. The present political order is not particularly secure.[4] [6]

In point 5 above, the matter of Canada’s lack of a US-style electoral college seriously underrepresents Western Canada. Therefore in clashes between Alberta and Ontario the latter province always wins. However this structural problem is secondary to the English-French split (points 1, 2, 3, & 6). Papering over this split has created disastrous problems such as multiculturalism and bilingualism. They’ve also made Mass Third-World Immigration harder for Canadians to resist. These problems have spread through the rest of Western Civilization.

The problems spread because Canada isn’t just a boring, orderly nation filled with super-polite people. English Canada is as dynamic[5] [7] and restless an Anglo-Saxon society as Francis Drake’s England — and this society, through its federalist government, works for Quebec. Additionally, Canadian English is the exact same dialect as spoken in many regions in the United States. Any idea that gets into the national discourse of English Canada automatically diffuses to the United States where it spreads to Europe and the rest of Western Civilization. “… [A]ll bad ideas, writes Brimelow, “originate in Canada!”[6] [8]

Background to the Canadian Question

The reason for the French – English Split is due to the fact that the British made Quebec (then called New France) part of its Empire following the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763). For a time, under British rule, Quebec developed as an insular, Catholic, and rural society. While Quebec was culturally isolated from the rest of the British Empire, a Quebecois that spoke English could easily rise to the highest of posts.

After the United States broke from England, many American Loyalists settled Ontario (then called Upper Canada) and expanded westwards. English Canada thus developed into an extension of Britain although with deep American roots and remarkable similarities to adjacent regions in the US. When the British Empire collapsed, English Canadians lost their identity. At the same time, the French speakers in Quebec became conscious of themselves as a nation and began to pursue their interests.

The Empire of Quebec – English Canada Colonized

Quebec dominates Canada by using the intolerant minority strategy. Essentially, they don’t cooperate with any region of English Canada outside of Ontario and the Civil Servant, “public class” in Ottawa, and they vote as a block. In Parliament, Quebecois Political Parties provide the key partner in forming every Canadian Government. Quebec and its people must be appeased. As a result, Brimelow writes that there is a,

…[S]econd New France, claiming a vast but illusory empire extending this time to the Arctic, the Pacific and to the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland rather than to the Mississippi and down to the Gulf of Mexico, but equally devoid of the political reality of a French-speaking population.[7] [9]

While the English – French split is far more justly managed in Canada than places with similar linguistic conflicts like old Yugoslavia, there are some harmful effects on the “colonies” of Quebec. The first harmful effect is that of Bilingualism. This policy means that the Government of Canada must conduct business in English and French equally. This includes French translation services in places where there are no French Speakers – like Manitoba. It’s an expensive government policy.

What this means at the elite level of society is that that government officials, especially in the senior ranks of the Civil Service have become dominated by Quebecois at the expense of English Canada. To paraphrase the title of an underground Canadian bestseller,[8] [10] bilingual today means French tomorrow. Brimelow goes on to show that other than some in the Civil Servant class in Ottawa, most Canadians aren’t becoming bilingual – the Anglophones are just displaced.

Other effects of economically appeasing Quebec are nothing more than the economic exploitation that the imperial center carries out upon a colony. Because of Quebec, all sorts of big government transfer programs exist and they’re administered by well-paid bilingual, “public class” bureaucrats. Canada’s tariffs help Quebec and Ontario but harm western Canada. For example, Ontario and Quebec conspire to gain Alberta’s oil revenues through various tax programs. Additionally, the government moves projects from Western Canada and the English-speaking Maritime Provinces to Quebec or Ontario.

All of this was developed by Canada’s most predominant politician of the twentieth century, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919 – 2000). Trudeau was probably the only sort of politician that a system like Canada could develop. He was a leftist of sorts, had a very high verbal IQ, and was bilingual. He was of mixed Anglo-French background, but his personal identity was neither. Brimelow writes that,

Trudeau was never greatly impressed by facts, as opposed to theory, or dogma. He travelled all round the world in his youth, yet, ‘does not recognize differences either of color, or of race, or of culture…No one who knows Trudeau can recall him ever indulging in even the mildest of cultural stereotyping…’ [Biographer] Richard Gwyn[9] [11] felt this was evidence of an open mind, but in might equally suggest a closed, even inert or empty one. Of course, for men of the left like Trudeau, issues of race and nationally have always been unfathomable atavisms. Unfortunately, he was to become prime minister of a country whose politics were essentially those of cultural difference.[10] [12]

Today, Trudeau’s son is Prime Minister and his policy is an open door for “refugees” at a time when refugees are coming from the hostile Islamic world and have known social pathologies and heavy costs upon the white taxpayer.

The Empire of Quebec – Passively Hostile?

After reading this book, and further reflecting upon its ideas, there is reason to question Quebec’s continued control of Canada by means of its federal system. Quebec has its own peculiar ways that appear progressive, but work in practice to be internally conformist and externally passively hostile. To further explain, Colin Woodard writes in his 2011 study of North America’s regions:

Down-to-earth, egalitarian, and consensus-driven, the [Quebecois] have recently been demonstrated by pollsters to be far and away the most liberal people on the continent…since the mid-twentieth century, [the Quebecois] imparted many of their attitudes to the Canadian federation, where multiculturalism and negotiated consensus are treasured.[11] [13] (My emphasis.)

Things that appear to be some sort of liberal and progressive End of History perfection always have serious drawbacks. For one thing, “treasured” negotiated consensus in principle usually means conformity and heavy handed social control in practice. Brimelow writes of one such example of heavy handed Quebecois social control,

In Quebec, a particularly bitter battle was fought to suppress the Institut Canadien, a mildly free-thinking Francophone adult education association in Montreal, whose members included a future Liberal prime minister of Canada, Wilfrid Laurier. Institut members were actually refused the sacraments in 1869. It took a six-year lawsuit that went all the way to the British Privy Council (at the time functioning as Canada’s Supreme Court) before one of them, Joseph Guibord,[12] [14] could be given burial in a Catholic cemetery, guarded from the mob by one thousand of the Queen’s soldiers and encased in concrete lest the faithful feel tempted to dig him up. The Church then deconsecrated the ground.[13] [15]

“Treasured” multiculturalism in principle also has big drawbacks in practice. For example, Quebecois tolerated Indian practices such as walking into a house without knocking. In a multicultural spirit, Jesuit missionaries also tolerated Indian shamans. While the Quebecois tolerated Indians from certain tribes – such as the Huron[14] [16] entering without knocking, they had terrible Indian enemies in the form of the Iroquois as well as others.[15] [17] Ironically, Indian shamans were tolerated but French Huguenots were not.

Additionally, many Quebecois married Indian women and created a mixed race people called Métis. Mixed race people are not so much a blend of two people, but a new race in their own right and they often add complexity rather than middle ground for compromise and understanding. In 1869 and 1870, the English Canadians had to fight a conflict with the mixed race French-Indian Métis in Manitoba.

Internally Quebec is not multicultural. It is inward looking and monocultural. The Province’s local laws are a ruthlessly French-Only. In Anglophone neighborhoods in Montreal books written in English must be sold as “foreign.” Quebecois support for Multiculturalism should be seen as a passive-aggressive ethno-nationalist attack on English Canada. Quebec’s support was essential in creating Nunavut, an Indian-dominated Canadian province in 1999.

Keeping Quebec in the union also props up Canada’s Liberal Party. The party central efforts are to keep Quebec and Ontario united through using the federation’s government to extract wealth from the other provinces, especially those in Western Canada. Recently, the Liberal Party’s only real supporters have come to be Third World immigrants. In normal circumstances, such a party would dissolve as the Anglos and French polarize, but it continues to exist by recruiting immigrants to keep it afloat. This explains why Canada’s government tends to deal so poorly with Third World Pathology. The French and English don’t get along, can’t jointly figure out what to do, and the Third World immigrants can’t be touched by a Liberal Party government or “deep state” Liberal Party members in the bureaucracy.[16] [18]

Brimelow argues that Quebec should not be appeased. Instead, English Canada should unite against Quebec and either ignore the province and its issues or expel Quebec from Canada’s union. A free Quebec won’t be able to force bilingualism on the rest of Canada, and it will be easier for all of Anglo North America to work together to face the different crisis affecting North America’s English-speaking whites. On an interesting note, the Conservative Party did make some stunning victories under Stephen Harper by using an Anglophone in-reach strategy endorsed in The Patriot Game to gain victory in the 2006, 2008, and 2011 elections.

While The Patriot Game is somewhat dated there are several ideas that are still current. Canada appears orderly but it is politically unstable and it should be looked at with far more circumspection. This means all social ideas from Canada should be given a hard look from policy makers in the United States. Indeed this concept should be shouted from the rooftops.

Quebec as an independent nation will likely be less of a problem than in the Canadian Union as Quebec’s peculiar ways won’t be a factor in domestic politics. The Third World immigration supporting, Liberal Party will be weakened to the point of irrelevance as its central reason for existence – uniting Ontario with Quebec against the rest of English Canada will cease to be a factor. As an independent nation Quebec, can cut the same deals regarding trade and travel with English Canada and the United States. There is also no rational fear of Quebec becoming a failed state. Separate, the two solitudes of Canada will be able to better achieve their destinies.


[1] [19] These Islamists with Canadian passports are Maher Arar and Omar Khadr.

[2] [20] [21]

[3] [22] Brimelow also describes an interesting situation regarding one such sub-nation – Newfoundland. Newfoundland, should be looked at in relation to Ireland, and Iceland rather than any other part of Canada. Newfoundland, Iceland, and Ireland have genetically similar people and are North Atlantic Island nations with remarkably alike conditions. As independent nations Ireland and Iceland have thrived economically. After the 2008 Great Recession, Ireland struggled for a time but has recovered, and Iceland rebounded quickly. Both before and after the Great Recession Ireland and Iceland were and are doing better than Newfoundland. Newfoundland was originally not part of Canada, but since coming into the Dominion, its people have suffered. In Newfoundland there is a sense of defeat, the economy is slack, and there is plenty of welfare dependency. Brimelow argues that Newfoundland would be better on its own. One thing to remember, that Newfoundland and Quebec have a border dispute over Labrador.

[4] [23] Pages 6 & 7

[5] [24] There is also a military victory aspect to this. Canada was on the winning sides in both World Wars. Canadian troops have deployed on a great many United Nations peacekeeping missions. Winning wars and military deployments always spread culture.

[6] [25] [26]

[7] [27] Page 53

[8] [28],_French_Tomorrow [29]

[9] [30] [31]

[10] [32] Page 71

[11] [33] Woodard, Colin American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America, Viking Press, 2011 Kindle Loc 213

[12] [34] [35]

[13] [36] Page 185

[14] [37] [38]

[15] [39] [40]

[16] [41] To see how a multicultural society cannot really unite watch the warped symbology in Canadian government swearing-in ceremonies [42] [43]