Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 180
Our New Weekly Podcast


The Oseberg Ship, Oslo Viking Ship Museum

383 words / 76:07

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Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and Michael Polignano inaugurate a new weekly Counter-Currents Radio podcast. Topics include:

Our first episode is just three guys talking. As we get comfortable with the format, we will work in music, interviews, guests, and various bells and whistles.

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Also, as we first announced in October of 2015, you now have two possible destinations for your donations: Counter-Currents Publishing and the Counter-Currents Foundation. The Counter-Currents Foundation is a US 501c3 educational corporation. Donations to it are deductible from US federal income taxes. The purpose of the Counter-Currents Foundation is specifically to promote scholarship and translations connected to the European New Right and allied movements. If you wish to earmark a donation to the Counter-Currents Foundation, or to discuss a particular project you would like to support, please contact me in advance at [email protected] [7]. Please give generously!

If you want to be thanked on the next episode of Counter-Currents Radio, please include a name you want to use and any message you want to have read on air.

Remember: those who fight for the Golden Age live in it today. Thank you for your loyalty and support.