Is White Nationalism “Hateful”?

1,398 words

French version here [1], Slovak version here [2]

[3]One of the most common charges against White Nationalism is that it is an ideology of hatred toward other groups. My answer is: “Yes, but so what?” Yes, because hatred of other groups is definitely one factor in White Nationalism. So what, because hate does not disqualify White Nationalism, for two reasons: (1) ethnic hatred is a universal phenomenon in racially and culturally diverse societies, and (2) unlike the proponents of multiculturalism, White Nationalists actually offer a realistic path to reducing ethnic hatred and violence by reducing racial and cultural diversity. Beyond that, multiculturalists are hypocrites for denouncing hatred in our hearts while harboring it in theirs.

Sometimes, our accusers will spice up the hate charge by saying that we hate non-whites “just because they are different” — as if the norm for human relations is to like people who are different, thus disliking people who are different is morally depraved. Now, of course, we often do like people in spite of the fact that they are different. But that is not good enough for multiculturalists. For if diversity is self-evidently and unconditionally good, then we should like other people not in spite of their differences, but because of them.

So is it normal for human beings to like or dislike people because of their differences? Do birds of a feather flock together? Or do opposites attract? Common sense, history, and science (specifically genetic similarity theory [4]) all support the idea that genetic similarity and a common culture promote harmony between individuals. Ethnocentrism is the preference for the genetically similar over the genetically different. Ethnocentrism is wired into the human brain, an inheritance of our prehuman evolutionary history in which even creatures as simple as ants and bees have the ability to distinguish between degrees of relatedness and show marked preference for their own kin. The greater the genetic and cultural differences between people, the greater the tension and conflict. Thus when people from different races and cultures are forced to live together in the same society, the predictable result is not a rainbow of tolerance, but constant friction, simmering hatred, and even outbursts of violence.

Some White Nationalists wish to deny that hatred plays any part in our politics. But if we believe that racial and cultural diversity in the same country cause hatred, then we are of course not immune to those forces. Indeed, if we were exposed to diversity and did not end up hating other groups, that would amount to a refutation of our own argument for White Nationalism. Thus it is self-defeating to protest that we don’t actually hate members of other groups.

I will grant that ethnic hated is not necessarily a part of White Nationalism, since people can arrive at our positions based simply on science, history, and common sense, without necessarily having any negative experiences of other groups. But of course people can also develop ethnic hatreds without personal experience of other groups.

I will also grant that it is possible to like individual members of racial and ethnic groups that one dislikes as a whole. Traits are distributed on bell curves, after all, and there will always be likable outliers even in enemy groups. The problem is that there are just not enough good blacks, good Jews, good mestizos, or good Muslims for us to get along in a diverse society.

I will further grant that love of our own group is more fundamental than hatred of outgroups. But that still does not imply that we do not feel hatred toward other groups when exposed to diversity. Hatred of our enemies and rivals is just the flip side of loving our own. And the stronger the love, the stronger the hatreds as well.

White Nationalists, then, are not immune to the problems of diversity. But neither is anyone else in a multicultural society. The only differences between White Nationalists and the rest of our people are (1) we are more attuned to racial and ethnic differences, (2) we thus become aware of the problems of diversity sooner than others, and (3) we are more honest about our feelings. But the rest of our people have the same nature and the same reactions to outgroups. Thus they will eventually come to feel the same way. And this is true even of the advocates of multiculturalism.

Hatred of other groups is the norm in racially and culturally diverse societies. But, as I put it in the title essay [5] of my first book, Confessions of a Reluctant Hater [6], White Nationalists don’t want to hate other groups. The whole point of White Nationalism is to offer a real solution to ethnic hatred and violence: reducing diversity by creating racially and culturally homogeneous homelands. Multiculturalists, by contrast, wish to increase racial and cultural diversity, which will only lead to increased hatred and violence between groups.

The charge of hatred is so stigmatizing because most people think that hatred is intrinsically evil and love is intrinsically good. Our heads echo with a thousand silly pop songs extolling love as the answer, and childish movie dialogue like Obi-Wan Kenobi intoning, “Luke! Don’t give in to hate. That leads to the Dark Side.”


But love is not always a good thing. If you enable an evil person out of love, then love is a bad thing. And hate is not always a bad thing. Hatred toward evil people is perfectly reasonable, just, and good, and can lead to a better world. Thus the proper answer to the charge of being a hater is, “Yes, but is it the good kind of hate or the bad kind?” And when someone oh-so-bravely declares that he is on the side of “love,” one should answer, “Sure, but is it the good kind of love or the bad kind?”

If you think that hate is always evil and love is always good, then naturally you will want to command people to feel love and not to feel hate. It is simply what they ought to do. But emotions cannot be commanded this way. Emotions like love and hate are evolved responses to objective facts. Trying to command them is like trying to command your pupils not to dilate when you walk into a darkened room.

Thus if you believe that you are morally obligated to love rather than hate, this will not actually change your feelings. It will simply give you an incentive to lie about them to yourself and others. The moral imperative to love diversity has no power to change the wiring of our brains, which love similarity not diversity. The only power the multicultural imperative has is to make liars and hypocrites of us all. The only way to actually reduce hatred of racially and culturally different people is to reduce diversity by giving people their own homogeneous homelands.

When multiculturalists condemn us as haters, the proper response is to knock them off their high horse by pointing out their obvious hypocrisy. Everybody hates somebody. Multiculturalists obviously hate white people. They say that they hate whites, and they teach the most impressionable whites to hate themselves. They especially hate White Nationalists.

So there’s plenty of hate to go around here. The real issues are whether our hatred is reasonable or not, whether we are honest about our feelings or not, and whether we have realistic proposals to change the realities that make ethnic hatred and violence inevitable. For White Nationalists, the answer is yes in all three cases.

Multiculturalists, however, hate us because we reject the false values and unworkable model of society to which they are wedded. That is unreasonable. Multiculturalists have ethnocentric feelings too, but they lie about them and often avoid the diversity that they wish to foist on the rest of us. That is dishonest and hypocritical. Finally, multiculturalists decry ethnic hatred and violence but continue to promote the diversity that makes these problems inevitable. Such irresponsibility should disqualify them from holding any positions of political power and influence.

Thus White Nationalists have good reason to hate multiculturalists for their morally squalid characters and for the evils they have unleashed on white nations. Indeed, it is more appropriate for us to hate the white multiculturalists who have created this situation than the non-whites who are merely taking advantage of it. Traitors are worse than enemies. Frankly, if they had a shred of decency, multiculturalists would hate themselves a bit as well.