Recommended Reading
Six Essential Works on White Nationalism
Greg Johnson
A reader asked me to compile lists of essential works on White Nationalism, race realism, the Jewish question, the New Right, and other topics. This is the first installment.
White Nationalism is about the creation of racially homogeneous homelands for all white peoples. White Nationalism is, therefore, incompatible with all types of multiracial societies, regardless of whether whites are supreme or subordinate.
1. Jared Taylor, White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century (Oakton, Virginia: New Century Foundation, 2011). Read my review here.
2. Sam Francis, Essential Writings on Race, ed. Jared Taylor (Oakton, Virginia: New Century Foundation, 2007).
3. Patrick J. Buchanan, Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2011). Read my review here.
By the definition of White Nationalism offered above, the first three books on this list do not advocate White Nationalism. Instead, Jared Taylor does not talk about solutions and does not like the label “White Nationalist,” preferring the less specific “white advocate.” Sam Francis basically advocated white supremacy. And Patrick Buchanan envisions a meritocratic but normatively white society, i.e., a soft form of white supremacism. These books are included here, however, because they offer facts and arguments sufficient to establish White Nationalist conclusions, even of the authors don’t want to go there.
4. Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority, fourth edition (Cape Canaveral, Florida: Howard Allen, 1996).
5. Wilmot Robertson, The Ethnostate (Cape Canaveral, Florida: Howard Allen, 1992).
6. Frank Salter, On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration (New York: Routledge, 2006)
These last three books provide explicit cases for white ethnostates.
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Did Robertson take his own book out of print? Why?
Robertson died. O’Meara took his book out of print.
Sort of begs the question, no? O’Meara was a brilliant writer who suddenly disappeared, I can`t be the only one wondering what happened.
He wasn’t really communicative, but my impression is that he was carrying around a great deal of personal bitterness toward “the movement.”
Thanks for the answer. Too bad if the trolls got to him, I still re-read his essays from time to time, he had an unique perspective on things that was much needed.
It wasn’t just trolls. Things took a turn for the worse due to the extremely dishonorable way that Sam Dickson and John Gardner of the Charles Martel Society treated him in 2010, cutting off a stipend they had promised him, which put him in desperate financial straits. But don’t just listen to my side of this. You should ask Sam Dickson about it when you see him at the next Am Ren or NPI conference.
That is too bad. I learned much from what he has to say. The first essay of his I read was “The Holocaust of America” in the Occidental Quarterly, maybe 10 years ago.
Probably really dumb question, but when you say that O’Meara’s Toward the White Republic was “taken out of print”, what does that mean? CC can no longer manufacture and sell new copies of it? Or it literally can no longer be sold?
I wish I’d bought a copy.
Also, TDM is still in print through Kevin MacDonald’s Occidental Observer. My copy dates from the late 80s.
Some other books for “building the case for WN” would be:
Peter Brimelow, ALIEN NATION (shockingly sober and realistic for a “mainstream” book)
Philippe Rushton, RACE, EVOLUTION and BEHAVIOR
and of course:
Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy on the Jews
Am sure the CC community is familiar with these titles. But for white race patriots, they are all well-worth reading.
I strongly agree with the need to have an entire library of titles the sum of which would lead an open-minded white person of reasonably high IQ to what I call the “anti-diversitarian” position (and I appreciate CC’s resurrection of so many WN classics, along with alerting us to European nationalist titles and thought). Might I suggest that this is something that could be “crowd-sourced”?
We are no longer printing the book. I am sure there are used copies floating around out there.
Greg, can I increase my monthly donation?
Of course. Just log into your Paypal account, and you can do it from there. Thanks!
How do you feel about George Lincoln Rockwell’s “White Power”? I’ve always thought it was a short, easy to grasp introduction packed with examples and airtight logic. Great as an introduction to WN thought.
7. Which Way Western Man? by William Gayley Simpson
This. Which Way Western Man: To destruction or the Ethnostate? is basically the longer title. The definitive white nationalist book has already been written.
How about Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country. I would recommend but there is no epub version. Come on Greg, show some White agency goy.
I would hope that Convington and some of his Northwest novels could be included in this list. While some disagree with his picking the Northwest, the AFFH rules at HUD (predicted by Covington) are going to start to break up White enclaves this year.
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