Crowdsourcing Appeal
Gregory Hood’s Waking Up from the American Dream
News Item
In April, Counter-Currents will publish Gregory Hood’s long-awaited first book, Waking Up from the American Dream. We want this book to have a striking and memorable cover that suggests America’s decline, so we are running a contest.
The person who provides us with the winning image/design concept will receive $100 and free copies of the hardcover and paperback editions. Five runners up will also receive free hardcover copies.
Images must be at least 300 dpi and free of charge, either because they in the public domain or the property of the contestant. Of course, if an image is truly exceptional, we will consider shelling out money for it.
Bear in mind that since most people first encounter a book as a small image on a screen, the image must be clear and simple to have any impact.
Please email your ideas to me at [email protected]. The deadline is March 10th.
Thank you for helping make this our best-looking book ever.
Greg Johnson
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I think the image of the statue is perfect for your purpose–look at that face.
Great. I’m on it. Is there a deadline?
March 10
Disregard first, wrong link. Here’s the winner:
Hee, hee! Did you notice that everyone’s eyes are fixed on Obama, except for the rancid degenerate Clinton, who’s grinning like crazy and looking elsewhere? Probably at some young dolly.
Maybe something similar to this: (I found this in SF as I don’t visit dailystormer much)
Must put my talents to this endeavor Ha! Bad dreams always give me inspiration.
Here’s my humble submission.
I would look at some of the 20th century Gothic covers for Ayn Rand’s books, like Atlas Shrugged.
Then, do the same with a decrepit image in line art. Preferably of an American icon like Lincoln.
Think Lincoln Memorial with line art in neo-Gothic and covered in birdshit. Atlas Breaks.
I think an Adobe Illustrator guru could pull this off.
I am a huge fan of Gregory Hood’s articles. I am anxiously awaiting the release of his book, can’t wait!
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