Introducing the Alt Left

FidusLichtGebet [1]

Fidus, Light Prayer

1,229 words

Several months ago I noticed a guy following me on Twitter with the username, “A Clockwork Green.” In his bio, he identified as “AltLeft, racially aware white.” He deactivated his account, and I have no idea what ever happened to him. Shortly before he disappeared though, he had expressed his distaste for a lot of the rhetoric of the AltRight and seemed somewhat disillusioned. I began to wonder how many others there were like him. How many white progressives have begun to reject the politically correct narrative and secretly venture into thought crime circles on the web? I’m willing to bet it’s probably more than you think. Of those that pop the purple pill and make the trip . . . how many see all the boilerplate, post libertarian corporate conservatism, radical traditionalist Christianism, 15th-century LARPing, pseudoscientific anti-vaccination stuff, and wacky conspiracy theories being promoted and decide, “Fuck this. These people are freaks. Maybe the social justice crowd isn’t so bad after all.”

Then there are the ones who stick around. Seriously though, who are the AltLeft anyway? Who are we? I would say that the majority are white people who hold a lot of typically leftist views on economics, the environment and some social issues, yet at some point realized the new left had become hostile to any white person even slightly reluctant to act as a scapegoat for everybody else’s problems. No self-respecting white person would want to be associated with a movement that trashes their heroes, their culture, their history, denies their achievements . . . a movement which seeks to destroy their civilization and erases their identity. Hell, besides all that, a lot of Cultural Marxism has become so freaky [2] that most normal white feminists and gays are probably weirded out by it.

My own journey was a bit different. I was mostly a Nixonian sort of republican for much of my young adult life. As an irreligious person living mostly in artsy metropolitan [3] areas, I identified more with the culture of the left, while always privately retaining a racial awareness(which would come out occasionally at peak triggering) and a low tolerance for hippie bullshit. I became disillusioned with unfettered capitalism through real world experiences watching corporations and brands in action, the way they had loyalty to nothing and prioritized profits over absolutely everything: including quality, aesthetic, even people’s lives. The creepy cult-like way they manipulate and motivate people. So at a certain point I began to think of myself more as AltLeft than AltRight.

Terms such as left and right seem obsolete in this day and age. The true divisions are between nationalists and internationalists, as well as pro-whites and anti-whites, identitarians vs. multiculturalists etc. What we find though in reality is that these words are deeply ingrained. Anyone who spends time in a political movement with “right” in the title will soon discover it’s difficult to divorce it from organized religion, traditionalism and sexual puritanism. What better way to repel certain types and prevent entryism from them than by partially identifying with a label they already don’t like? Out of these groups forming, something of a coalition can emerge. The AltLeft exists in that small space where Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan begin to meet. It’s that point in time where Mussolini ditched Marxism and moved toward Fascism. The question is, can the AltLeft be divorced from political correctness and white ethnomasochism? My guess is that it can, with the help of enough problematic language to scare the cucks away and create a safe space for leftist shitlords to don their greenshirts and appear in full force.

Here is a brief guide, which outlines various political positions of those who might identify as AltLeft. Of course, not all of these will apply to everyone, and some may apply in varying degrees:

Religion – Mostly outright atheist or agnostic, occasionally some nominal identification with ancient European religions/mythology. Extremely rationalist, skeptical of supernatural or “new agey” beliefs, homeopathic medicine, and conspiracy theories.

Economics – oppose laissez-faire capitalism and excessive consumerism, free trade. Where corporate profit interests run counter to the interests of the nation and the people, regulation is needed. Recognizes benefits of capitalism in generating wealth but also skeptical of “market forces” which seem just as likely to lead to an Idiocracy-styled “Brawndo” aesthetic than a dwarf planet mining colony. In addition to fostering an environment for dual loyalties, transnational laissez-faire capitalism seems to correlate with a population of fatasses: walking advertisements hooked on cheap Walmart junk, garbage entertainment and fast food. Tend to favor mercantilism and soft socialism (Norway without Third World immigration)

Prefer fair trade (or free trade only with nations that have similar standards of living and environmental controls) including tariffs, value added tax etc. Some support for soft socialism and state capitalism (but racially conscious.)

Democracy/Government – opposes “warm body democracy.” Prefer some type of confederate. Participation in government selection must be earned in some way, through intelligence testing, civil service and sacrifice to demonstrate concern for the greater interests of the group (think Heinlein’s Starship Troopers.) Sometimes fascist ideology or national bolshevism . . . occasionally sympathetic to Soviet communism.

Technology – Support for new medical technology, research initiatives, cloning, and space exploration without any of the reflexive anti-whitism, “noble savage” fetishism, or “Little House on the Praireactionary” longing that dominates much of the traditional left and right.

Race – The postmodern left is defined mostly by its ceaseless advocacy of ethnomasochism for ancestral Europeans. It claims to promote egalitarian values but in both net effect and rhetoric has become implicitly anti-white. The AltLeft is for racially aware whites who don’t feel like they have anything to apologize for. Culture is a biological expression of race. Genetic average differences in IQ and behavior exist between races. These are observable on a large scale. Many so-called “left-wing” values like feminism, tolerance for alternative lifestyles, and sexual freedom are not (at least at the present time) compatible with the third world populations the left currently champions. Support for (most) non-White immigration is counterproductive in the long term if it results in whites becoming a minority. Recognition of the disproportionate number of Jews with tendencies to oppose white people collectively acting in their interests.

Art – The AltLeft is more open to different styles of art. Conservatives tend to rail against “modern art” while often not being able to distinguish between modernism and postmodernism [4] (though they probably would hate both.) The simplest imperfect analogy for modern vs. postmodern would be Dr. Evil [5] vs. Austin Powers.

Social Issues – tolerance for (or indifference to) abortion, birth control, homosexuality, and prostitution to varying degrees. Support for eugenics and transhumanism.

Feminism – Generally support for second wave feminism, TERFs, etc. Rejects intersectionality for being anti-white and for its advocates being apologists for non-whites, who rape women and commit violence towards women at much higher rates. Intersectional feminism indirectly promotes “rape culture” by naively importing it under the guise of sticking up for the oppressed.

People in the AltLeft usually accept that there are biological differences between men and women which affect how they interact with one another(beyond social pressures and conditioning.) They have a tendency to be “purple pill [6],” agreeing with certain manosphere concepts and rejecting much of the intersectional men’s rights movement that blames Western women for most of society’s ills.

Foreign policy – mostly isolationist or non-interventionist, reject neocolonialism except in space.

Source: [7]