2015: The Year in White Nationalism

Still_Life_with_Fruit_and_Champagne [1]1,287 words

German translation here [2]

2015 was a very good year for White Nationalism, European ethnonationalism, and allied movements, and I have every reason to hope that 2016 will be even better. 

History is Full of Surprises

If history teaches us anything, it is that she is full of surprises. For instance, did any of us predict last year that in 2015, Donald Trump would be running for President of the United States? At the 2015 American Renaissance Conference, Peter Brimelow said that the immigration debate could be changed by a single speech, and he was right. That’s exactly what Trump did. Trump simply ignored the Republican consensus and started talking about immigration restriction, the Muslim problem, economic nationalism, and the scourge of political correctness. A significant percentage of the electorate is enthusiastic and grateful.

These issues, furthermore, are not going away, even if Trump does not win the Republican nomination or the Presidency. Like an icebreaker, Trump has plowed through the frozen crust of the artificial political consensus, smashing it to bits and releasing the turbulent populist currents beneath. It is our job to crowd into the breach, widen it, and turn every outcome in our direction.

We have the power to turn Trump to our advantage no matter what the outcome of his candidacy. If he is stymied by the cuckservatives, we can radicalize his supporters. If he is defeated by the Democrats, we can agitate and radicalize all Republican voters. If he is elected but stymied by Congress, that can also work to our benefit. And if Trump manages to break through all opposition and actually cut off immigration, we can work to move the goalposts further toward an ethnostate. For White Nationalists, the Trump candidacy is a “heads we win, tails they lose” opportunity. I like those odds.

Jan Davidsz de Heem, Still-Life with with Champagne Glass and Pipe, 1642 [3]

Jan Davidsz de Heem, Still Life with Champagne Glass and Pipe, 1642

Better is Always Better

There is a lot of good news from Europe. Here are just a few highlights.

1. In France, in the first round of the 2015 regional elections, the National Front placed first in 6 of 13 regions and got more votes than either of the major establishment parties. In Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, Marine Le Pen won 40.6% of the vote. In Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen won 40.55% of the vote. In the runoffs, however, the Socialists and Center-Right colluded to make sure that the National Front won no seats.

The National Front did, however, win 6,018,672 votes in the first round and 6,820,147 in the second. Compare this to the 4,712,461 votes  (24.9%) the National Front won in the 2014 EU election — more than any other party — which brought them 24 of France’s 74 seats in the European Parliament. This represents real progress. And the Socialist party’s decision to send their voters to the Center-Right is a teachable moment. It shows that they are more interested in keeping the National Front out of power than in representing the interests of their constituents.

Marine Le Pen has a year-and-a-half to build a winning constituency for the 2017 Presidential elections. And given that the establishment parties are doing nothing to halt the ethnic conflicts that send more and more voters to the National Front, events will be arguing in Le Pen’s favor the whole time.

I pay close attention to France, because of all the major countries in Europe, France is the most likely to elect a nationalist government, stop immigration, and start repatriation. If France goes nationalist, other European nations will follow. Furthermore, France has an independent nuclear deterrent and the most autarkic economy in Europe. She cannot be treated like Serbia or Austria.

2. The best electoral news of 2015 comes from Poland, where the populist and euro-skeptic Law and Justice Party is now in power. Astonishingly, the Left-wing parties did not win a single seat. For more details, read Jarosław Ostrogniew’s Counter-Currents article, “The Polish Parliamentary Elections of 2015 [4].”

3. In Hungary, Viktor Orbán has openly opposed immigration and multiculturalism and taken action to stem the invasion of refugees from the Muslim world. His defiance has encouraged nationalist and populist forces in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

4. On June 18, 2015, the nationalist/populist/immigration restrictionist Danish People’s Party won 21.155 of the votes and 37 seats in the Danish parliament, up from 12.3% and 23 seats in the 2011 election. The Danish People’s Party is now the number 2 party in the parliament, having eclipsed the Center-Right Venstre Party, which suffered a severe reversal in 2015.

5. Last year at this time I reported that the Sweden Democrats, another Right-populist, immigration restrictionist party, had won 12.9% of the vote in the 2014 general election, taking 49 seats in parliament (14% of the total). Based on an August Metro newspaper poll, the Sweden Democrats now have the support of 25.2% of voters, putting them ahead of both the ruling Social Democrats with 23.4% and the Center-Right Moderates with 21%.

Worse is Sometimes Better Too

Racial, ethnic, and religious diversity are sources of conflict when they have to coexist within the same political system. There are two ways to learn this: the easy way of reason — and the hard road of experience, that is to say: suffering. And when one learns this lesson, there are two ways to fix the problem: though peaceful ethnic separation [5] — or violent ethnic cleansing.

Unfortunately, more people learn through suffering than reason, which is the source of the saying “Worse is Better [6],” which means: the worse for the system, the better for those of us offering an alternative. The system is on a collision course with ethnic reality. For White Nationalists, it can’t come fast enough, because our people are more likely to react to quick and sudden ethnic displacement than to our present slow decline into extinction.

1. In this light, 2015’s massive invasion of Europe by more than a million so-called refugees from the Middle East and Africa, most of them Muslim, has been a boon to White Nationalism. The speed and the scale of the migration — and the sight of overloaded boats and marching columns, most of them of young, fighting-age men — look to most people like an invasion, which is correct. Thus many Europeans are finally reacting appropriately. The days of the multicultural experiment are numbered. The only question is when it ends and how: through an amicable divorce or a bloody civil war? Will moderate nationalist parties be allowed to take power and fix the problems, or will the establishment block peaceful reforms until there is an explosion and Europe is cleansed with fire and blood?

2. For the same reason, the continuing Black Lives Matter agitation in American cities and on college campuses also plays into our hands. It is a delicious spectacle to see liberals and Leftists consumed by their own creatures. Because of their low average intelligence and high levels of impulsive and psychopathic personality traits, blacks act essentially like a race of dangerous, overgrown children. They need adult supervision or they will descend into Lord of the Flies levels of barbarism. They hold irrational beliefs and tender unworkable demands. A society that cannot say “No” to them will simply be destroyed, and the Leftists in academia and large cities who have been suckling these vipers will be the first to feel their teeth. In 2014, I thought [7] that pandering to blacks might have peaked, and I predicted that in 2015, authorities would start saying “No.” I was mistaken, but I’m not broken up about it. The prospect of seeing college presidents and big city mayors roasting on figurative spits in 2016 is consolation enough.

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A Prediction for 2016

I have many plans for 2016, but only one prediction: I believe that in the next year to 18 months, the first state will leave the European Union, and I hope many others will follow.

I want to wish all our readers, authors, volunteers, donors, and friends around the world a very Fashy New Year.

Greg Johnson