The Mixed-Race Mentality

656 words

Spanish translation here [1]

Editor’s Note:

Miyamoto [2]

Ariana Miyamoto

The new Miss Japan, Ariana Miyamoto, has a Japanese mother and a black American father. No surprise that she bears her mother’s surname, not her father’s. Obviously, she does not deserve the prize, and because sensible Japanese have not been too intimidated by political correctness to object to crowning a mixed-race, non-Japanese looking individual as a representation of Japanese female beauty, Miss Miyamoto has responded that she is the vanguard of a racial revolution to erase Japanese distinctness, to the applause of the Jewish-controlled Western media.

Everything is political, even beauty contests, and if the globalists have their way, all higher races will be browned out of existence, except maybe the Jews who are egging the process on. Miss Miyamoto may not be representative of Japan today, but in 200 years, she will be, if the Japanese open their borders to immigration. Wasn’t there a time when the Japanese quietly shipped people like Miss Miyamoto, born of shameful crossings between American blacks and native Japanese, to Brazil?

“I want to start a revolution,” Miyamoto added with a laugh. “I can’t change things overnight but in 100-200 years there will be very few pure Japanese left, so we have to start changing the way we think.” (quoted here [3], emphasis added)

I’m no mindreader. But I have an opinion. That opinion is that the above quote is better rewritten as:

“I want to start a revolution,” Miyamato exclaimed with a snarl of hatred. “I can’t change things overnight but in 100-200 years I’m happy to say that there will be very few pure Japanese left and that these pure racist Japanese will have been eliminated, so we have to start changing the way we think, so everyone can be like me. Thinking about such a future, and contributing to make it come about, makes me feel better about myself.”

The mixed of race always seem to have a chip on the shoulder. Far from being “discriminated against,” this specimen was made “Miss Japan” in what does seem to be an obvious display of affirmative action racial groveling. But, you know, the truly privileged always want more; they are never satisfied. More to the point, no matter how they are catered to, the mixed race can never escape the frustrations of their own existence, the churning turmoil of jarring heredities, the conflicting blood (can one imagine mixing conformist robot-like Northeast Asian blood with that of Black Africa?), the fervent wish that one had been “pure” themselves. “If I can’t be pure, then no one should be,” is the vengeful cry of the mixed, who wants to drag everyone down to their level, so that there are no more examples of “purity” to make them feel bad about themselves.

Yes, they know it cannot happen overnight. They know that they themselves won’t see the “promised land” of the Universal Brown Man, the Last Man, the end of humanity’s highest hopes, the Death of the Future. No, they won’t see it themselves, but obviously they can imagine it, and they can work for it, and by imagining it and working towards it — with pure malice — they temporarily quell the rage and envy in their hearts. But, alas, one look in the mirror, and the burning anger returns, the realization of a fractured identity, the hate-filled animus.

It’s not the “pure” Japanese who are the haters in this story. They just want to be left alone. They just want their people to continue. They just want Japan to be Japan. Why is this wrong?

Now, I’m no fan of the Asiatic, but still, my sympathies are for the Japanese here. Why do they stand for this? What happened to the samurai spirit, the Bushido? Why must indigenous peoples always have to be lectured to by the likes of this thing? Why can’t the native people stand up and say NO?

Source: [4]