Invading Their Own Country:
Thoughts on the 70th Anniversary of D-Day
Gregory Hood
German translation here
With detachment, we see reality. What was achieved by those we remember today – those brave white Americans, British, Canadians, and Europeans who overcame the mines and machine guns of Hitler’s Fortress Europe?
As time passes, historians of the future will be able to take the long view on the Second World War in the same way we can sensibly discuss the rise and fall of Carthage or the Golden Horde. Absent the propaganda, the shrieking moralizing, the half-truths, and the outright lies, the real consequence of the Allied victory is obvious. Within a historically insignificant period of time after the fall of the Third Reich, European people and European civilization will cease to exist – unless something changes.
Today, of course, you cannot say this – indeed, questioning certain aspects of the Second World War is punishable by prison time. One thinks of the view of history presented in the satirical movie Idiocracy, when the protagonist sits in a “Time Masheen” ride that tells him about how the “The UN [pronounced as a single word, the “un,”] unNazi-ed the world forever.” This about sums up what most people in the post-West today think of the greatest conflict in world history – it was simply about saving Jews and fighting racists.
But historians of the future – largely because they will probably be Asian or some other non-white – will be able to see what actually happened. Just as we recognize the barbarian incursions into Rome as the death knell of the Empire, the Muslim influx into Europe will be seen as what it is – a hostile demographic invasion by an alien force. The collapsing birthrates, degenerate culture, and xenophilia of the post-West will be seen as what they are – the death throes of a society too sick to survive. And the wholesale replacement of the populations of once proud nations will be seen as what it is – not “enrichment,” but simply conquest.
After all, no one today says that the Dakota Sioux were “enriched” by white settlement, increased trade and “economic growth” notwithstanding. With objectivity and absent dishonest moral posturing, we recognize as historians that the consequences of mass migration and military conquest are practically indistinguishable, except that the former is often worse than the latter. A nation can be occupied but liberated later, but a nation that loses its ethnic identity ceases to exist forever.
Americans used to joke that if it weren’t for us, “all those Europeans would be speaking German.” Well, because of us, it seems vastly more likely that they will all be speaking Arabic within a generation or two. While American “anti-Nazi” propaganda featured a jackboot crushing a church with the caption, “We’re Fighting to Prevent This,” it seems the Allies accomplished the opposite. Postwar Western leadership did what centuries of Islamic invasions could not. What Gibbon idly mused on is now a prophecy — the “interpretation of the Koran” will “be taught in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of the revelation of Mohamet.”
It is not possible to objectively maintain that the German occupation of France was somehow more destructive to the French way of life than the non-white and Muslim occupation of France today. The French people under Vichy were more “free” in any meaningful sense than the French people under Hollande and the European Union.
More to the point, while warriors fight so that their way of life can be preserved and their people can remember them as heroes, the “Greatest Generation” achieved the deconstruction of the entire world they defended. The white communities that Allied soldiers thought they were defending were deliberately eliminated by their own governments within a few generations, the whites’ culture dismissed as racist, and the soldiers’ sacrifices held to be of value only insofar as they opened the way for those who despised them. In what Peter Brimelow has called “Hitler’s Revenge,” the Western elite’s exaggerated disgust at Nazism eventually culminated in the demographic destruction of the Allied Nations themselves. Given current trends, words like “England,” “France,” and “Holland,” will, within the century, simply be geographic expressions.
The question is whether this could have been foreseen. Were the ignorant Allied armies clashing on the plains of Europe saps? Victims? Their own worst enemies?
Certainly, the war was not seen as an egalitarian crusade at the time. Indeed, the Pacific Theatre can be regarded almost as a pure Race War. The American Army was segregated; the British, French, and other Allied powers made some attempts to regain their colonial empires after the war, and even the nominally Communist Soviet Union rallied the Red Army to fight in the name of Alexander Nevsky and Russian Nationalism more than the dream of a united workers’ world.
But the success or failure of a political leader or movement is not determined by victory or defeat in the struggles of the day or even how they are viewed by history. Instead, success should be judged by how closely a person came to the goals he or she defined themselves and how well they defended what they believed was important.
For example, Winston Churchill has a great historical reputation because he was the indispensable man who supposedly rallied Great Britain to stand against Hitler. Yet Churchill was a colossal failure by his own standards. A man who regularly switched positions on crucial issues throughout his entire career, the one constant throughout his entire life was his love for and dedication to the British Empire. Yet more than any other man throughout the entirety of history, it is Winston Churchill who bears the responsibility for dismembering the British Empire. He sacrificed everything to keep Germany from having a dominant position in Eastern Europe – so that the Soviet Union could have one instead.
As Patrick Buchanan put it, Britain lost her empire and the West lost the world. Churchill ended his career feebly protesting non-white immigration and the dismemberment of the Empire, but he was already irrelevant in the new world he unleashed. And far from “saving Britain,” the scepter’d isle is now a place where quoting Winston Churchill’s writings on Islam will get you arrested. We can expect Churchill’s reputation to decline in the years to come as the murmurs are already beginning about his “racism” and “imperialism.”
The ultimate failed reactionary, Churchill once said “It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” While it is fashionable to promote the Old Lion as part of an unbroken chain of British destiny stretching from the Duke of Malborough to Sword Beach, all it takes to see what he really accomplished is to walk through the monstrous conglomeration of international finance and Third World detritus that we call London.
Said Churchill: “I have only one aim in life, the defeat of Hitler, and this makes things very simple for me.” And so he did, and like the other Allied leaders, he destroyed his own country and civilization in the end. What makes it worse is that Churchill actually wanted to preserve these things – he was just too foolish and short-sighted to do it.
It is the responsibility of those who would lead to judge not just the rightness of a cause, but what their actions will set in motion. Certainly, the average soldier, sailor, or, for that matter, senator could not have known that fighting for “American national interests” against what they saw as some puffed up Germans and Italians would ultimately culminate in the egalitarian nightmare that is currently rendering “America” a meaningless expression. But we can see the consequences today. And today, with everything at stake, including our physical, literal survival as a people, we have to view each passing event, movement, or political figure in terms of what it will lead to and how the end game will play out.
I do not condemn the invaders of D-Day. They didn’t know. More importantly, courage is worth honoring for its own sake, and the soldier who fights for his country always deserves the benefit of the doubt.
But I believe that if the soldiers of June 6, 1944 could see what they were unleashing, they would have thrown down their guns and joined the defenders. We do not have time for this reactionary nonsense anymore. It must be said that those Americans, British, and others who died at Normandy did not die for no reason. The effect of their death was to make the lives of most of their descendants worse and to ensure the elimination of their own countries. They died so that the West could be destroyed.
And regardless of what or who you believe is responsible for what is happening to the West today, it is the mission of this generation to reverse the verdict of that terrible Second Western Civil War. In the name of the blood that was spilled 70 years ago on both sides, we must fight so that Europe’s greatest defeat is not its final defeat.
“Next time we fight, it’s side by side.”
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I have often wondered to what extent the aging WWII generation suffer from a deep, inner feeling of cognitive dissonance. Celebrated as they have been for their “great sacrifice”, the street level reality they witness today, having passed down essentially nothing, culturally, to their grandchildren, must bring some sort of uncomfortable feeling, no?
Perhaps this is why so many from that generation seem so determined to live inside their televisions, and in the past.
I remember something in the media a couple of years ago about that. I think it may have been a review of a book. Whatever it was, essentially someone interviewed a bunch of WW2 veterans, and many of them said that if they knew what would become of their countries, they wouldn’t have fought.
Both of my decorated grandfathers (Marines and Army Officer) fought against the Axis Powers. They are both alive in their nineties, awaiting death. These men were of fine quality (speech and manners), compared to the generations that followed, no doubt.
Yet, I cannot help but feel a sense of disgust and hatred towards these two old men … I feel that they were ‘traitors’ in a genuine sense. What I blame them for is not their war time actions, but rather, the inability and unwillingness to later show the slightest bit of doubt that what they, as white Americans, engaged upon was moral and justified. Instead, their petty narcissism caused them to congratulate themselves as being ‘the Greatest’, despite having collectively sacrificed the LEAST of all wartime European nations.
After the war, they were compromised and corrupted away from asking hard questions with an easy life full of post-war consumerism, hamburgers, and jazz. They sat passively while the propaganda machine built lie after lie about the German people. They sat passively as all major institutions of Western culture were dismantled without so much as a peep of resistance. They didn’t show much remorse about Dresden. They didn’t ask many questions about Poland being the reason for British involvement, which was latter handed back over to the Soviet Union (thus defeating the original justification for Allied involvement).
Their boomer children remind me of Golem from the Lord of the Rings, whispering ‘My precious! My precious!’, whilst gathering their toys and consuming the carcass of the West. I guess WW2, and the narrative that followed, is a lesson in how the white man can be seduced and ruined by his own pride and greed. They didn’t ask any questions because the beer was cold and the football game looked more interesting.
The anonymous Germans, who I do not know, who fought in WW2 make me proud to be white, my own grandfathers do not.
Renouncing one’s grandfathers for things they really can’t be blamed for is a mistake. Never let ideology come into your blood line relations and family bonds. Even though I grew up with propaganda about who the good and bad guys in WWII were supposed to be, I would never have dreamed of renouncing my own grandfathers who served in the Wehrmacht – but many other Germans did, and I find it despicable, not because I believe the narrative was simply the other way around, but because I find it unworthy to betray your own family and unjust to judge people with the wisdom of hindsight, especially those who hardly had a chance to choose or to see an alternative. My grandfathers and yours, both could not foresee the future, they believed what they were told and what everyone thought was true, and they were rather primarily fighting for their lives than for some big political idea, and that is the case for the vast majority of the men who fought in that war.
Top comment.
Your thoughts have carried you into a tragic landscape; how can you adhere to your own blood and still know that your own blood’s action will carry to you the abrogation of everything you hold dear? I think the “greatest generation” is a product of manipulation. Your grandfathers, when they went to war, were young men, eager for adventure , eager to prove to themselves that they were worthy to by numbered as honorable amongst their own people. At that time, they were sincere, as only young men can be. As such, they can be respected and honored by friend and foe alike. Few people of those capable of thinking through their actions were willing to do so. I can’t answer the reasons for this unwillingness but they exist. Why did the Mosley people give allegiance to the British war effort? It negated everything they had fought for.
The press made it a worthwhile action to have fought against Germany and National Socialism, thereby destroying one’s own future by giving allegiance not to the principle of folk and self-determination but to race-mixing, self-denial, the doctrine of human rights and a moral self-deprecation. If your grandfathers feel proud now for their action in toto, it might be an attempt to not see the effect of their individual actions. These might have been brave, honorable and decent, yet did not recognize at the time the ultimate meaning. Let them go on in peace, even if they wanted to, they couldn’t change the course of events anymore.
It is up to us to fight for our world, now.
I love Europe and I love Germany more than my grandfathers.
Have you ever been there?
No I haven’t. And visiting today would mean little to me, unless I had proper guidance. Aryan Europe is an idea, more than a place. It’s a way of being.
You are more in love with ideas than real things and real people then. It’s typical for many Evolians, but I can’t follow that. In any case, your grandfathers are not to blame for anything. If I, as a German, do not despise them, why should you? They were just tools in a big machinery they could not understand. Judgement based on hindsight after many decades is always easy. Growing up in a culture that systematically defiles its ancestors for ideological reasons, splitting up families and blood ties, I w0uldn’t want to see anybody repeat this mistake. I am also convinced that things still could have taken a different turn after 1945; the decisive war happened in the following decades, lasting until now.
Br Evola: you’ve written an interesting original comment, I believe accurate in its “They didn’t ask any questions because the beer was cold and the football game looked more interesting.” part. I am not sure you thought very well about your last sentence there though.
But I was eagerly waiting for your reply to Petronius’s “Have you ever been there?”, expecting “No”. And “No” it was!..
Had you been to the modern Germany, or at least had you read the original German press (and I mean a good one, not TAZ) and literature, had you watched, in German, today’s real-life video materials, you’d probably quickly part with your illusions about that land.
There is a lot to admire in the German history, there re plenty of lies about Germany’s past that an intelligent person should resist but I had to admit to myself a few years ago: Germany is not currently a place for a white person and the remaining German natives surrender amazingly fast — faster than anywhere else in Europe perhaps. “Aryan” is a talk, “surrender” and “materialism” is the reality.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of amazingly smart, decent and brave Germans over there but they are no longer the land’s backbone and driving force.
Petronious: (“Goethe” is becoming a dirty word, is that right?)
I like your informed and thoughtful comments very much — you seem like one of those few remaining good Germans.
As a German, you have no reason or right to despise Br Evola’ grandfathers. But he has: he sees them, with a reason, as having let the country be stolen from them. It’s not what they did in WWII, it’s the post-WWII lives, with much self-adoration and fun but little thought, that deserves the harsh judgment — the judgment the grandchildren are entitled to. You should have a lot to judge your grandfathers for, as I do a lot in my head about my own.
Dear Plekhanov,
we have surrendered because we wouldn’t exist anymore today. If we germans bat an eyelid, the “international community” can be turned against us in seconds, we know that. We germans might be in a slumber now, but trust you me, when we awaken we can rise mountains. I have never met individuals so strong, so insightful, so powerful as I do in my own country. Despite all the obstacles, they manage to think clearly and steer straight ahead. And for those that don’t, the goodness in their hearts, the power to achieve what they believe in and their inner glow speaks for them, even if they are being fooled.
If there is a place to be for a white person, it is Germany, the root of the problem is here and the solution too. Running away is for cowards. I ask you not to condone my people, just as you say Pretorius has no right to condone American soldiers (they or their offspring will do it themselves). We fought on the right side, you were fooled and fought on the wrong side. Our indoctrination is not soley down to us.
Personally Petronius mein Lieber und Plekhanov, I think this negative talk about mordern germans is babyish and leads no where. Find the jewels among us present day Germans and view the rest as having the same potential!
Werter Heidrun:),
Erstens, eine kleine technical note on the word you used three times in this thread, “condone”. Vermutlich, Sie meinten “condemn” (verachten, verurteilen) statt “condone” (verzeihen), oder?
On your June 10, 2014 at 3:04 pm message contents, with this correction, then:
we have surrendered
So, you are admitting your (current) surrender, right?
If we germans bat an eyelid, the “international community” can be turned against us in seconds, we know that.
This is B.S., ein Quatsch, a self-deception. What is this “international community” — whom are you afraid? The modern Germans like blaming the bad U.S.A., as if the German majority were internally dreaming and longing for the “right turn”.
Were that so — were they longing for the “right turn” and liberty — then, at the May’s E.U. elections, AfD and anything to the right of it would have received much more than the meager 7% of the votes.
Were is so, there would be no mass Linke actions in Hamburg, no Antifa’s domination in Dresden, no turning Berlin into a dump yard. Your Grüne, Linke and SPD (at least) are your own products, and are supported by the majority not because the international community told you so but because the majority is what it is and likes the “Grün und Link”. The majority have elected Gauck (ja!) als BRD Präsident — because of the “international community”, oder? Ursula vdL is your “Defense Secretary”. Kind of shows your wild fancy.
We germans might be in a slumber now, but trust you me, when we awaken we can rise mountains.
I trust you that “when you awaken”, you “can rise”. The big question is “when”. I am slightly encouraged by the AfD people and certain other things, and wish your awakening to happen before all you have is Sahara sands, not suitable for raising mountains. Not sure that you, as ein Volk, are awakening at all, however. And the German people’s stock has been much diluted… Weren’t you the original authors of the brilliant Guestworkers’ idea? Solved your demographic problems all right?
Despite all the obstacles, they manage to think clearly and steer straight ahead.
That I can feel in the comments I regularly read in the German media.
If there is a place to be for a white person, it is Germany, the root of the problem is here and the solution too.
Doesn’t look like that from the articles and comments in the independent German media. Grabbing something off the top of the news stack for you now:
Running away is for cowards.
Where would one run? Where is the great place the cowards are running? Have you seen many?
I ask you not to condone my people,
Not to “condemn”, perhaps? I am not condemning your people for Germany’s past (which is not all that bright and noble, admit it.)
But the German majority today may be worth the condemnation; they have been given a great country, with a unique history and are turning it into a “diversity paradise”, where German may be soon spoken by a minority, where “Goethe” is a dirty word for many.
Thilo Sarrazin and Bernd Lucke have all my sympathy and sincere admiration. They are brave, intelligent people — condemned by your own, German majority — the majority, deeply poisoned by all the wrong ideas.
I think this negative talk about mordern germans is babyish and leads no where. Find the jewels among us present day Germans and view the rest as having the same potential!
What makes it “babyish”? Is a negative talk about the modern Americans not babyish?
Bitte helfen mir: give me some examples of the present Germans’ greatness, other than Thilo Sarrazin and Bernd Lucke. Ist das möglich?
Dear BR Evola,
your words go straight to my german heart. You’re acknowledgement of the truth, even when it doesn’t suit you and a negative light is shun on your grandfathers’ actions, is strong and brave and set’s you free and them as well. I see you as our equal, as one of us germans, as an aryan in body, mind, heart and soul. I do not condone your grandfathers, because they did not know what they were doing. But unfortunately, they had long before lost track of who they are, where they came from and where they were going, which is everyones duty to know before they can become responsible adults.
Thanks again Br Evola and all others here for your honest words, my grandparents live through me, they and their generation fought not only for us germans, but us all. When you say what you said, you bring back the respect they deserve, which they never received in their lifetime. You are their equal because they would say exactly the same in your situation.
Thank you for your kind words, I draw strength from you and your ancestors!
I agree with Heidrun on the whole.
She is right about the “International Community”, a favorite tool of blackmail by Jewish-dominated nations. They did that in 1933 against Germany (“Don’t buy German goods” with mass demonstrations in the US), and as recently as 1999, when the reluctance of the Chancellor (Schröder) to pay yet another 10 billion to the Jews led to threats of economic boycott from the United States. Since this came directly from the Jewish quarters, it had to be taken as serious threat.
The Enemy State Clauses still exist on the United Nations Rules book, so the UN could instigate a world-wide boycott of Germany, and it would be according to existing law. The FRG doesn’ want to change that because in the opinion of the politicians there, these threats of imminent invasion and continuation of warfare against Germany are obselete. But they are not.
While to a large part, Germans of the subverted FRG buy into the whole anti-German demonization scheme, you don’t have to talk too long with a German to find the immensely bitter feelings towards the whole post-war order and its German stooges, the dishonorable distortion of truth and the official justifications of all the crimes committed against Germany. Even the people who buy into holocaust and evil-Hitler propaganda have a substratum of disloyalty to the primitive world consisting of evil Germans and good Allies, and they know of the evils brought by the victors. I think a change of heart in the right circumstances would occur quickly.
Thirdly, since Germany, as small as it is, seems to hold a key position in world domination, the decisive change will have to come from there. Germany is occupied to this day, is demonized and disadvantaged at every level, and has an administrative organization installed by the war victors-currently steered mostly from the US-, and has been put in shackles by countless “international obligations”. This unusual interest in German affairs by other countries is only explicable by the importance that is given to Germany as a strategic asset.
Any change in Germany will have world-wide effects to the detriment of the current world order.
Living in Germany these days has many disappointments, as the country suffers from a sort of Stockholm Syndrome, but living there means also that one is in a place where change can be caused with the most effect. With all the impediments to prevent a German self-actualization, it is very frustrating to be in Germany, but the struggle is worthwhile.
It is sad to think of that immense effort in blood and iron spent on an ultimately destructive cause. Patton was a proponent of joining with the Germans to conquer the Soviets, which many Germans hoped would happen. Time has shown the general to be a man of prescience and wisdom.
Thank you for this. They’re really laying it on thick this year and your piece is the strong remedy needed.
Prepare for the next year, comrade! This is just an overture.
Next year at the 70th Anniversary of “Liberation” of Europe , the whole Symphony of fat lies will be heard.
A hard hitting essay.
I also have my doubts that a member of our race will be writing our history by the end of this century.
Churchill’s mother is mildly interesting. Jenny Jerome/Jacobson, a Brooklyn Iroquois Indian by way of Poland.
At the risk of being indelicate, I am reminded of an old saying when thinking of England’s Judas Goat, Winston: “Maternity is a matter of certainty; paternity, a matter of opinion.”
I believe Churchill’s incompetence was responsible for the waste of thousands of white soldiers’ lives during World War One. Getting in practice for World War Two.
Churchill and FDR, rot in hell.
Best summary essay ever on what really was the WWII.
“I do not condemn the invaders of D-Day. They didn’t know.”
I used to think the same. But now they should know better, and yet you see these old clowns parading and celebrating, in front of the judaic leaders of the “West” like Cameron or Hollande. A 90-old fool even re-parachuted in Normandy. Back then they were useful idiots, now they are nothing but attention whores. No respect anymore. The “greatest generation” has to go, and luckily they will be gone soon. They have to die so a new start is possible.
“They didn’t know” is BS.
The real war didn’t end in 1945, it was just starting. The question isn’t what the Greatest Generation knew at the time of the actual war, it’s what they WANTED to know afterwards when all of the historical justification and propaganda attempts were launched out of London, New York, and Moscow to explain WW2.
The modern American white middle class soccer dad “doesn’t know” of the increasing mass immigration and race-mixing in white countries? I think it’s comfortable not to know, provided that you still have a job, functional TV, and a frig full of food.
I couldn’t agree more! The so-called Greatest Generation were a group of illiterate buffoons who didn’t understand the context of what they were fighting for. I have no respect for them — to hell with their sacrifices, they left us in the shit.
They should have fought for the Third Reich….
As for Churchill? Well, he wasn’t a fan of mass immigration….. None the less, I’ve heard it said that he was bankrolled by the Jews in the early part of his career and he wasn’t smart enough to stop immigration in the early fifties when he was re-elected as Prime Minister. He did make a few noises, but he never allied himself with figures in the government during this period who would have sorted out what was happening to my country.
This was really a great piece Greg, you cut right into the heart of the myth and religion that is WW2.
My Grandfather found an easy way out of being drafted for combat in WW2, being a lawyer at the time and gaining some form of exemption. He trained Air Force pilots instead, and found his wife during the middle of the war. I’d imagine he must have felt some sort of alienation by his community for not being a young man “serving his country,” but he always came across as untroubled by it when I asked him some time before his passing.
There was a time I thought it somewhat disappointing in not having a combat-veteran as a grandfather, but now I think I’m rather blessed he never risked his life in a war so utterly useless and destructive for the West and European man.
What I find fascinating, and morbid, is how important WW2 is to the modern American myth and national morality of anti-racism and philo-semitism, even though we sacrificed the least of any of the major wartime nations. The only real decline in its power as a myth seems to come from the simple de-whitening of America as more browns and blacks simply don’t give much fuss about Europeans killing Europeans those 70 years ago.
There is hope, however. Whenever I deride the shmaltz that is the American and Jewish WW2 narrative, I find people more open to the idea. I don’t go full national-socialist or state that I wished the Germans to have one the war, but I do state that the myth of WW2 has been used as the casus belli for American hegemony and imperialism for decades. Mentioning the fall of Poland to communism is also an effective way to soften their blank acceptance of the “good war” ideology.
Well done.
Read Bukowski’s “Post Office”. Bukowski refused the call to service. He was investigated but wasn’t detained. He just told them he didn’t believe in the war. In truth, being from the under class he felt the war was here at home. But he wasn’t a Communist either – he had far too much commonsense for that. He was part German and had vague sympathies for them, but that might have just been a reaction against the United States. Until the end he always felt America was for the rich but he didn’t idealize any other country either. He just felt Humanity “didn’t have it”.
“This is not the country I fought for.” etc.
Nope, this is exactly the country you fought for. The people who sent you to fight and moreover those who financed them, knew, planned and wished this outcome.
Actually they are correct. You do not distinguish between the country; the people, the folk on the one hand, and the government and its ruling class, on the other. It is self evidently the case that various european countries of the 1940’s do not much resemble those of today.
Thanks. That is what I was thinking of earlier.
Excellent piece, absolutely love the comments about Churchill. I find the whole 19th century European fascination with empire to be ultimately destructive for those nations, since today they’re the most colonized themselves by former “subjects”. WW2 was the turning point, but it never would have happened if empire wasn’t expanded to the point that it was, especially with Britain. I’ve never thought empire brought much to these actual nations cultures, it only lined the pockets of the rich.
‘But historians of the future – largely because they will probably be Asian or some other non-white – will be able to see what actually happened.’
Indeed. Maybe they’ll write something like this for their pupils.
The following might be surprising, unbelievable and even offensive to some of you, but history is ultimately about what actually happened, not what we might have expected to have happened.
There are few things stranger and more difficult to understand, not to mention disgusting, than people rejoicing in their own defeat and degradation. Yet for decades, this is what happened at official D-Day and VE Day commemorations across Europe and North America: Westerners celebrated their worst disaster, deluding themselves (and others) that it was their greatest victory. Even in far-right circles, most didn’t realize just how far-reaching that defeat was – and elsewhere, an entire ideology that was developed around this ‘victory’ held an iron grip on the minds of the general public. We snicker today at how thoroughly duped these men were – but let us remind ourselves that they were neither simpletons nor illiterates. If anything their example demonstrates that even a high level of education and intelligence does not necessarily protect one against a deception that is accepted by the rest of society.
Nonetheless, a case can be made that they should have known better, and even their ancestors should have known better as well.
In your homework folder for this class, I draw attention to two documents in particular – both by Englishmen, from that era. One was written at the high-tide of German power – 1940 – setting out the genesis of the grand conflict, what was at stake, and ending with a glimpse of what the future could bring. The second was written at the culmination of the catastrophe – 1945, specifying who was responsible for it and who the real victors were. Together they bear silent witness to a most horrifying tragedy, and I expect you to read them both prior to next week’s class.
The first is William Joyce’s ‘Twilight Over England’. The second, Arnold Leese’s ‘The Jewish War of Survival.’ Your assignment after reading those two, is to answer the following questions:
Why did Europeans, for decades after the Second World War, continue to celebrate those who had fought for the victors, and condemn those who had fought for the vanquished?
Should they have known better?
Perhaps a third document could be appended to your list: Britain’s Blunder (1946), a short work by Peter H. Nicoll, a Scottish clergyman who apparently lost both of his sons in the Second World War. I haven’t read it myself, but it was rated very favorably by Revilo P. Oliver, and Keith Stimely’s “Revisionist Bibliography” writes of it:
“A brilliant examination by a courageous Scottish clergyman of the causes, conduct, and consequences of the Second World War. Nicoll begins by bluntly stating that the British declaration of war on Germany of 3 September 1939 was the worst blunder in her history — a blunder compounded by her later failure to consider Hitler’s peace offers, and whose apotheosis was reached in the simultaneous Red over-running of half of Europe and disintegration of the British Empire.”
Nicoll wrote a greatly expanded second edition of his book, which was translated and published in German as Englands Krieg gegen Deutschland (England’s War Against Germany), which seems to be still in print. Unfortunately, the second edition was never published in English, and the first edition is now very rare.
The way out of this conundrum will not come from conventional solutions. Thinking outside the box is required to break the political, mental and psychological straightjacket the victors of WWII have imposed. Something along the lines described by Italian authors Cardini and Valzania in the book The lost roots of Europe: from Charles V to the world wars .
This is getting beyond parody:
It tells something that the only issue around which the New World Order/Liberals/Necons/Communists/Libertarians find consensus is celebrating the defeat of the Axis 70 years ago. The message to the TV dumbed down hoi polloi is clear: This is the only thing that matters. Meanwhile all around us there are wastelands on pretty much every field you see: moral, cultural, family, economy, demography.
Hello Diogenes and Starets,
do you mean this:
And in an interview with Patrick Buchanan in the german Military paper (Deutsche Militärzeitung Nr 68)Buchanan quotes Aneurin Bevan, Welsh Labour Party politician, from 1955:
Sir Winstons outstanding personal talents alliviated the Transition of Great Britain to a secondary power.
(I translated it myself from german into english.)
Unfortunately I could not find the english original.
Thank you, I hadn’t seen that article. Here in the states, I’ve seen very little of this sort of sentiment. My take is this; the first principal of propaganda is to flatter the target, flattery tending to lower one’s guard and nullify the critical thinking of most people.
I’m a wonderful war hero who made the earth safe for freedom? Uhh..Thanks!
Decades of flattering propaganda, along with a financially abundant post WWII lifestyle caused almost all involved to simply get on the gravy train and banish any nagging qualms.
I don’t blame the men who went to war. After all they probably got caught up in all the propaganda. It is the silence after the war that angers me. Then even later when that tribe turned the narrative to only the holocaust and no one spoke up against that and just accepted the demonization of the German people. Where were the people of conscience?
Great post. Thank you.
Yes, I find it a great way to get people thinking. Ask them how many Americans died in WW2. They will typically have no idea. Then ask them why they weren’t taught that, but were taught endlessly about the six million. It can be a beginning.
‘But historians of the future – largely because they will probably be Asian or some other non-white – will be able to see what actually happened.’
Really? Asians don’t understand what is happening now, or if they do they are keeping mum about it. I can’t think of more than one or two Asians who have expressed any concern about what is happening to whites. Their interpretation will be pro-Asian and anti-white.
Also, don’t be so defeatist. “Probably be Asian?” Not white? That is what we are trying to prevent.
Would any readers be able to elaborate on what Francis Parker Yockey wrote of Quebec in The Proclamation of London?
There, healthy instincts of resistance to Culture-disease made it impossible for the Washington regime to conscript the population of an entire third of Canada in its war of revenge, hatred, and destruction against the Father-Culture and Mother soil of Europe. The mass-heroism of the entire Quebec regiment which laid down its arms and refused as a unit when ordered to participate in the hostile invasion of the sacred soil of Europe is all inspiring proof of the presence and high potential, even in the colonies, of the invincible Western tradition of cultural purity and exclusiveness.
Not everyone in Canada wanted to fight Britain’s war, especially the French Canadians and some pacifist groups. Below is a link to a leftist socialist site which out lines some of the issues from their perspective. There were regiments who did refuse to fight, and were threatened with jail. I cannot find the link I read about a year ago about this. We were divided about conscription. As I recall from that article, no one really cared about what Hitler was doing over there except the English Canadians who have this commonwealth virus. After the war this was suppressed knowledge, but a source of animosity none the less.
However, we did have a Fascist who was jailed during the war. His story really has not been told without a lot of editorializing as he was anti-Semitic.
When I posted my comment, I was expecting that you, as a Canadian and frequent commentator, would reply. I wasn’t disappointed, and found the article you linked interesting, despite its Trotskyite source. I think I have a pdf file somewhere of one of Adrien Arcand’s anti-Jewish works, but haven’t got around to reading it.
‘Americans used to joke that if it weren’t for us, “all those Europeans would be speaking German.” Well, because of us, it seems vastly more likely that they will all be speaking Arabic within a generation or two.’
Well, in a generation or two, the lingo will be Turkish in Germany, Arabic in France and Urdu (Pakistani) in Britain.
The American, Francis Parker Yockey, said: The World Wars that the liberals and democrats launched, taught men how to die.
I’m currently reading the autobiography of George Lincoln Rockwell “This time the World” the same all the propaganda war was believed and got ready to fight the “monster Hitler” who wanted to “dominate the world”. He was among the few who corrected their opinions and acknowledged that they had been manipulated.
The ancient Romans had an expression regarding victory in war, but in searching online, couldn’t find the exact wording. But roughly it says that in achieving a great victory certain credit has to be given to the greatness of the foe. Modern-day “democrats” and communists apparently see the greatest victory from the “greatest generation” as coming against a group of the most evil out-of-touch-with-reality madmen. Doesn’t seem like a very formidable foe for the greatest generation of cannon fodder, but still let’s celebrate the victory annually or at least twice a decade. In searching online for my quotation from the ancient Romans, I did come across one from an ancient Roman that might apply here too: “Men in general are quick to believe what they wish to be true.” (Julius Caesar)
“Americans used to joke that if it weren’t for us, “all those Europeans would be speaking German.””
Amurrican conservatards still joke about it.
I first heard the joke as a child. After learning about Stalingrad in my early teens, I began to wonder about the “us.” Who was “us”?
1. North American, Australian, and British civilians separated by large expanses of water from the suffering in continental Europe and Russia.
2. The 68% of U.S. military personnel not assigned to an Army or Marine Division.*
*In WWII 4,400,000 servicemen (27.3%) were assigned to U.S. Army Ground Forces, 600,000 (3.7%) to the Marines. Army Ground Forces consisted of 91 Divisions, 3 of which never saw combat. Army Divisions consisted of 10,000-15,000 men. Of these, 3,000 were assigned to rifle platoons which bore the overwhelming brunt of casualties suffered in taking and holding real estate from an enemy preoccupied by the USSR.
Not until decades later did I learn that the Soviet Union performed the heaviest lifting against Germany in WW2.
I’m less impressed with the Greatest Generation than I was as a child.
@Glen: Not until decades later did I learn that the Soviet Union performed the heaviest lifting against Germany in WW2.
Managing to suffer the highest human losses (20 million for the USSR in WWII) doesn’t mean to have performed the heaviest lifting. It means the murderous regime wasting its people. 40 mil had been apparently killed in the Soviet Union pre-WWII, so 20 mil didn’t even look that high.
America and Britain would ultimately dominate over Germany, with or without the USSR — I don’t think there can be any doubt about it.
The Soviet Union w/o the U.S.A.’s lend-lease — aircraft gasoline, strategic materials, processing equipment? No way on the Earth.
If America didn’t give its helping hand to the Communists, there would be no Communism today. The Soviet Union’s “heavy lifting” would end up in the end of the Soviet Union.
I take it as read that the article is beyond great, it’s just the cold hard truth, etc. I wanted to comment on the topic Br Evola raised in the 1st comment. I was raised around 2 elderly grandparents who were grown adults by the time WWII happened. My grandfather, being a wealthy businessman, did not serve but inexplicably was offered an officer rank, according to Gma. It wasn’t just the military vets. At one time i thought that. Because of Gpa & Gma I was around elderly people more than kids my own age. It was that whole generation. After believing & ruling out several common-sense solutions, the one i settled on was that it was as though they were simply under a spell. I say ‘spell’ because i used to say it was ‘brainwashing’ but this mentality, as Br Evola et al observed, simply reacts to ‘common sense facts’ like oil & water. & ageing just makes it worse. The day I heard 95+ yo Gma say ‘we’ll all be Hispanic some day’ with a contented smile I knew something had gone terribly wrong.
The deracinated dupes of the so-called “Greatest Generation” were basically the assistant undertakers of White Civilization. They were swooned, crooned and hornswoggled into comitting the matricide of Europe, pure and simple. Their “victory” was very hollow, and most assuredly pyrrhic. The Jewish arsonists and instigators of the war are certainly in control of the degenerate system today, and are obviously the real winners. Ironically, but not surprisingly, Jewry, as ungrateful as ever, is now undermining the credulous Anglo Golem that very foolishly did their dirty work for them! Just rewards, anybody?
I’m not sure who, if anybody, will be around writing history 100 years from now, but whoever it is, they will certainly remark about how short-sighted and outright stupid the Anglo-White West was. If the White race does manage to survive, they will likely be building monuments to Hitler.
I am just learning the quirks of posting at this site and how many nested replies can be accepted. Not seeing the comment reply that I posted last night, I am re-posting it standalone. It may ultimately appear as a duplicate post.
@ Heidrun:) Posted June 10, 2014 at 3:04 pm
Werter Heidrun:),
Erstens, eine kleine technical note on the word you used three times in this thread, “condone”. Vermutlich, Sie meinten “condemn” (verachten, verurteilen) statt “condone” (verzeihen), oder?
On your June 10, 2014 at 3:04 pm message contents, with this correction, then:
we have surrendered
So, you are admitting your (current) surrender, right?
If we germans bat an eyelid, the “international community” can be turned against us in seconds, we know that.
This is B.S., ein Quatsch, a self-deception. What is this “international community” — whom are you afraid? The modern Germans like blaming the bad U.S.A., as if the German majority were internally dreaming and longing for the “right turn”.
Were that so — were they longing for the “right turn” and liberty — then, at the May’s E.U. elections, AfD and anything to the right of it would have received much more than the meager 7% of the votes.
Were is so, there would be no mass Linke actions in Hamburg, no Antifa’s domination in Dresden, no turning Berlin into a dump yard. Your Grüne, Linke and SPD (at least) are your own products, and are supported by the majority not because the international community told you so but because the majority is what it is and likes the “Grün und Link”. The majority have elected Gauck (ja!) als BRD Präsident — because of the “international community”, oder? Ursula vdL is your “Defense Secretary”. Kind of shows your wild fancy.
We germans might be in a slumber now, but trust you me, when we awaken we can rise mountains.
I trust you that “when you awaken”, you “can rise”. The big question is “when”. I am slightly encouraged by the AfD people and certain other things, and wish your awakening to happen before all you have is Sahara sands, not suitable for raising mountains. Not sure that you, as ein Volk, are awakening at all, however. And the German people’s stock has been much diluted… Weren’t you the original authors of the brilliant Guestworkers’ idea? Solved your demographic problems all right?
Despite all the obstacles, they manage to think clearly and steer straight ahead.
That I can feel in the comments I regularly read in the German media.
If there is a place to be for a white person, it is Germany, the root of the problem is here and the solution too.
Doesn’t look like that from the articles and comments in the independent German media. Grabbing something off the top of the news stack for you now:
Running away is for cowards.
Where would one run? Where is the great place the cowards are running? Have you seen many?
I ask you not to condone my people,
Not to “condemn”, perhaps? I am not condemning your people for Germany’s past (which is not all that bright and noble, admit it.)
But the German majority today may be worth the condemnation; they have been given a great country, with a unique history and are turning it into a “diversity paradise”, where German may be soon spoken by a minority, where “Goethe” is a dirty word for many.
Thilo Sarrazin and Bernd Lucke have all my sympathy and sincere admiration. They are brave, intelligent people — condemned by your own, German majority — the majority, deeply poisoned by all the wrong ideas.
I think this negative talk about mordern germans is babyish and leads no where. Find the jewels among us present day Germans and view the rest as having the same potential!
What makes it “babyish”? Is a negative talk about the modern Americans not babyish?
Bitte helfen mir: give me some examples of the present Germans’ greatness, other than Thilo Sarrazin and Bernd Lucke. Ist das möglich?
G.Hood: “It is not possible to objectively maintain that the German occupation of France was somehow more destructive to the French way of life than the non-white and Muslim occupation of France today. The French people under Vichy were more “free” in any meaningful sense than the French people under Hollande and the European Union.”
During the German occupation, the main complaints were about things like the curfew, the rationing of food, the men who remained prisoners in Germany, those who were sent to Germany to work in the Compulsory Work Service… It had to do with the temporary state of war, not with German national socialism.
But since 2005, we officially know that what made the German occupation of France so terrible is that a number of Jewish refugees living in France were expelled towards Germany during the occupation (even though a larger number of French people were killed in the same period by the Allied bombings). As always, it all comes down to the Jews. The non-Jews do not matter.
In 2005, Jean-Marie Le Pen received a 3 month suspended sentence simply for saying that the German occupation had not been particularly inhumane in France, a statement that most people agree with. I don’t know what was the context of his statement. It is unlikely that he was talking about the Jews. Anyway, the Jews used that as a pretext to bring an action against him for “apology of war crimes” and “denial of a crime against humanity”. Any honest man would laugh at such charges. Anyway, he was duly condemned by the judicial services of Zionist occupied France.
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