Waking Up From the American Dream
The Fatherland vs. the Republic
Gregory Hood
1,188 words
Part 5 of 5
The French author Jean Raspail noted that his French Fatherland was betrayed by those who confused Republican values with the nation itself. In America, the process is far worse, because the nation was a flawed ideological experiment from the beginning. Yet there is still that “historic American nation” and the institutions and cultural norms associated with it. For European-Americans, the flag, the Founding Fathers, the West, and all the rest of it will always mean something to us, even as we understand this country was doomed from the beginning. More importantly, they will always mean something to the great majority of European-Americans.
What remains is to mobilize the Fatherland against the Republic – the specific cultural norms and symbols of the historic American nation against the egalitarian values of the founding. Here, there is much to celebrate, and our enemies have done much of the work for us.
For example, in 1775, when revolutionary fervor was actually greater than in much of 1776, members of the Virginia House of Burgesses attended the legislative session dressed like militia members, carrying knives and tomahawks. Sam Adams’ scorn towards the effeminate foppery of the European courts is also a model to follow. The ideal of the white man at arms, organized in his own defense, and not at the beck and call of the state, is a recurring motif in the American past and a pillar of early republican (small r) ideology in the United States. It can also never be tolerated by anti-white forces within the country – even college mascots named “Pioneers” are having to be renamed.
There are symbols and slogans of the American past that can be co-opted and utilized. Everything from the Continental Army to the Alamo is fundamentally the property of the European-American historic American nation. After all, what better phrase can be used to justify white nationalism than “for ourselves and our posterity?”
At the same time, these symbols have to be utilized in the service of an explicitly identitarian and anti-liberal cause. That which is not explicitly for our people inevitably turns against our people with time. The Ron Paul movement so enthusiastically supported by white patriots in 2008 has devolved into an explicitly anti-white libertarian movement that champions open borders, white dispossession, and endlessly harping on the need to reach out to “minorities.” White nationalists can no longer afford such mistakes.
This historic American nation must be separated from the regime. As part of this, minorities should be accurately described as what they are – obedient clients designed to solidify the regime. The current American government sees European-Americans as its biggest threat. Non-whites, utterly dependent by design on government handouts, jobs, and patronage, are the main pillar of support for the existing federal government. If the federal government disappeared tomorrow, whites in North America would thrive. Nonwhites would instantly have no place.
For that reason, the primary strategic challenge for white revolutionaries is separating European-Americans’ emotional attachment to the state. Each action by the government against the memory of the historic American nation is a propaganda victory in this regard. The refusal of the federal government to fulfill even its most basic responsibilities even while it launches foreign interventions all around the world helps make that case. The European-Americans who built, sustain, and fight for the country are treated with contempt even as illegal immigrants who openly despise the United States constitute a new privileged class. It is precisely those who contribute the least to the country who are most actively rewarded. Therefore, why sacrifice for those who hate you?
While traditional American symbols can be used, the same old classical American rhetoric can not. European-Americans are not fighting for equality and certainly not for democracy. Liberalism, classical or otherwise, is the problem. European-Americans need to fight for identity. They need to fight for a homeland. They need to fight for their very existence and survival. They must fight for the upward development of the race, and of humanity, for the defiant faith that there is something better than the filth we are offered as “freedom.” The American Dream has to be replaced with something better – in the words of Harold Covington, it is time to replace the American Dream with the Iron Dream.
An Ancient People, a New Ideal
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created unequal, that a natural aristocracy has been endowed among them by their Creator, and that the purpose of human existence is the upward development of the individual, the ethnic community, and the race. That to secure this development, the state is implemented among men, deriving its authority from those who are willing to establish and defend it, and fight on its behalf. ”
Not quite the spirit of 1776. But there is still something in the great stories of the American Revolution and in the American past that speaks to the European soul. Our triumphs as a nation came despite, not because of the flawed ideals of our founding. America accomplished many great things in its history. But those deeds were the product of our people, not hoary slogans that were nothing better than the champagne socialism of the day. There is more value in the deeds themselves, than in the shallow justifications used to justify our rebellion. We are the sons of the North, the race of Europa, the People of the Sun. America is but one of our creations – and the power that created its greatest triumphs is in our blood, not in words on a piece of parchment.
The American Dream can be pleasant on occasion, like a drunken revelry, or a drug induced haze. But it ends in the dungheap that piles up all around us and it must be said plainly – this ideology, this culture, this government, and this America is not worth dying for, working for, or even living in. Like an addict, we must awake from the American Dream, or die in our beds, surrounded by filth.
Let our next rebellion be more honest, free of illusion and classical liberal propaganda that’s been outdated for centuries. On this continent, let’s build the purest expression of our Northern soul, the most glorious triumph of our European spirit. For this is the challenge the present offers– a new dream, a “rising empire,” to use Washington’s phrase, dedicated to the best within us. And this time, we will rise not in defense of a meaningless “freedom,” but in defense of our blood, and in defense of the idea of rising itself, transcending the egalitarian swamp.
It’s hard to wake from a pleasant dream. After all, during a dream we can experience the impossible, obtain pleasures without effort, and even when half awake, retreat back into the soft comfort of our beds.
But we have to awake. Reveille has sounded. The next few decades will determine whether Western Man has a future on the Continent his ancestors discovered, explored, settled, built, fought, and died for. The American Dream is over – and it has to be replaced with the waking vision of the White Republic.
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What an outstanding article, and an outstanding writer.
I, too, congratulate the author and Counter-Currents on another great essay.
On USA-Patriotism:
The late Richard Barrett pointed out something about the 1770s in North America of relevance here. Namely: The labels given to the various sides by the history books are wrong. It was the “Tories” (who opposed independence) who were the actual patriots of that time. The Tories were conservative patriots. The pro-independence side actually consisted of nationalists with racialist grievances against the British government going back over century (because the British government seemed to generally side with Indians over White pioneers [Hood alludes to this in the essay]).
A similar situation exists today in White North America. There are far, far too many patriots. Gregory Hood’s essay is definitely unpatriotic. Counter Currents is one of the least patriotic places I know of on the Internet.
“That which is not explicitly for our people inevitably turns against our people with time.”
15 words that need to be repeated every day, everywhere.
I just happened to be reading H. G. Wells autobiography, “Experiment in Autobiography” and came across this when he was talking with Teddy Roosevelt in the garden of the White House, “does this magnificent appearance of beginnings, which is America, convey any clear and certain promise of permanence and fulfillment whatever?….Is America a giant childhood or a gigantic futility, a mere latest phase of that long succession of experiments which has been and may be for interminable years – may be, indeed, altogether unto the end – man’s social history? ”
I think that both Wells and Greg ,while belonging to different eras, are in agreement that the story of America is not finished. Or, as Wells wrote regarding Roosevelt and the possible end of America, “He choose to live as if this were not so.”
This is a very good article on one of the most important topics for us: coming to terms with America. It is essential for the cause of American white nationalism, both spiritually and propagandistically, that we present ourselves as the rightful inheritors and custodians of what is really American. Obviously, I believe that we really do represent the true spirit of America, but unfortunately our enemies have spun the tale that America was destined from the beginning to be a brown Babylon where the only values allowed are economic values.
We have to construct a narrative of continuity between our ideals and those of colonial and revolutionary America. All the “racist” quotes and beliefs of the founding fathers and Lincoln must become common knowledge; so common they are recalled as easily as the words to MLK’s “I have a dream” speech.
Anti-semitism is also very important. We have to make people understand that the identification of America with classical liberal (i.e. purely economic) values is largely a Jewish fabrication. Jews as a people fundamentally alien to America must be made the dominant view. The history and present of Jewish disloyalty to America is legion so that it should be relatively easy to convince Americans to distrust Jews as hostile aliens. And nothing strengthens national feelings quite like an identifiable enemy.
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