80:21 / 80 words
Greg Johnson and John Morgan join Richard Spencer to discuss Ridley Scott’s 1982 masterpiece Blade Runner, and in particular its disturbing depiction of an overpopulated, inhuman, and multicultural future as well as the questions the film raises about human identity and dignity.
To listen, click here.
Blade Runner (1982)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968)
The original “Happy Ending”
“Future Noire”
William Blake, “America, a Prophecy” (1793)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009)
Oblivion (2013)
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Whats the mp3 link? A stream is useless.
That is a question for Richard Spencer.
There are various plug-ins/add-ons available for different browsers that allow you to download movies and mp3 files. For example, I’ve successfully used “DownloadHelper” to download several mp3s from Radix.
However, I agree with you that Spencer should enable mp3’s to be directly downloaded from his site.
You can download the mp3 directly from here:
I know it’s sacrilege for most sci-fi fans, but I think Blade Runner is a bit over-rated. The third act is really just a long fight sequence. It’s only saved by the cool “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe” speech at the end.
And while some of the sweeping cityscape shots are absolutely stunning, as good as has ever been done, when you get down to the street level stuff it’s actually very a very small set.
Having said that, the general art design is great, and it’s world’s better than most Hollywood science-fiction.
I think it’s Ridley Scott’s third best film after Gladiator and Alien.
This interview has inspired me to read up on Gnosticism and early church history, and in particular the ideas of Marcion, and I’m highly intrigued by what I’ve been reading so far, both on a spiritual/religious level and on a practical political level.
To White Nationalists, Marcionite Christianity could actually provide a viable basis for a pro-White religion. Unlike indigenous European religions such as Greco-Roman polytheism, it would not require Christians to discard their belief in Christ. It would also not require us to grossly falsify religious history and our own historical identity in the manner the Christian Identity folks do.
Declaring that the god of the Old Testament is a separate deity that is to be opposed would completely take away the basis for Christian Zionism.
Discarding the Old Testament in this way would also gets rid of many of Catholic Christianity’s internal contradictions, and it is my belief that forcing oneself to believe obviously contradictory things leads to psychological problems.
Identifying the Jews as agents/followers of the Demiurge who knowingly or unknowingly work to hinder us from ascension provides a good religious explanation as to why they promote the things in our media that they do. It also provides a religious motive for two particular paths of action:
1) In order to reduce harmful influence that serves to keep our people in the physical trap of the Demiurge, the Jews must be removed from our midst, and even from abroad they must not be permitted to exercise any cultural influence.
2) In order to ease the process of ascension, our offspring’s biological capacity to acquire esoteric knowledge and spiritual experience must be increased.
Both of these points can be implemented on the level of individual believers (refusing to watch Jewish-produced TV shows; looking for a suitable mate) and on a state policy level (deporting the Jews to Israel; enacting policies that favor procreation of the healthiest elements of our race).
I completely agree. I have been planning a series of articles on dejudaizing Christianity, discussing such figures as Marcion, Origen, Swedenborg, William Blake, and Simone Weil. I have hesitated for years because I would have preferred to find an actual Christian to write this project.
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