Tomorrow Relies on Us:
John Young’s A Springless Autumn
Juleigh Howard-Hobson
John Young
A Springless Autumn
Raleigh, NC: Western Culture Institute, 2012
John Young, the author of A Springless Autumn, is on the board of directors of European Americans United, a group which defines itself as “an organization dedicated to the preservation and exaltation of classical European values.” He is also a writer for EAU—many of the articles on the EAU website are his, and his book, EAU’s Guide to Completing Your College Degree, is a first-rate handbook on obtaining a tertiary degree without incurring crippling debt and staggering white-guilt (how to avoid the system and still get a BA). He writes in an always engaging style, despite the subjects he sometimes tackles (economics, multiculturalism, government bail outs . . .) so I was pleased to see that he had a new book published last November.
The title, A Springless Autumn, refers to a world without purely European descendants within it. A season that shall descend into the cold night of multi-culti winter and never emerge again, taking with it a whole race of people—our race of people—who shall age and never bring forth new life. It is a bleak and ugly thought, but a thought that must be raised in order for it to be examined, and—hopefully—ultimately avoided.
The book is laid out well; 12 chapters trace the trajectory of low European-American natality from problem to solution. A Springless Autumn is one of those rare books that holds not only dire and documented warnings, but a balanced set of solutions as well. “So I can sit here and urge people to make babies all day, and it won’t do any good unless that urging comes with concrete solutions.” No less than 25 pages worth of solutions to the problems presented in the book are offered.
Opening with the traditional perspective that “the smallest unit of our Folk capable of reproducing itself and carrying on our culture is not the individual, but the family. Anything that affects the family, automatically affects our people,” Mr. Young continues:
If current low natality rates continue, even if our lands were emptied of invaders; most of our unique genes that have persisted for untold millennia will cease to exist in about 250 years. When taking interracial marriage, the rates at which our people are the victims of violence and similar phenomena into account, the end of our people will be even sooner. That is no small matter. We are talking about an entire human race being wiped from the face of the earth in two centuries or less. We will be gone . . .
The cause of our racial collapse (and I write the words “racial collapse” with great sadness) is complex. Mr. Young shows that there are factors within factors at work—all aimed at, or at the very least managing to achieve, the genocide of one of the world’s distinct races—our own folk. This book takes on the Hydra that is our current world system and, chapter by chapter, successfully places each of its horrible factor-heads (from economics to feminism) on the proverbial block. From there each factor-head is able to be seen clearly, known for exactly what it is, recognized for what it does to our folk . . . and can be efficiently and permanently chopped out of our world completely.
Chapter 2 focuses on how economics in general depress our Folk future: “Nobody wants to be impoverished, so when you combine the rising cost of living compared to incomes—caused by our Federal Reserve, trade and immigration policies, with the fact that having a child is the single largest predictor of poverty, and a tax system that penalizes taxpayers for having children . . . you have an extremely powerful motivator against having children. This, in fact, is one of the largest factors affecting our birth rates . . . and white folks as a rule are not well-disposed to having children under circumstances where they aren’t sure the kids will be properly supported.”
Particular economic matters such as mortgages, credit card and auto debt, the Federal Reserve, inflation, VA loans, and home equity are further examined in Chapter 3, a chapter aptly titled “Debt Slavery.” I found this a very interesting and eye-opening section, dealing as it does with debt, which is the sole root of so many issues that affect every one of us every day in these system-manipulated times. “What does this have to do with birth rates?” the author asks, then answers:
Quite a lot, because it adversely affects our birth rates in three ways. First it increases the costs of everything at a rate more quickly than our wages increase, thereby making it more difficult to afford a baby. Second, by increasing our monthly mandatory payments, it reduces our economic certainty, thus making us less comfortable in assuming the costs of a child. Finally, and most importantly, it is an extremely large contributor to divorce. Couples who divorce have, in most cases, ended their reproductive phase . . .
In “Employeeism and Natality,” the fourth chapter, Mr. Young discusses the plain fact of the matter that “there is an inverse relationship between the amount of time that parents spend working, and the number of children they have.” And, let’s face it, folks, European-Americans are a hard working bunch, no matter what we think we need to do, we give it our all. This facet of our cultural selves has been warped though, we’ve been duped into thinking that we need to work more (instead of working smart) because we think we need more things (instead of making the smart distinction between want and need).
There is a good portion of the chapter given up to our historical family and work patterns: when both parents worked to generate income, we used to work from our homes—whether it was living on the family farm, living around the family smithy or living above the family store—job security didn’t come from an outside source and neither did child care. It was family, not employer, which created and sustained the family. “Remember, when you own the means of production—you are independent,” states the author.
An examination of the harm done to our future generations (through hampering our ability to have future generations in any sustainable amount) by “Affluenza” (the agent of crass commercialism) follows in Chapter 5. This chapter opens with an apt quote from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club: “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need . . .” John Young goes on to expose the damaging effects of commercially-oriented lives lived via television and internet messages—using a warning issued by Pope John Paul II: “A consumerist society preoccupied with material well-being has helped to make depression the most common psychiatric disease in the Western world.” When Palahniuk and the Pope agree, times are tough indeed.
The next three chapters are devoted to radical feminism, with another one following that might as well be—68 pages that look at the harm done to the family (and therefore the future) through this ideology. Young makes it very clear that he is not criticizing traditional Western female figures, the innate strength of womanhood, or classic Western femininity, he is criticizing “radical feminism or female supremacism.” As a matter of fact, Mr. Young goes on to state, later in the book: “We are ONE people, and anything that hurts one of the sexes will ultimately hurt both sexes and our children. Though I have singled out women on many issues—such as initiating 91% of divorces or being insensitive to the educational needs of boys—I do not see this as evidence of women being any ‘worse’ than men.”
From the Marxist underpinnings that hatched the radical feminist agenda upon our folk to no-fault divorce (“divorce is better for kids!”) to workforce equity to the current phenomena of young male voluntary sterilization, Young outlines the myriad and ultimately genocidal dangers that this particularly pernicious ism has unleashed upon our folk. “If there ever was a formula for an absolutely lethal cocktail to poison the American family, radical feminists have served us up a giant heaping helping, which we swallowed. Women swallowed it because it gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. Men swallowed it because it created a whole bevy of sexually promiscuous women where they could get their rocks off. But our missing next generation shows there was serious poison underneath the sugar coating on the pill.”
The variety of reasons why there exists “a lack of suitable mates” for the European-American to create a decent family with makes up the content of chapter 10, sensibly titled “A Lack of Suitable Mates.” The reasons range from the obvious physical (e.g.: the rampant obesity of our times) through the psychological (boomerang children still living with their parents when they should be married and parents themselves) through the less familiar hypergamy, which “is a woman’s desire for the best man she can get her hands on” (while I’d word my definition of hypergamy a little less “graspily,” I agree with the sentiment) through to the “consumerist marriage”—in which a mate is seen as no more than a car or a house, easily replaced and upgraded from a “starter marriage” that exists “so long as we both shall love.” Without attraction, opportunity or desire for commitment, our marriages don’t flourish, and with that lack of flourishing comes lack of children. This chapter flows easily into the next, which is titled “Relationship Illiteracy” and it deals, as it states, with relationships: “You get out of marriage what you put into it.” I heartily agree.
Solutions are offered in the last chapter, Chapter 12. Ranging from taxation (looking at your own family taxes and seeing if it actually is an asset to have two wage earners, as well as tax reform) to child care (avoid it) to decreasing expenses (and you will be surprised how much you can decrease if you avoid child care costs, have one spouse who stays home and creatively manages the household, etc.) to remembering that we cannot, no matter how much we want it to be, recreate past times—we must live in the now and proceed – proceed and succeed.
The most important message I took from this book is that any lasting valuable success for us is going to mean having a future for our race where our success will mean something–and that having a future for our race means having future members of our race born. They can’t get here without us. It sounds simplistic, doesn’t it? But . . . in the end, it’s the only thing that will matter to who we are, to our culture, to our heritage, to our folkways, to our (forgive me if you are not pagan) future incarnations. After all, we can’t come back as members of our own if there is a lack of our own babies . . . without new folkish parents, we really can’t come back at all, can we? If you are Christian, think of it this way—we can’t go on as a distinct set of God’s people if we don’t be fruitful and multiply. Either way, we need more of us.
I think the best parting words for this review are from the author himself, in the last paragraphs of the last chapter:
I’ve covered a lot of ground in this book. Our people have reached negative population growth to such an extent that we are in danger of extinction in a mere blink of the historical eye. I have covered the major causative factors, as well as practical solutions you can implement in your private life and public policy advocacies.
There are practical things, then, that everyone reading this book can undertake. Many of these things are racially neutral so even the most timid among you has no excuse for failing to act. So instead of whining and crying and lamenting our low birth rates, I want to encourage you to stand up straight, undertake a posture worthy of our forebears, roll up your shirtsleeves and get to work. Don’t sit around waiting for someone else to act. YOU must act. Today. If YOU do not act, then our Folk will be a springless autumn and the orb of the earth will move through space devoid of our children.
Enough said.
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There are more Whites are alive now than ever, so that lulls some people into thinking that we’re in Summer. But many of them are old and in proportion to other races, our numbers are falling drastically. So in actuality, it’s Autumn going into a Winter that will have no Spring.
I will be the first Press Secretary for the first White Republic. As Aurobindo said in another context, if Man calls and Heaven answers, the Hour could be now.
Magnus RF, perhaps the absent spring in question relates to draught rather than a seasonal shift to come or not.
To continue, from the third paragraph, “The title, A Springless Autumn, refers to a world without purely European descendants within it. A season that shall descend into the cold night of multi-culti winter and never emerge again, taking with it a whole race of people—our race of people—who shall age and never bring forth new life.” In this sense, the autumn of the white race would truly have no spring to follow. Autumns, for the white race, do have springs. Likewise, every winter has a summer and any other combination you might imagine. Even emotions have seasons such as the one so closely associated with Richard III’s discontent.
But autumn’s can also have springs in the sense of autumnal intermittent, or seasonal, streams fed by a spring.
I’m sure there may be more.
Magnus, RF, I think you’ve nailed it. It may be a great book, but the title’s coolness or relevance is lost on me.
The title is taken from The Two Towers, the second part of The Lord of The Rings, by Tolkien:
What hope have we?’ said Faramir. ‘It is long since we had any hope. The sword of Elendil, if it returns indeed, may rekindle it, but I do not think that it will do more than put off the evil day, unless other help unlooked-for also comes, from Elves or Men. For the Enemy increases and we decrease. We are a failing people, a springless autumn.’
Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Aha! Thanks for pointing us towards clarity. I feel ashamed that I didn’t catch the Tolkien allusion.
Moving beyond titular concerns, the seemingly simple guiding truth of procreation for our white Spring cannot be stated cogently enough. While 14/88 has its ilk have definite appeal, even a peculiar beauty in their simplicity, to turn around the terribly dysgenic, and I believe I’m paraphrasing Greg Johnson here, breeding patterns of highly intelligent whites we need more intelligent articles like yours here and John Young’s book.
I am just curious to know if Mr. Young names any Radical Feminists and why they are wrong in what they say or is it a blanket condemnation? I am well aware of the dogma they pronounce, but I am really looking for a refutation of what they say.
They speak in code, learned from their professors.
Externally, they mouth the words of “equality,” and “fairness.”
Internally, their agenda is the destruction of the family, as historically defined, and their ultimate goal is the removal of the bearers of the y chromosome from what should be Humanity.
There is no hyperbole in that last sentence. It is their default metagoal. Compared to this, the genocide of the White race is one means to help achieve their greatest end.
You can see where this is well underway, and quite successfully, in the urban feast called the Inner Cities. Remember that amazing tv series, “The Wire?” The first black anti-hero, Omar, was a very openly and actively practicing homosexual.
He is a hero to many, many of the fatherless children who watched “The Wire.” Guess what position he legitimizes, in their eyes?
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