59:59 / 117 words
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Topics discussed:
- Rampant censorship and political correctness in Canada
- Customs censors seize booklet of speech by Sen. Jesse Helms; The Citizens’ Informer, and a dvd on the subversive Frankfurt School as possible “hate”
- How politically correct Canada Customs determine “hate”
- Major victory in Terry Tremaine case: “hate” charges stayed because of undue delay — 50 months!
- Still Terry Tremaine (“Mathdoktor99” on Stormfront) faces up to five years in jail in upcoming Oct. 9 sentencing for “contempt of court”
- Help political prisoner Terry Tremaine. Send donations to:
Box 332,
Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3
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There’s a New Tariff in Town
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 624
A Week of Winning
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Chaos in the North: Trudeau’s Half-Hearted Resignation
Emperor Trump, Part 1
For Canadians who need more.
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Two excellent podcasts in a row from Paul Fromm.
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