The Stark Truth
Robert Stark Interviews Former Congressman Pete McCloskey
Counter-Currents Radio
51:33 / 171 words
There are a few brief audio dropouts in McCloskey’s remarks near the beginning. There was nothing we could do to recover this information. Bear with them, though, because this is an excellent interview.
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“Pete” McCloskey, Jr. (born September 29, 1927) served as a congressman from the San Francisco Bay Area from 1967 to 1983.
He ran on an anti-war platform for the Republican nomination for President in 1972 but was defeated by incumbent President Richard Nixon. In April 2007, McCloskey switched his affiliation to the Democratic Party.
McCloskey is a decorated United States Marine Corps veteran of combat during the Korean War, being awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart (twice).
Topics include:
- His role in the Nixon impeachment
- Pat Robertson
- His role in creating Earth Day
- His role in environmental legislation
- The Israel Lobby
- His lawsuit against the ADL
- The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
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The USS Liberty is a great wedge for introducing the JQ and undermining the credibility of mainstream establishment. First, there is the main issue: Jews murdered Americans (probably all or mostly white gentile). The plan was to blame Egyptians. Second, the subsequent cover up shows the utter corruption of the American political establishment, both parties, every leader in both parties, the entire media establishment, and the extent to which they’re all beholden to Israel and Jews.
It is important not to assume everyone knows about this incident just because everyone here has probably known about it for years. There is an ocean of people out there who don’t about it. Hence, the importance of bring it up from time-to-time.
Another good wedge is Jonathan Pollard. I like using Pollard because he is hailed as a hero is Israel. Rabin, Dershowtiz, Netanyahu and numerous other Jewish leaders have also demanded Pollard’s release many times over the years. Those demands are a good illustration of the chutzpah principle (a concrete example of brazen shamelessness and contempt for non-Jews).
“There is an ocean of people out there who don’t about it. Hence, the importance of bring it up from time-to-time.”
I wonder if any chance of setting up a CC channel at say Justin-TV or something similar. They could have a rotation of interviews/documentaries relevant to the ‘mission’. I ask because JTV has a broad audience and it’s possible to capture ‘channel surfers’ . Unfortunately most people who end up at sites like this are already clued in… the real difficulty is in converting others. Also having some ‘illusion’ of mainstream credibility frees up people to discuss certain ‘issues’ they would normally be fearful of even thinking.
Since there was no real investigation there is no solid proof about the motive. But we know the attack was deliberate and the Israeli-USG claim of a “friendly fire” incident is a lie. USG knew it was deliberate in 1967 and has been covering up for Israel ever since.
I have to admit, I never thought I’d see the day when a (former) Congressman, a quite prestigious one no less, was interviewed on this site.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an individual interviewed to this extent without a high level of schmoozing going on at the same time (think Charlie Rose). I love the way Stark just fires off question after question. No bullshit. Good show.
I really enjoyed listening to this interview – Stark and McCloskey couldn’t have been a better match.
I’ve always thought of Pete McCloskey in conjunction with Paul Findley, who wrote the 1985 bestseller They Dare to Speak Out (1985). It can be read online here (p.85 McCloskey)
In 1989 Findley and McCloskey co-founded the Council for the National Interest, which is still very active.
Amazingly, in 2005 this full-page CNI Ad appeared in the New York Times. They’ve done many more since then.
Is the Anti-Defamaton League of B’nai B’rith Spying on You? by Bill Hughes (1993) describes the ADL spy scandal; many more articles were written about it.
Here’s the IHR Machinations of the Anti-Defamation League (Adapted)
Looking for working links, I came across this 2006 article with the tantalizing title An Israel Accountability Act by Wm A. Cook
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