From the Editor
Two Must-Read Reviews at American Renaissance
Greg Johnson
1. “Science Versus Ideology”: Thomas Jackson reviews Nancy Segal, Born Together – Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2012), 410 pp. $49.95:
Born Together — Reared Apart is a history of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, which provides the scientifically soundest evidence of the reality and extent of genetic determinism — as well as many astonishing stories.
2. “The Psychology of White Dispossession”: Jared Taylor reviews Barbara Oakley, et al., Pathological Altruism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 465 pp., $55.00:
Pathological Altruism is a collection of sociobiological and evolutionary psychological studies of how altruism can become maladaptive. Although these studies do not cover self-destructive white racial altruism, Jared Taylor explains how they throw a good deal of light on the problem.
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These are very revealing studies. I particularly like the one on pathological altruism.
I figure those who are “addicted to the sensation of altruism” are also the ones who like to dish out altruistic punishment to those of us who are not like them.
Thanks, Greg, for pointing these out.
I, too, found the one on pathological altruism interesting. The point Rhonda is referring to also struck me. Jared Taylor quotes a passage that compares an irrational certainty by a know-it-all to addiction, and says that
“Relinquishing such strongly felt personal beliefs would require undoing or lessening major connections with the overwhelmingly seductive pleasure-reward circuitry. Think of such a shift of opinion as producing the same type of physiological changes as withdrawing from drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes.”
Logic, statistics, etc. aren’t going to free addicts from the good feeling they get in condemning us “evil racists” as they are taught by the educational system, the msm, and most of society. We need to produce things that will connect with people’s emotions. It takes something big to motivate that kind of “rewiring.” And they have to be given something else to condemn. Taylor points out that “anti-racism” hasn’t always been the thing that produced “ecstatic self-righteousness.”
Perhaps whites can be moved to channel their self-righteous condemnation against banksters whose fraud robs people of jobs and puts families on the street, and globalists and dishonest politicians who allow in immigrants against the will of the people who harm white children and women.
Right. To paraphrase Mark Twain, you can’t reason someone out of something that they weren’t reasoned into believing in the first place.
Really glad you posted this. I only visit AmRen rarely so I likely wouldn’t have seen these otherwise. Both were really good, very interesting.
I am attempting an experiment of my own that tests a host of environmental factors in “intelligence and development”. Whereas I was reared on fast-food, movies, TV, and rather hands-off parents, my 2-year son is being raised on fresh natural foods, Homer, Nietzsche, no TV ever, and lessons that totally subvert any bourgeois notions of achievement and decency. If he is considered a monster I will have succeeded. Where and how inheritance enters this mix will be interesting. Although I have achieved the ultimate educationally, I have to work to understand things. In other words, it doesn’t always come naturally. I know some men who are compendiums of knowledge and who read something once in passing and never forget it. Of course, they are useless to us, but that’s another story. If my son has my will and takes to heart his responsibility to our people, that will please me more than him being an intellectual dynamo.
Another perspective:
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