Call for Papers 
The Legacy of William Pierce


William Pierce

149 words

Just a reminder: William Pierce died on July 23, 2002. To commemorate the tenth anniversary of his death, Counter-Currents/North American New Right will publish a memorial symposium on aspects of Pierce’s legacy, beginning Monday, July 23, 2012

Contributions can range from personal recollections to analyses of different aspects of Pierce’s legacy as a thinker, novelist, publisher, broadcaster, and political activist. The most substantive contributions will be included in a future printed volume of North American New Right.

Although Piece died nearly ten years ago, he still provokes intense polarization. The premise of this symposium is that William Pierce was a figure who deserves respect. But that does not preclude the possibility of respectful disagreement and objective criticism.

If you wish to participate in this symposium, or merely suggest ideas, please contact me at [email protected] [2].

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing
& North American New Right