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The thirteen principles of Richard McCulloch’s “Separate or Die”[1] are a beautiful and perfect plan for white survival through secession. He is convincing and persuasive about why his plan is superior to a clunky unworkable secession plan proposed by Michael Hart.[2]
McCulloch’s plan is so beautiful and perfect it reminds me of the better worlds science fiction envisions for us, those where star ships take off to other galaxies from ordinary airfields and smaller craft fly in and out of gateways to buildings so tall their summits are lost in clouds. The only problem with such beautiful visions is that the technology to build them doesn’t exist because of formidable physical constraints.
Craig Bodeker’s exploration of white people’s negative attitude toward their survival[3] reviewed in the same TOQ issue suggests political constraints on implementing McCulloch’s plan are also formidable, which he acknowledges. It is unfortunate but likely true that right now far more white people are motivated to hunt down and kill rather than join the tiny minority of their kinsfolk ready and willing to secede. Far too many whites seek their ethnic heritage’s destruction through amalgamation with other races. Until this amalgamation of the mind prevailing among whites is fixed by replacing it with secession of the mind, physical secession is not possible. When it is fixed, physical secession may not be necessary.
Does the behavior of biological entities ever reduce their chance of survival? It happens all the time. So does extinction. Moths fly into flames they mistake for light signaling a path to a mate.[4] Eagles gliding on the wind through mountain passes like their ancestors did for millennia suddenly confront the deadly blades of wind farms.[5] Social parasitic species[6] like Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) induce many North American bird species to neglect their own offspring in favor of baby cowbirds and thus collaborate in their own significant demographic decline.[7] Many other social parasites behave similarly worldwide.
Such self-destructive behavior isn’t confined to animals dependent on instincts that can be fooled and become counterproductive. It is also common among people. In 1857, for example, South Africa’s Xhosas destroyed all their cattle and food crops because a young girl prophesied this would bring revenge on the white man and provide better food from heaven. The immediate consequence was mass starvation and an estimated population fall in affected chiefdoms from 105,000 to a mere 37,000.[8]
During the reign of Russia’s Catherine II (1762-96) a sect of skoptsy or self-castrators became wildly popular especially among wealthy Moscow merchants and military leaders denied access to inner circles of her court, which generated hostility because of her foreign origins and its promiscuity.[9] Skoptsy origins were in “the rejected radical Protestantism of Central Europe [which] was to find roots in eighteenth-century Russia second only to those it found in America,”[10] which may be why sects similarly rejecting their genetic heritage have been especially notorious in the United States.
Shakers, for example, practiced total celibacy because they completely rejected sex.[11] Their membership peaked at 6,000 in 1840 and then went into slow decline, causing their upstate New York “Mother Church” to be sold in 1947 when they were virtually extinct.[12] Recently other American sects rejecting life came to more sudden ends when the People’s Temple practiced mass self-poisoning in 1978 and was copied by Heaven’s Gate in 1997.[13]
The current tendency of American whites to embrace their self-destruction clearly resembles past suicide cults but is a phenomenon on such a vastly larger scale that it even dwarfs the fratricidal slaughter of World War I trench warfare.[14] Its origins are no mystery since Kevin MacDonald thoroughly and brilliantly described them.[15] They are almost entirely a direct consequence of a Jewish Establishment and its supporters gaining increasing dominance of American intellectual discourse and media during the last century. That Establishment’s motivation is clear. It sought what it perceived was good for Jews: destruction of ethnic consciousness among the majority in America, where it is a permanent minority, and promotion of ethnic consciousness in Israel, where Jews are numerous enough to rule directly.[16]
Less explored is why America’s white Christian majority so readily accepted concerted attacks on their self-worth. Self-hatred among white Christians and their non-Christian descendents is often dismissed as mere “white guilt,”[17] but it is a far more complex phenomenon critically linked to Christianity itself, which, next to race itself, is the most significant ethnic characteristic of the European homeland of whites, which has long been also known as Christendom.[18]
People live and die by stories, which can evolve a little like species.[19] Sir James Frazer, for example, a pioneer in archeology of stories, implied Europeans were preadapted for Christian theology because they were agricultural people, and many farmers sacralize the crops that die to give them life at fall harvest time before being reborn the next spring to begin the cycle anew.[20] Preadaptation is when traits that evolve in one environment have a different function when the environment changes.[21] Moths, for example, are preadapted to fly into flames. Since America’s founders were mostly Protestants,[22] they brought a Protestant story to America, which goes like this: mankind is burdened by original sin, a weakly developed concept in earliest Christianity. It was made a very strong element of Western Christianity by Augustine of Hippo (354-430), who explicitly identified it with human procreation. Catholic theologians during the Middle Ages preserved original sin but gradually began decoupling it from Augustinian identification with sex.[23] Then came the Reformation, which was largely a rediscovery of Augustine.[24] Original sin as sex came roaring back if it had ever left, and sin was punished by eternal torture by demons in a very real Hell. Until Christ returned to earth and ended sin, the only hope for escape from the tortures of Hell as well as a sin-filled world was Christ’s suffering at Calvary, which offered hope of escape to eternally blissful Heaven[25]. While it is evident how this story could be a slippery slope to self-destructive extremes, it mostly functioned fairly well for white survival till quite recently.
Now the old Protestant story has been thoroughly replaced by a new anti-racism story. Sin is passé. Television heroes can now be drug dealers (Kingpin), Mafia bosses (The Sopranos), and even serial killers (Dexter). But what they never are, and can never be, are white nationalists. Racism now irrevocably taints all whites as much as original sin once tainted their ancestors. Just as those ancestors were once reminded of their sinfulness each Sunday morning, their descendents are reminded of their racism each day by a media cacophony. And its logic is impeccable. Since racial equality is as unquestioned as God once was and evidence of inequality is everywhere in non-white poverty, crime, low achievement, and general misbehavior, the only possible explanation is white racism. Just as sin only ends with Christ’s return, white racism can only end when non-whites become so equal to whites they are like them in every way, two events so hypothetical and unlikely they can be disregarded in the real world. Just as the only route to the eternal bliss of heaven in the old story was death, the only path to a blissful utopian future of racial equality in the new story is death of the white race[26]. In the old story sin brought eternal torment by demons in a lake of fire. In the new story racism brings torture by sadistic Nazis in Auschwitz. Torture is not eternal in the new story, however, since in it Auschwitz is both Hell and Calvary, the place Jews died and then were resurrected to save mankind from racism.
Any similarity between the old and new stories is not coincidental. The old was clearly preadapted to morph into the new with the help of social engineering. The media expose all Americans to bits and pieces of the new story every day. The more advanced their education in academic humanities, the more they receive it in pure form and must assimilate its verities to succeed. This is especially true at prestigious theological seminaries providing clergy to mainstream Christian churches. There they learn “Auschwitz becomes the analogue to Golgotha (Calvary) and once more the Servant [sic] suffers to bring redemption. For some, this is evidenced in the establishment of the State of Israel”[27] and “support for the State of Israel and its right of self-defense is seen as something of a litmus test of Christian seriousness about a new age of post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian relations.”[28] Replacement of the old story by the new is a significant reason why mainstream Protestant churches are hemorrhaging members to Evangelical churches more true to the former[29].
Since prestigious universities propagate the new story in its purest form and also provide entree to high incomes, it is not surprising belief in the new story tends to increase with income among white Christians. It also continues to provide them functional benefits long after college. It obviously helps their relations with the culturally, politically, and economically hegemonic Jewish Establishment, but that’s not its only function. Like the old story may have helped successful Protestant entrepreneurs see their wealth as evidence of salvation relative to sinful masses[30], the new story frees its believers from guilt for impoverishing American workers through layoffs, union-busting, outsourcing, downsizing, and plant closures. They can take comfort that their victims are mostly just white racists anyway, and therefore scum of the earth. Meanwhile they, like Bill Gates, demonstrate righteous belief in the new story by sending billions of dollars to Africa so its population can grow even farther beyond its carrying capacity and continue slaughtering each other to make room.[31] His actions, like those of movie stars adopting third world children, are ostentatious acts of faith in the new story’s god of racial equality. It’s no accident the favorite philosopher in these elite circles is the former wannabe Protestant minister John Rawls,[32] whose A Theory of Justice contributed significantly to the new story by simultaneously justifying extremes of racial equality and income inequality.[33]
It is evident the white race’s survival will take more than physical secession by the tiny minority that still value it. It will take a race war of ideas in which the First Amendment is critical and the Second just a distraction. To win, the new story must be defeated. It’s an elusive opponent that’s never been fully named till now and yet is as pervasive as Christian belief when America was first settled nearly 400 years ago. Like then, entities like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center exist to enforce orthodoxy and attack heresy.[34] The new story’s very elusiveness presents both opportunities and challenges. Since it lacks a name or a real institutional infrastructure, it could disappear overnight like Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Nevertheless, its very invisibility makes it difficult to attack directly. Since it exists in the shadows, the first key steps are exposing and explaining its nature.
Since the new story is built on lies, the most effective weapon against it is scrupulous respect for truth. It’s a mistake to accept less just because falsehoods can sound more pleasant and convenient. Truth is an important weapon for regaining the moral high ground among our kinfolk, which is crucial for success. Also basic is appreciating arts of salesmanship and persuasion from Dale Carnegie to the latest texts in social marketing, which emphasize the importance of proper branding. Getting exposure on a program called The Political Cesspool may be convenient, for example, but its name’s reinforcement of negative stereotypes could be counter-productive. An example of negative branding is use of “hate” by enemies of white nationalism to describe it even though it exists because it loves its race. In recent American history gratuitous hate is most evident among Jews for the white gentiles who sacrificed so much to save them during World War II, a phenomenon graphically and sympathetically portrayed in the little-seen 1995 film Unstrung Heroes. On the other hand, it may be time to stop running from the term “racist” and start flipping it the other way. Since it’s been so widely applied to all whites that it’s now drained of meaning, why don’t those for whom race matters proudly claim it? If bad things were done in its name, what belief can’t say the same?
Since Auschwitz is such a basic part of the new story, Germany’s behavior in World War II is an unavoidable issue. Despite the new story’s portrayal of it as the quintessence of racial consciousness, the Third Reich never practiced white racial nationalism. Its nationalism based almost exclusively on language, which it consistently confused with race in its rhetoric, explains its abominable behavior toward its own racial kin like Slavs and other ethnic groups speaking non-Germanic languages.[35] Further evidence is its alliance with Japan, which practiced race war against whites throughout Asia and the Pacific.[36] That it never authentically taught its population about race is even evident in post-war eagerness of its women to fraternize with black American occupiers when that was still stigmatized in the United States.[37] America has been a white nationalist nation at various times, particularly from 1830 to 1855 and from 1900 to 1925. Australia was one from 1890 to 1945,[38] as was South Africa from 1948 to 1989.[39] Germany, however, was never a white nationalist nation.
Since the Third Reich was hostile to Jews, and Americans fought it for mostly different reasons, it is politically advantageous for America’s Jewish Establishment to use its vast media dominance to constantly emphasize these events,[40] and deemphasize those distracting from this association. Among such deemphasized events are the Pacific War, German atrocities against non-Jews, Communist atrocities against anyone, and the Armenian and Rwandan genocides. The exception proving the rule is media interest in Darfur, which is located in Sudan, a Moslem country hostile to Israel.
The role of Jews in creating and profiting from the new story is readily demonstrable historical fact. A natural and reasonable response when discovering this is to blame “the Jews” for America’s ills. Unfortunately this just reinforces the martyrology on which their power depends. It is better to clearly name the Jewish Establishment, which consists of organizations represented by the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations[41] as well as its many collaborators among all ethnicities. Then its current collective activities can be identified as aberrant ethnic attacks on other ethnicities analogous to those by Germany’s Third Reich. That’s a comparison Americans can understand. They know every German didn’t support the Reich, and they don’t believe every Jew does harm either.
Modern science is ultimately the best friend of white racial nationalism as well as all other races. Despite resistance, the human genome’s exploration is finally revealing the deep structure of why each race is distinctive and valuable. Discovery of genes correlating well with known distribution of intelligence is only the beginning.[42] Radical equalitarians seek to block such research, but their efforts are futile. Understanding the genome is too critical for finding cures to diseases like type 2 diabetes caused by complex gene-environment interactions.[43] The world is also increasingly concerned about loss of biodiversity, of which human racial diversity is an important part. Conservation biology, an entirely new science, has developed to accomplish the important task of preserving earth’s biodiversity.[44] Contrary to myth, however, biodiversity doesn’t flourish when biological entities are forced together. That causes extinction.[45] Biodiversity is highest where barriers to mixing are maximal and opportunities for secession greatest. That’s why diversity of plants, animals, races, cultures, and languages tends to be greatest in mountains, where high ridges and deep canyons are barriers reducing the possibility of extinction through mixing.[46]
Cultural renewal is important as well as science. In 1976 the replica voyaging canoe Hokule’a was sailed from Hawaii to the Society Islands using traditional sailing methods. Its success as well as further voyages contributed to a renaissance of traditional culture among Hawaiians,[47] a people dispossessed in their ancestral homeland much like white Americans. The journal Tyr is leading a similar cultural renaissance among America’s whites.
As white nationalism resists the anti-racism story, it must replace it with a better story. Since the old story never recognized human diversity, it was preadapted for replacement by the new story’s destructiveness. The Establishment can even now use the old story for attacking the threat it faces from science.[48] With a new better story guided by love of its people, however, white nationalism can help all people preserve their unique value, which globalization threatens everywhere. Even now that better story is being written in publications like The Occidental Quarterly and Tyr and in actions by groups like European Americans United. For it to win, smart adaptive management will be required as events and the Zeitgeist changes, but ultimate success is likely because truth is on its side. No matter what comes, keeping all eyes on the prize of racial survival is necessary to ensure that success.
That success will come when secession of the mind, the collective desire of a critical mass of whites to preserve their race, is achieved. Just as physical secession is unlikely to be successful without mental secession, achieving it may make physical secession less necessary. The British did a decent job of bringing order to the world in an Empire lasting as long as they believed in themselves and stayed aloof from those they conquered.[49] Jews have survived far longer by preserving their mental secession.[50] Whites are a race of Volkerwanderers, pioneers, and explorers. Confining them to one place may be like bottling lightning. With secession of the mind, their survival doesn’t depend on that.
[1] Richard McCulloch, “Separate or Die,” The Occidental Quarterly 8, no. 4 (2009): 15-38.
[2] Michael H. Hart, “Racial Partition of the United States,” in Jared Taylor, ed., The Real American Dilemma (Oakton, Va.: New Century Books, 1998), 107-18.
[3] Greg Johnson, review of “A Conversation About Race, a film by Craig Bodeker (Denver, New Century Productions, 2008),” The Occidental Quarterly 8, no. 4 (2009): 109-114.
[4] Valerio Sbordoni and Saverio Foresterio, Butterflies of the World (New York: Times Books, 1984).
[5] Brian K. Wheeler, Raptors of Western North America (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).
[6] Jeffrey L. Brown, The Evolution of Behavior (New York: W. W. Norton, 1975).
[7] Jeffrey V. Wells, Birder’s Conservation Handbook: 100 North American Birds At Risk (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007).
[8] T. R. H. Davenport, South Africa: a Modern History, 3rd ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987).
[9] James H. Billington, The Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive History of Russian Culture (New York: Vintage Books, 1970).
[10] Billington, The Icon and the Axe.
[11] David Hackett Fischer, Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989).
[12] John Bowker, ed., The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).
[13] Robert Jay Lifton, Destroying the World to Save It: Aum Shinrikyo, Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism (New York: Metropolitan Books, 1999).
[14] David Starr Jordan, War and the Breed, abridged reprint of original published in 1915 (Washington, DC: Cliveden Press, no date).
[15] Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth Century Intellectual and Political Movements Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1998).
[16] MacDonald, The Culture of Critique.
[17] Shelby Steele, White Guilt: How Blacks & Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era (New York: HarperCollins, 2006).
[18] Judith Herrin, The Formation of Christendom (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987).
[19] Charles J. Lumsden and Edward O. Wilson, Genes, Mind, and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981).
[20] Theodor H. Gaster, ed., The New Golden Bough: Sir James Frazer’s classic work on ancient and primitive myth, magic, religion, ritual, and taboo. Revised and edited in the light of recent scholarship by Theodor H. Gaster (New York: Mentor, 1959).
[21] Mark Ridley, Evolution, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Science, 1996).
[22] Fischer, Albion’s Seed.
[23] Richard P. McBrien, ed. The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism (New York: HarperCollins, 1995).
[24] Diarmaid MacCulloch The Reformation: A History (New York: Viking, 2003).
[25] MacCulloch The Reformation.
[26] David R. Roediger The Wages of Whiteness, revised ed. (London: Verso, 1999).
[27] Bowker, Oxford Dictionary of World Religions.
[28] Jonathan Z. Smith, ed., The HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion (New York: HarperCollins, 1995).
[29] Thomas C. Reeves, The Empty Church: Does Organized Religion Matter Anymore? (New York: Touchstone, 1996).
[30] MacCulloch, The Reformation.
[31] Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (New York: Viking, 2005).
[32] Luke Coppen, “Rawls at the Crossroads,” American Conservative 8, no. 8 (2009): 31-32.
[33] J. R. Pole, The Pursuit of Equality in American History, 2nd ed., revised and enlarged (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993).
[34] John George and Laird Wilcox, Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe: Political Extremism in America (Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1992).
[35] Richard J. Evans, The Third Reich at War (New York: Penguin, 2009).
[36] Meirion and Susie Harries, Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army (New York: Random House, 1991).
[37] Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich:The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Gooks, 2007).
[38] Graeme Davison, John Hirst, and Stuart Macintyre, eds., The Oxford Companion to Australian History, revised ed. (Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press, 2001).
[39] John Drexel, ed., The Facts on File Encyclopedia of the Twentieth Century (New York: Facts on File, 1991).
[40] Norman G. Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (London: Verso, 2000).
[41] Howard M. Sachar, A History of the Jews in America (New York: Knopf, 1992).
[42] Nicholas Wade, Before the Dawn: Recovering the Lost History of our Ancestors (New York: Penguin, 2006).
[43] Ramzi Cotran, Vinay Kumar, and Tucker Collins, Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th ed. (Philadelphia: Saunders, 1999).
[44] Edward O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992).
[45] Judith M. Rhymer and Daniel Simberloff, “Extinction by Hybridization and Introgression,” Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 27 (1996): 83-109.
[46] Daniel Nettle and Suzanne Romaine, Vanishing Voices: The Extinction of the World’s Languages (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000).
[47] Alan C. Ziegler, Hawaiian Natural History, Ecology, and Evolution (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2002).
[48] John G. West, Darwin Day in America: How our Politics and Culture Have Been Dehumanized in the Name of Science (Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2007).
[49] Lawrence James, The Rise and Fall of the British Empire (New York: St. Martin’s, 1994).
[50] Kevin MacDonald, A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994).
Source: TOQ, vol. 10, no. 2 (Summer 2010)
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Could you let us know, please, the whereabouts of this monument ? Its author, perhaps ? Many thanks in advance.
English version: http://www.millesgarden.se/?languageID=5
Many thanks.
This is excellent. Nourishment for the White Soul.
The degree of consideration of physical secession is an important gauge of the progression of psychological secession. More power to it then, no matter how clunky or impractical it seems now.
I was just thinking the same; a degree of gain can only lead to a further degree of improvement.
Liberals are preadapted to welcome in genetic outsiders.
The source of the adapation is similar to that of “liberal” wolves.
90% of the time a pack will drive non-pack member lone wolves away from their territory, thus ensuring territorial resources will benefit only their own specific genetic family.
A pack consisting of between 5 and 15 members.
This eclusion of alines works to the genetic advantage of the pack—until serious inbreeding problems set in.
At some piont the genetic “liberal” wolf in the pack will “sponsor” a stray lone wolf to join the pack.
This “liberal behavior helps to prevent excessive inbreeding.
The same was true in olden times when hunter-gathering ecomomics meant thin human populations, and when travel soley by foot produce danger of inbreeding.
With the invetion of the ox cart and farming inbreeding is not longer a problem, but our liberals are still flying into the flames of obsessing over a supposed need to increase our genetic diversity.
What I liked was the exposure of the new framing of original sin. Ideas and concepts precious to Christians are being used against them. Conflating racism with the Christian paranoia around sex is extremely clever. The holocaust as equivalent to Calvary, a psychological trick meant to cause confusion and distracting anger. As much as I hate the phrase ‘the return of the repressed’, I cannot think of another way to say it. It is not about sexual repression, but spiritual, emotional and ancestral memory. These are the elements that get repressed with political terrorism . They are coming back with a vengeance and I do believe that they are part of the expression of our genes.
Somewhere I read about how we are supposed to accept Auschwitz as the new Christ, and through our worrying about Auschwitz as much as the Jews do, we begin atoning for anti-semitism, hatred, and racism. Auschwitz replaces Christ the agent of our reconciliation with those whom we’ve hurt, and through their grace, we begin the life long healing process from the trauma of being born White.
That’s my expanded version of what I read. But was it a Hocking article?
Here’s my homage to the antiracist imperative of Auschwitz, courtesy of Mr. Helper, a great White American:
“And here I wish to be distinctly understood as believing and saying, as I have believed and said for the last seventeen years, that the having of negroes, or the having of any other totally distinct and inferior race of mankind, intermingled with whites in a white community, is in itself a social evil of the worst possible type, and that from this unnatural an ddegrading relation, other social evils are constantly evolved and intensified.”
-Hinton Rowan Helper, Noonday Exigencies in America, 1871
The false light
It blinded our eyes
It blighted our soul
It brought us despair.
I long for the True Light
I long for the Polar Light
I long for the Boreal Honour.
I like this. Thanks
I am not impressed. Where do I even start…
Wrong. It’s only unavoidable if you don’t know how to make a point without arguing. You simply don’t answer the enemies questions, you ask the questions. If you stick to talking points, this shouldn’t be a problem.
Oh, that’s right! I forgot all a Jew, Negro, or Arab had to do was speak German to be considered a full German and Aryan in the Third Reich!
As for the treatment of the Slavs, the author offers a pretty typical, shallow analysis. Some elements in the Third Reich were, indeed, very anti-Salvic. National Socialism and it’s leadership, however, was not united in having negative attitudes towards Slavs. Aside from other National Socialist heavyweights, Leon Degrelle claims to have convinced “Hitler that Germans had to live with Russians as partners not as conquerors” (1). Besides, people seem to forget they were in a vicious and ruthless war with Russia, which they saw as heavily poisoned by Jewish Communism. Effective propaganda is frequently misleading factually, even when it works at getting a desired reaction. That’s just the nature of propaganda.
Not every war involving different races is a “race war.” The Japanese were not fighting a race war against Whites. That statement is ridiculous.
Seriously? That’s like saying, “the innate cowardice of the confederate army’s leadership is evident in how the South lost the American Civil War.” It’s completely idiotic. This statement is at least as ridiculous as the last one, if not more. Any reader who’s not completely dense will see the disconnect here, as with the statement previously quoted.
Resorting to attacking our own is as unnecessary as it is foul. You can make far more effective points without reinforcing the Jews’ “evil nazi” propaganda.
I’m glad you figured that out; now were making progress!
Because at this point in time, for the vast majority of people, this is a losing proposition. You won’t convince people you have the moral high ground by calling yourself a racist. Besides, it puts you in the position of needing to explain yourself, like the defendant accused of a crime in court. That’s a bad move.
It makes far more sense “to stop running from the term “racist” and start flipping it the other way” by calling the enemy what they are: anti-Whites. They are anti-Whites who are justifying and supporting the genocide against our race. And I am not exaggerating. What these anti-Whites are doing is genocide under international law (2).
If you want to help implement proven methods for beating down and shaming anti-Whites while gaining the moral high ground in order to secure the existence of our people and a future for our children, why not try listening to someone who’s job it was to bring governments, systems, and corporations down:
When I started reading this article, I thought it was going to offer some kind of interesting solution or proposition. Instead, it was just more analysis explaining what the majority of C-C readers know better than the backs of their hands. Even worse, it contains obvious untruths (faulty reasoning at best).
The solutions, if you can call them that, were vague and sterile.
I expected better.
1. “Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS.” From The Journal of Historical Review, Winter 1982-83 (Vol. 3, No. 4). This essay by Leon Degrelle (1906-1994), was first presented at the Fourth IHR Conference in Chicago (Sept. 1982).
2. Section C of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:
( c ) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Section C applies to what anti-whites are doing to our race:
-Flooding our countries with non-whites
-Force integrating our communities
-Encouraging us to blend ourselves out of existence,
and attacking anyone who opposes these things are imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of my race. It’s genocide.
Link: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/genocide.htm
Yes, Hitler knew that Germany per se was mostly Alpine now anyway. And that some of the Baltics and Northwest Russia were in fact more Nordic. And that much of best Aryan Blood had left Germany long ago – to places like Britain. Germany was to be the vehicle of renewal – for all of Europe.
Of course, it’s far too late to worry about the Nordic Question now. We have to unite all Whites to have any hope of survival. If we suceed, Nordics can decide to sustain their own bloodline within the greater whole.
Wow. That was quite a libel. Where are these “Nordic Slavs” (oxymoron?) you speak of? Britain has “much of best Aryan blood”, oh yes, and what wonderful work they’ve done with it. All the world is truly a utopia thanks to saturnian Nordic Britain and it’s illustrious Jewish spirit.
I find it very queer how you can say Nordicism is irrelevant, but also go out of your way to accuse Germany of being an un-Nordic nation, and then say that Britain and Russia, two of the places most responsible for putting Europe in the state it is today (along with the United States) are magically more Aryan just because your irrational prejudice demands it to be so.
Where are you getting these ideas from, Jaego? How can you really think that way?
This article began greatly, it ended awfully.
A lot of things in it are interesting and brilliant, such as the presentation of the Holocaust as a secular religion with very strong similarities to Christianity.
But when it comes to the Third Reich and proposed solutions to our predicaments, all heck breaks loose.
Did George Hocking ever read Mein Kampf? Or knows about the Nuremberg Laws and the RuSHA?
I’m not going to attempt to say Slavs are not part of the White race; they are. But their equality (in terms of average and statistics) to Germanic races remain to be proven.
As to the “abominable behavior”, it is mostly due to the Soviet policy of sending partisans (children and women fighters) towards the Axis troops near the end of the war. Up to Stalingrad and Kursk, German, Walloon and Italian armies were very much respected and liked by the population, while taking high numbers of voluntary prisoners. Only the Romanians were disliked for their brutality and idiocy.
Pure PC version of the war. I honestly suggest Mr. Hocking to read the totality of Standartenführer Léon Degrelle’s writings (esp. Hitler pour 1000 ans) to understand Hitler’s policy towards non-German European populations.
Pure tactical alliance, along with mutual respect. But nothing further.
I would be more inclined to blame these behaviours on the natural versatility of women, who are always in the bed of the strongest and are quick to change their belief system.
Such genetic and SNP discoveries have been known in scientific circles since about 2005, but there’s no indication — for now — the PC dogma is crackling in scientific and academic circles. I do agree it’s a very positive thing, but I’m afraid, without being pessimistic, that the consequences won’t play necessarily in our favour (many things have already been buried).
That is both a naive and a disappointing statement, if you accept my critique. Only smart people are interested in the truth, the masses are happy with feel-good lies and conformity.
With “secession” in the title of your blog post, I expected something more interesting…
Can you please elaborate on where those Romanian brutalities occurred? How do you know that Romanians were idiots on the Eastern front? It would be really helpful.
– Romania sent the most troops on the Eastern front – second only to Germany and more soldiers than all the others allies of Germany combined. The numbers are easily available.
– The Romanian armies fought at Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad and the Caucasus
– Beside ridiculous jewish accusations I never heard about Romanians mistreating civilians – I repeat civilians – not partisans. No way near the massacres, deportations, and the destruction brought by the soviets in Besserabia.
– There are military documents and pictures about the Romanian army helping and feeding the Ukrainian population, or mass baptizing of adults and children by the Romanian military priests.
Retract what you said or prove your accusation because it is extremely offensive! We can take case by case and discuss that supposed brutality and stupidity. Including the soviet war crimes in Besserabia.
When I talk about the Romanians, I talk about the majority of them, there is of course room for nuance and individual cases. Every population is heterogeneous, with an intellectual elite and more “basic” individuals, but Slavic countries even more so.
Then, I’ve never said the Romanians were not good fighters, nor that they did not spill their blood for the Axis. Just that they lacked tactics and empathy; while the German and Walloon preferred a POW to a corpse, who was then used as a bargaining chip, it was common practice for Romanians to shoot Soviet soldiers in the process of surrendering, and this habit has progressively put an end to all Soviet defections and desertions. Also, most of the actual war crimes committed on the Eastern Front (a lot of them were fabricated, that, we agree on) were the deeds of Romanian units.
I do not care about “war crimes” per se, because their definition is bogus, and those of the victors are never prosecuted, but civilian mistreatment of the Soviet civilian population in the last stages of the war was real and fed a self-reinforcing circle of partisan “spawning”.
You don’t come up with only one case, just one case but you insult an entire people!
About the tactics and empathy and partisans fightings.
1. You do not know about the soviet crimes in Besserabia
2. You do not know the crimes and anti-Romanian jewish activities after 1900
3. You do not know about the fights against the soviet power in Besserabia after 1918
4. You do not know about the soviet attacks against Romania between the two wars – partisans infiltrations, border attacks, terrorism, subversive propaganda and so on
5. You do not know about Ribbentrop-Molotov pact, about the soviet ultimatum and the attempted soviet genocide against the Romanian population in Besserabia
6. You do not know about the CEKA/NKVD center in Odessa created by Lenin especially against Romania
No, you just try to spin your story about a situation you know obviously nothing. You insult me once again talking about my people average characteristic of brutality, idiocy, lack of empathy and so on.
As like the war was lost because of the Romanians due to their lack of empathy.
Which arises the questions:
Where the heck were the other Europeans?
Why were they not fighting against the Bolshevik power (of course with much more empathy than the Romanians)?
Did my people die on Eastern Front by hundreds of thousands only to get such an insult after 70 years? This is a key question.
On which side your grandparents or grand-grandparents were fighting back then because I now how many in my family alone fought and died for my country and Europe?
Like I would just say that the Walloons are murderers and disloyal on average, because some Walloons mercenaries killed their employer, Michael the Brave at Campia Turzii in Romania in 1601, event that triggered the worst crisis in my people existence.
That would be of course idiotic. As it is your unjust, offensive, and unsubstantiated affirmation.
They are your average idiotic Romanians you talked about:
Now I hope and pray that their grandsons will not that readily fight once more to save some fine European commentators. Thank you for your illuminating observations.
I do believe “The Mantra” and mantra tactics are the best I’ve seen for creating a secession of the mind. I use them to my limited ability.
It also seems so axiomatic that secession of the mind must preceed physical secession.
Although I support whitakeronline propaganda tactics I’m getting the impression that over there the main goal is to prevent an American Civil War and/or break up of the 50 states into white and and non-white areas. The goal seems to be a peacfull stalemate with whites accepting the permanent presence of minorities and thus the effective loss of 40% of their country. This while having millions of minorities distrubuted throught all the current U.S. This is unacceptable.
I could accept a loss of the southern, oppresively hot to whites, 30% of the continental U.S., probably as black and hispanic nations, but I’m far from sure Whitaker would approve of that degree of seperation.
Maybe that’s not Bob’s personal choice and maybe he is constrained by a cultural conscenous of conservative white males like Lord Nelson, Truck, Horus and masses of others as to what the strategic goal should be, but I’d like to have some input to hopefully inform and move that conservative white male group consenous.
I agree with Jefferson that whites must not live under the same government as the freed blacks, or of any other “model minority” races for that matter, if we are to survive long as a race.
Me too.
And your ability is largely only limited to how much you practice. I don’t know about you, but if I’m ever in any kind of public setting where I or someone I know gets called a “racist” than I’m going mantra on their ass. Why? Because it works better than anything else I’ve seen. And if you do it right, you can’t really lose. The more they engage the more you make them look like fools. By using it, you are simultaneously humiliating/shaming them, gaining the moral high ground, and helping to undermine Political Correctness and its mental conditioning on your fellow Whites who witnessing you using it.
Really? Please link me to evidence for this because I highly doubt that’s the case. At most, that could be the opinion of Bob and some of the people who read everything he posts on his blog like Christian fundamentalists read the Bible. Even if that were the case, who cares what Bob’s opinion is on that subject? Nothing in the Mantra and or in all of the mini-mantras I’ve seen have anything to do with that. They all focus on breaking down the thought control mechanisms that make White people think that they’re survival as a race is somehow evil. It’s using the same tactics that the enemy’s used on us that have worked so well…except what we are promoting is much more natural. So in that sense, we have an advantage.
I’d like to emphasize that although I have a lot of respect for and listen to Bob Whitaker on a lot of things, he is not my prophet or boss. He can and does have opinions I disagree with. And if he was completely against secession, that would be another point of disagreement.
I’ve got news for you: Bob’s old. He’s not likely to be calling any shots when we are making decisions about getting our White Nation-State(s). It would be great if he did, considering he has government/political experience and mainly because that would mean it would need to be very soon (relatively speaking). But this is probably not the time to be arguing/debating this because that time hasn’t come yet.
If you want to be in a position to influence those at BUGS, the best way to do so is by being active there. The more you participate and learn how to use the awesomely powerful tools available there, the more you will gain the respect of people there. Then you will be in a much better position to influence them, as you have proven you are a team player and not just some sterile intellectual who is obsessed with analysis and impractical future scenarios.
Amen brother! Bob and many there are too conservative for my tastes. I’m much more of a National Socialist (in the sense that I’m a Nationalist, and believe in inegalitarian socialism), if you have to throw a label on me. Whatever you want to call it, I fit in much more at Counter-Currents than I do at any other racialist site. I grew up a hardcore liberal, and there are certain aspects of conservatism that I have never stopped finding extremely distasteful. Fundamentally, my character/personality does not fit that of a conservative. I’m too open to new ideas, to thinking outside the box.
All that being said, in whatever states we have in the future, we are going to need to make room for those who are fundamentally conservative. If I’ve learned anything from history, politics, psychology etc. in relation to this, it’s that people change slowly. A government that tried to institute the kind of radical change I’d like to see at one time or in too short a time period would almost certainly be unpopular (which is counter-productive) and overthrown.
One has to learn to get along with all kinds of people. The more I’ve learned to get along with people I don’t like, the more I’ve come to understand them and find more effective ways of influencing them.
This article is such a grating disappointment after those Saint-Loup posts.
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