German translation here
Pacifists sometimes ask,”What if they gave a war and nobody came?” Good luck with that. But with the fizzled martyrdom of Trayvon Martin (a petty thug in Sanford, Florida who was killed in February by a neighborhood watch volunteer), we have witnessed the spectacle of the mainstream media and the organized Black community launching a national campaign of White Guilt . . . and nobody felt guilty.
Blacks organized and rallied across America, including here in Indianapolis. Aside from some anarchists and “antifa” characters (and our monitors) there weren’t really any White people at the events. White America yawned when it was first reported, then smiled knowingly as the grossly distorted story first presented by the media fell apart piece by piece.
White Guilt jumped the shark over a decade ago. Perhaps the apex of Peak Guilt was when Bill Clinton triumphantly heralded an exciting new future where we will no longer be the majority in our own country. In his eagerness to appease his diverse constituents, he overreached, accidentally drawing attention to the fact that we’re not invincible overlords at all: We’re derelict and declining relics of a bygone era, buoyed demographically for a couple more decades by the beating hearts of the aging Baby Boomer generation. The bubble of White Guilt was doomed to pop sooner or later, as it was a mere posture from the beginning, the most recent in a procession of moral panics we Americans are famous for.
White people in America don’t actually care about Black people, and they never will. Acting guilty about Black people on behalf of White people in other regions, social classes, and historical periods was good theater, but that’s all it was. The entertainment industry already moved on years ago. Trying to make Whites feel guilty doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t sell tickets, meet ratings expectations, or raise money. The smart money has moved on to a greener pasture: White Pity.
In The Blind Side, the Black community is an alien and evil world from which the wealthy and superior Whites adopt themselves a Rescue Negro. In Precious, White and light-skinned social workers descend like guardian angels on the Black Undertow of ignorance, violence, filth, sexual abuse, and pregnant teenagers vomiting up fried chicken into trash cans in welfare office waiting rooms. In Kony 2012, Whites are invited to help the intrinsically helpless Ugandan villagers.
While the goal remains transferring wealth and privilege from us to them, the motive has changed from guilt to pity. Blacks are victims of Blackness and we can help them by shining our bright light of Whiteness on them.
Of course White Pity and White Guilt are integrally supremacist. Of course the moral posturing and crusading is integrally Christian. You didn’t actually think centuries of White Supremacism were overturned in a couple decades with a couple of speeches about dreams and mountaintops, did you? You didn’t actually think centuries of Christian moral and cultural indoctrination evaporated when people stopped showing up for church and taking the Bible literally, did you?
Even if White Americans did want to feel guilty about the death of Trayvon Martin, the guy who shot him isn’t even White. George Zimmerman is of Peruvian descent, votes Democrat, mentors Black youth in his spare time, and is an anti-racist activist. The hapless child with a bag of skittles turned out to be a drug-dealing burglar who hovered over Zimmerman and turned a neighborhood watchman’s failure to look the other way into a violent confrontation. He was only in the neighborhood at the time because he had been suspended from school for drug-related offenses. While dealing drugs, toting around stolen goods and burglary tools, and cultivating a rather convincing thug persona on Twitter aren’t offenses deserving the ultimate punishment, (former) New Orleans police officer Jason Giroir accidentally expressed what tens of millions of us were thinking: “Live like a thug, die like a thug”.
The Black community will continue trying to milk the episode for mileage for months to come, but Al Sharpton and his riotous minions don’t actually care about Trayvon. If they cared about the untimely demise of Black youths, they would focus on what’s actually killing a statistically significant number of Black youths: Black youths.
The mainstream media doesn’t actually care about Trayvon, they’re just grasping for the Great White Defendant to boost ratings and reinforce their anti-White worldview.
Trayvon’s parents didn’t care enough about him to reign in his spree of delinquent behavior or even look for him when he didn’t come home.
In an ironic twist of fate, the only one in this whole sorry farce with a demonstrable track record of constructively mentoring and advocating for Black youths like Trayvon Martin is the guy who shot him in self-defense.
For us, the most important and exciting development was the effectiveness with which Kyle Rogers of the Council of Conservative Citizens, Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent, Nicholas Stix (Jewish) of VDare, and others from across the movement effectively subverted and scooped the lumbering and lazy media conglomerates at every turn. The mainstream media kept lying, and our people kept catching and exposing them.
While mere tens of thousands perused the explicitly pro-White websites and articles exposing the inconsistencies and delivering original research, the respectable right followed our lead, watering down our message and passing along our facts and talking points to tens of millions of readers and viewers.
The media’s botched presentation of the Trayvon Martin case created an opening, and our movement has reached a critical mass of organization and talent to capitalize on their mistakes. Our beleaguered and vilified band of latter-day heretics have managed to play a pivotal role in a major political episode.
This might be the twilight of the age of White Guilt, White Pity, and White Flight. Maybe, just maybe, this is the dawn of White Fight.
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I entered various mainstream venues during the height of Trayvon-mania last week and posted many comments that were VNN material sans the slurs and profanity. I was pissed about the orgy of anti-White hatred pouring forth from Jewish media and decided to troll some liberals and gauge other peoples’ reactions. To my surprise, my VNN-style comments were extremely well received. I couldn’t believe it.
Greg Hood’s review of Game of Thrones reminded me of an issue he raised on Occidental Dissent maybe 2 or 3 years ago. It had to do with the relationship between the enemy overreacting and radicalization. He suggested that when the enemy overeacts, it helps to radicalize people. I hope they keep up the orgy of hate and parade of lies, because it is redounding to Whites’ benefits just as you said.
“If I had a son, he’d look like Treyvon.”
If I had a son, he’d look like Christopher Newsome.
Racism rears its ugly head when something uglier shows up first.
Stix is Jewish? Please confirm.
Stix is Jewish. Some years ago I read an article he wrote in Chronicles taking apart Kwanzaa in which he said he was.
I had the pleasure of meeting Stix in person at AmRen ’08.
The following three-part interview should remove any doubts: I, II, III.
Good read on the situation there, Matt. The Judeo MSM did indeed pick the wrong Negro poster boy and “victim” this go around. Not as many otherwise clueless White bunnies were fooled with this Negro pity party. The polarization is starting to grow.
For us, the most important and exciting development was the effectiveness with which Kyle Rogers of the Council of Conservative Citizens, Hunter Wallace of Occidental Dissent, Nicholas Stix (Jewish) of VDare, and others from across the movement effectively subverted and scooped the lumbering and lazy media conglomerates at every turn. The mainstream media kept lying, and our people kept catching and exposing them.
This is what many of us worry about. MSM knows we are subverting them, and the free speech Internet is our tool. Breitbart’s aggressive online vetting of CRT gives Fox it’s talking points, and Drudge headlines are often “mainstreaming hate” by not censoring headlines about violent black crime.
MSM has enough money to continue buying the friends in the White House and Congress, and 4 Supremes, maybe 5 before 2016, who would gladly “shut down the online hate industry”. The blueprint is already out there, and we’d be remiss if we thought nobody is constantly working on an updated version for the U.S.
UK, Tennessee, and Arizona have recently made news with their anti-hate restrictions of online freedom, and politicians are now protected by an anti-free speech buffer zone. The trend will accelerate. Those who would most benefit from the idea already know of the idea. To them, it’s just a matter of how to implement the idea, accept the setbacks as “just part of the difficult and long march toward progress,” keep pushing the idea until “its time has come” when a crisis or changing political demographics wins the day.
They have an active plan to shut us down. What’s our plan to stay open, other than hoping for the best and giving them the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn’t really be so hateful as to hurt us?
We are all dependents of a single technology and completely vulnerable to the infrastructure that we did not create and do not control. (Are you really convinced that nobody is logging all you online activity and keystrokes? The govt. doesn’t have that capability? You don’t think there is a secret executive order declaring the Internet as a justifiably monitored, and eventually regulated, public utility?) We only have Internet access because it’s cheap and available, and we don’t control either of these qualities.
If we were proscribed back to the 1960’s when “hate speech” was limited to cheaply produced and expensively, barely distributed, “racist tracts,” what would we do? What will we do when simple possession of forbidden speech is proof of hate guilt?
Anti-Racism is codeword for Anti-White. Diversity is a vile hat crime against God’s kingdom plan for our White privilege and violates White Humanity’s ordained destiny. Transgress and transcend Diversity, manifest and embrace Whiteness, beware and prepare, because you really do know what’s coming next… you see it in your worst nightmares…
Any attempt to censor or monitor the internet will almost certainly meet the same fate as the SOPA/PIPA act, which targeted copyrighted material not protected by the First Amendment. “Hate speech,” at least in America, is protected speech, so any law suppressing it would have to be upheld by the Supreme Court before it could be meaningfully enforced.
I think that our biggest threat to free speech comes from a disruption of the underlying infrastructure (i.e., the electrical and telecom grids). We’re more likely to lose the internet as a result of poor maintenance, a natural disaster, or even a terrorist attack than due to any pending legislation. So we shouldn’t be complacent: disaster preparedness is important, regardless of the nature of the disaster.
Mike wrote:
“Hate speech,” at least in America, is protected speech, so any law suppressing it would have to be upheld by the Supreme Court before it could be meaningfully enforced.
I believe that 4 of the 9 Supreme Court justices are Jews (Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer and Sotomayor – that the “wise Latina” is a crypto-Jew). The next appointment will almost certainly be a Jew. Once Alito, Thomas, Scalia, Roberts or Kennedy is replaced, a minority that makes up only about 5% of the U.S. population will control the Supreme Court – and then the rulings will get really wild, basically consisting of whatever the Jews want without any regard to precedent or the Constitution.
That’s the inevitable end result when Jews are let in.
I predict that if Obama wins re election, a majority of the Supreme Court will be Jewish by the end of his term.
Secondly, the ZOG has their “internet kill switch” in place. They are likely just waiting for the next crisis they create to shut it down. If you have followed any of their monolouges over the last year, they are going hyper over everything said against them. SOPA, & PIPA, were only killed in name, they will be revived under different names. Recall Harry Ried tried to slide SOPA through under a different name less than a month after people got upset about it. They have pretty proven track-record of doing what they want, even if people won’t sheepishly rubber-stamp their desires. So, yes, I think they will lock us down this year; I hope I am wrong.
If they do lock us down, we will only have 2 options left, neither of which are good.
Regarding censorship, I like the remark attributed to the Polish writer Stanislaw Jerzey: “One has to multiply thoughts to the point where there aren’t enough policemen to control them.”
We must make the heresies of today the verities of tomorrow.
I’ve been learning how to use darknets and advanced encryption tools, in addition to studying towards my amateur radio license. We definitely shouldn’t take our access granted, though I tend to agree with Polignano about the obstacles to our censorship. Fortunately for our interests, there are millions and millions of people downloading copyright-protected material, pornography, and kiddie porn who will do the fighting for us to guarantee that there will be ways for us to communicate on the Internet.
My big concern, though, is that the Internet will gradually evolve into a two-tiered one with a sanitized corporate overnet and a seedy lawless undernet. If the powers that be thoughtfully construct this so that pretty much everything except for “hate” and kiddie porn are accessible in the overnet, then they can effectively starve us out. I doubt they have the foresight to do that, and I think their greed would guarantee that copyrighted materials would join us on the undernet…along with a hearty subset of Internet traffic.
Some are predicting that all ISP providers will be required to force their customers to sign on through their individual portal that then feeds all activity to the new $2,000,000,000 NSA bunker. Would be easy to do. The public utilities are regulated, and so is all the wiring from your house to their plants. So is the air for wireless, re FCC for radios. You are required by law to have a license to drive a car.
They could do similar for Internet, especially if they can get away with it by claims that Hate Speech was directly the cause of violence or the worst ever, a an attempt on BHO.
God’s mercy on us, we suffer enough with the never ending legacies Saints Lincoln and MLK. We just can’t afford a St. BHO. It’s worth it to convert to Christianity to pray for his safety if that will save us from what at attempt on him would bring on us.
Speaking of God the Father of Jesus White Christ, here’s a diddy that might make even committed pagans “reexamine our received assumptions” about Christianity, from Hinton Rowan Helper’s Nojoque: A Question for a Continent, 1867.
HRH, of The Impending Crisis infamy, in which he told the South what it needed to hear, but they refused to listen, holding fast to the faith that the Negro was docile and happy when well-managed. We received the Helper’s condemnation, a fate he later predicted for the nation if it didn’t solve its Negro problem. Through the Holder’s My People Diversity Sons of Obama, we just can’t stop ourselves from proving HRH right.
On no part to say the least on no part of the territory of the United States, as at present organized, should any but the pure white races ever find permanent domicile.
He who is the Creator and the Ruler, the Upholder and the Disposer, of the heavens and the earth and the seas, and of all the things that therein are of every thing in the universe, both great and small will be exact in requiring of us perfect fulfillment of all the conditions of our being. In no manner, in no degree, may we, with impunity, shirk the obligations, whether altogether as we would wish them or otherwise, which he hath imposed upon us. What he hath made for us to love, that we must love ; and what he hath made for us to hate, that we must hate.
If, in a spirit of rebellion against the laws of nature, we love the negroes and other black things, we shall thereby only gain the low distinction of gratifying the devil; but if, on the other hand, assuming attitudes of antagonism toward the imps of Africa, toward the prince of darkness, and toward all the other monstrous representatives of blackness and abomination, “we hate them with perfect hatred,” as they deserve to be hated, and as we are required and expected to hate them, we shall thereby render highly acceptable and pleasing service to the Deity ; and, continuing to please him, will secure for ourselves unlimited and everlasting felicity in heaven.
Yet, in justice to these crotchety and misguided men of our own race, these fanatical and mischief-making champions of Black, these deluded and undignified associates of the negro, it is very proper that, even in their retirement, we should continue to demonstrate to them, that our dislike of the African is not, as they erroneously allege, a mere blind and bitter ” prejudice against color,” but that it is a natural and ineradicable aversion, a right and necessary antipathy, implanted in us by the Almighty Himself, who can do nothing wrong.
With as little impunity might we, who are fortunately possessed of a moderate share of common sense unbiased and unabused, persistently refuse to eat when hungry, decline to drink when thirsty, or scorn to repose when sleepy, as strive to repress our inborn and nature-nurtured repugnance to the negro. To give free play to this repugnance is as much a matter of duty with us as it is to yield to any other innate and ever-healthful requirement, a duty, indeed, which God has made absolutely obligatory on us ; and if we fail to obey His precepts in this regard, or in any other regard whatever, He will assuredly visit us with the severest possible condemnation.
Call it paranoia, but our anxieties are trending:
The day Obama snuffs out Internet truth
Exclusive: Erik Rush envisions scenario of frightening totalitarian control this summer
A quick comment to bring everyone up to speed. In the immortal words of Terrible Tommy Metzger, “You have no rights. You have privileges, and those only to the extent they can be effectively enforced.” I add, as always, that all we seek to do can, and MUST be done, in an “apple pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
Nobody has read the Terms of Service for your ISP. They can shut down anyone, at any time, for most any reason, and, at most, will only offer you a refund. The privatization of Internet communication pretty much kicks out what remains of the Bill of Rights.
You do not have the secrecy you think you have. Read James Bamford’s books on the NSA. All, I repeat, ALL electronic communications are swept up into a processing system that is absolutely mindboggling. Thinking of using proxies? Who do you think wrote the software for them? And, to get to them, you have to go through your ISP, so the records are there, one way or another. To give them credit, such tools as Box ‘o’ Prox and PGP serve to keep honest men out.
“They” know who we are, or can find out in thirty seconds, and find out all they want to know about us in another minute, if “they” are so inclined. It is THAT easy. If history is any guide, our own people will post all manner of information about us, true or false, just for
spitefun. All of these ideas that the Plans – WHAT “Plans?” – of so many examples of nihilistic incompetence pose a threat, however remote, to anyone other than themselves, simply defies reason, and painfully gained experience.One and all should visit to Edgar Steele’s website and download his masterful mp3, “Let’s Get Small.” He laid out many useful issues to be addressed, and offers a masterful analysis of why self-identified “White Nationalists” have been such spectacular failures over the last, say, century or so.
The ONLY effective way forward is to be members of the what Wells called his religion, the Open Conspiracy. The union of a religious corporate structure – call it Restatement of Christianity (2nd) – as the overarching metaorganizational foundation of a new nation, with the goal of forming the supporting infrastructure for an ethnostate, lends itself perfectly to “apple pie” legality. (HT: Jim Giles)
THAT leads us to The Solution, writ large – the Northwest Republic as defined by Harold Covington.
It’s nice that “White Flight” is being replaced by “White Indifference,” for now, with the possibility of “White Fight” developing. This lends itself well to the idea of making yourself a better Person, pace Jack Donovan and Harold Covington, who can discipline this anger into positive, productive activities. Remember, the spiritual foundation of anger is the LEARNED self-perception of LEARNED helplessness. Choosing an empowerment model, an effectiveness model, will work to help you build the conceptual Bridge from ineffective victim to effective Leader.
Among these is a good basic exercise. Every time you see yourself getting angry at the current state of affairs, drop and knock out ten pushups, and twenty crunches. Then, send ten dollars to counter-currents, IN ADDITION to the money you are sending monthly, without fail. Any money left over, send it to the Northwest Front. Any more money left over, follow the example of Erasmus, and buy some food.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
I installed Tor on my Linux machine and took a cursory look around in the “dark” layer of the internet that is accessible using Tor, and it didn’t seem like there was much of anything going on down there. It seems that to get anywhere in these “dark” layers of the internet, you have to know where you’re going and who you want to interact with. Quite frankly, I wasn’t inclined to spend a lot of time trying to find people to interact with on the Tor network. The most popular site seems to be the Silkroad site which allows you to buy illegal drugs using Bitcoins. Weapons too. I think that in principle a system for engaging in commercial activity that uses private currency and is independent of the banking system is potentially very useful to dissidents; however, it does not seem that this technology is being applied for any purpose right now other than illegal drug transactions.
It is not clear to me how effective TOR is as an anti-surveillance technology anyway. As FOC points out, the technology was invented by the US military. A friend of mine who knows more about network security that I do says the FBI/Us gov controls many of the TOR exit nodes that are supposed to protect you from surveillance.
It seems to me that if we get hounded off the visible internet, these exotic hidden networks, VPNs and dark networks might help small bands of hardcore activists continue to communicate with each other but will be worthless as communication platforms for reaching the general reader .
Lew has raised a fascinating point, which has been bothering me for some time. I think I have a handle on why it has been bothering me.
Lew in blockquote:
“If we get hounded off the Internet,” all the darknets will be of little value, indeed, as everything will go through the processing systems I have described. The minute you enter a TOR server, something at your ISP will kick off a message. At that point, the Logic of Empire kicks in – “What do YOU have to hide, Citizen?” – and it looks pretty bad for you, and whoever you were trying to communicate with.
It is simply impossible to make an electronic move without your every move being noted, and dissected, by Someone, Somewhere. More to the point, as I have noted above, the first such attempt serves notice that you are worthy of notice.
That is why I am such a strong proponent of our version of what Wells called “The Open Conspiracy.” A Reformation of Christianity allows a wide band of Institutions, all of which work openly in harmony towards laying what could become the Living Foundation of a new nation, a Northwest Republic.
Home Bible studies, based on, say, the Christian Separatist’s Anointed Standard version, can expands into home schooling, and from there, to Church formation, Church-based schooling, various teaching organizations within that Church Community, and, in time, cooperatives and credit unions.
Respectfully, the ideas that we can have “secrets” on anything that matters does not seem remotely possible, in this day and age. And, frankly, just as well. All we want to do can be done, and MUST be done, in an “apple-pie, strictly legal, sort of way.” (HT: Jim Giles)
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Fourmyle of Ceres,
Perhaps John Robb’s term, “resilient communities,” might be a better term for what you have in mind than H. G. Wells’ term, “open conspiracy.” Of course, one can debate the merits and dismerits of particular labels interminably. It’s sensible to recognise the limitations of labels and the meanings that others can read into them, as well as to focus more on the object of labels than the labels themselves.
White Republican in blockquote:
Point well taken. I prefer the term “Intentional Communities,” which would have “resiliency” defined as a property, a means to an end, rather than an end unto itself.
I see this in microcosm. My Family members back in the hills have faced horrific economic changes, and I have used this model in (extreme ) microcosm. Three households have moved into one house, which has been extensively restructured to meet their needs. The other two houses have been given back to the bank. A LOT of planning went into organizing how the house would be rebuilt, and to what end. (We have anticipated Robb, and have a chicken coop. Affordable protein.)
Thanks for your sagacious reminder!
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
Labels are reductionist in that they emphasize a single value, objective, or property, while the thing which the label refers to is often more complex and dynamic. Labels are subject to the fallacy of accent — i.e. a misleading emphasis on one part or another — because of this. For example, the label “intentional community” appears to exaggerate the degree to which a community can be established or governed according to design. On these matters, I think Wendell Berry is right:
“Cultural solutions are organisms, not machines, and they cannot be invented deliberately or imposed by prescription.”
To a large extent, cultural solutions must grow organically, through extension, adaptation, and diversification. The objectives and motives which influence the evolution of a community are a complex aggregate of the collective and the particular, the planned and the unplanned, the conscious and the unconscious.
I think it’s wise to take a viewpoint which is pluralistic, hierarchical, and balanced with regard to values and objectives. Unfortunately, labels can never reflect these complexities, and many people think in terms of labels. As William Ophuls remarks in Plato’s Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2011), p. 76:
“The human mind is also dualistic, so it is constrained, if not compelled, to choose one pole or the other — fight or flight, black or white, right or wrong — not the middle ground. This has been experimentally demonstrated at the perceptual level: when humans look at a classical optical illusion, they see either the lady or the vase, never both at once. In other words, the human mind naturally dichotomizes, creating the common oppositions of ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ ‘us’ versus ‘them,’ the ‘two sides’ of any issue, ‘left’ against ‘right’ in politics, and so on. Unfortunately, as F. Scott Fitzgerald noted, it takes a first-rate intelligence to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still continue to function, so untutored minds readily affix themselves to one of the poles and oppose the other.”
I presume that when Fitzgerald said that it takes a first-rate intelligence to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still continue to function, he may have been thinking of the tension between such things as authority and liberty, collectivism and individualism, tradition and innovation. True order lies in balancing these things rather than trying to eliminate one or the other.
White Republican in blockquote:
The issue is your term, “accent.” My model begins with Family as the foundation. The need for a metapolitical purpose that is great enough to Inspire, and realizable in concrete, discrete steps, is the hallmark of how Families from extended Families, and from their Tribes, and Nations, within the sphere of the Nation-State.
“Accent” can be derived from the Cultural Moment – the formation of the Grange, for instance, as a counterweight to “free market forces” – must should be ,linked to a metapolitical Purpose. For instance, I see the Northwest Republic as an essential touchstone for the Race to fulfill yet greater achievements.
Yet, they all move towards some Purpose. How much better if this Purpose is defined in the broadest terms needed to Inspire, to encourage the Sense of the fulfillment of a Higher Destiny?
From Plato to Fitzgerald is a reach, but I’ll accept it. The idea is to transcend the false dualities placed before us by The Owners as as the only choices before us. Holding two contradictory ideas in your Mind at the same time is only a means to an end, and not an end unto itself. The greater End is what we must focus on.
Yet, this balancing is a dynamic balancing, 90 – 10 one day, and 10 – 90 the next. What is equally important is the depth of the analytical foundation forming the dynamic balancing of the teeter-totter, insuring that all sides are roughly balanced correctly., over time.
That’s why my focus is on the Intentional Communities. Brigham Young pulled it off, and the Amish pull it off, to a lesser degree, today. Both actively support Hierarchy, but both also see the need for purposeful masculine activity.
Intentional Communities are purposeful, and therefore, have a good chance at being effective. In the example I cited, of my Family back in the hills, I looked at the collapse of the regional economy as an opportunity to reorganize along sustainable lines. This required abandoning what could not work – three separate household, with unsustainable debt – into one house, with the debt for it paid off. In turn, the focus shifted on economic productivity – year round gardens, for example, and women learning to sew the casual clothes required. Those wives who had qualms about working jobs that were “beneath their dignity” were shown the consequences of separation, pending divorce. Childish Dream were put aside, as they all work together in the fulfillment of a purpose greater than they can fully realize.
They formed a sustainable, Intentional Community in microcosm. Where it leads is up to us. but their focus has been on not being victims anymore. THAT supports the metapolitical purpose, as well.
Incidentally, for those who think my analyses of how home-based Bible studies can develop into home-based Churches, becoming the foundation of home schooling, and Church “schools,” and from there to the foundation of economic and political networks, and from THERE to the Living Foundation of a new nation, specifically a Northwest Republic, let me refer to you to Santorum Campaign.
His themes were designed to appeal DIRECTLY to the New Dispossessed, and supports the theonomist playbook to pretty much a “T.”
THAT is practical politics, non-voting politics. THAT is an example we can work with; can, and should.
What’s In YOUR Future? Focus Northwest!
We’ve reached Peak White Guilt. Sell now!
(Very promising news from Miami- the biggest Trayvon protest, scheduled at Bayfront Park, drew in around 200 people- most of them non-white. The biggest media made scandal, in the state it happened in, in the biggest, most diverse, city in the state and no one bothers to show up. When there was a rumor Castro died a few years ago, the streets shut down with people partying downtown. Spain winning the World Cup was similar.)
I was actually reading Trayvon’s sister’s twitter– she was indifferent/against school walk outs and the like. His own sister doesnt even care to show up. Also, around when he died, she twittered a lot, but never said anything expressing doubt of the official story.
Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, and White countries for EVERYBODY!!???
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY White country and ONLY into White countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the White race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
Jeez, I feel like I have been visited by a Moonie. Folks, we don’t need the Mantra here. We’re already on board. Prepare to be censored — because we agree with you.
His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Ro
Are you sure? We need a war cry if not the Mantra. Something like RaHoWa but kept secret with a plausible outer meaning. Perhaps end all correspondence with the numeral 14, etc. Rituals of bonding.
But Mark Weber says we need to keep repeating our message over and over. MacDonald is the best at that, re Jews demand we go multicult, but Zion must stay pure. You never know when you get new visitors who are reading the comments for the first time and learn the Mantra here. Comments sections are not scholarly dissertations.
Our purpose is to have a conversation here, not to have people riding hobby horses or autistically droning mantras apropos of nothing. It is just plain rude.
Yes, this does seem to be the case, but the argument is being inverted by saying that whites don’t want to appear to be friends with blacks for a bunch of silly rationalizations. Inversions combined with reversals, tend to boggle the mind and freeze it in slow motion. Awareness always starts slowly and really with some time to think it through. One is not supposed to think. One might break a taboo.
According to Nietzsche, all thoughts are bad thoughts. (cherry picked from No. 48 The Anti-Christ) and No 49 The priest knows of only one great danger: that is science — the sound comprehension of cause and effect.
Yes, they badly over reached to their own detriment and our benefit. But while I agree that many are begining to wake up, the hard core will not relent. They still are passionately excited about a vicarious sacrafice (us) for their own ultimate redemption. They feel somewhat justified already because of the carnage they have already wrought. But it cannot stop for any reason else the whole enterprise would be called into question. And of course that mentality fits in nicely with the Globalist Agenda not to mention the strictly Jewish one.
One of the best articles I’ve read about the whole event. Excellent analysis and gift of prose!!!
Here is another troubling but entirely unsurprising news item. The US Department of Homeland Security recently ordered 450 million .40 caliber hollow points for reasons currently unexplained. DHS is also buying 175 million rounds of .223.
For “homeland” security not oversears warfare.
Why is an agency responsible for internal security buying that much ammo?
Perhaps they have noticed this trend which Pat Buchanan wrote about this week.
A Nation Arms Itself — For What?
With the shooting death of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was legally carrying a 9-millimeter handgun, the familiar wail has arisen from our cultural and media elite:
America has too many guns!
Reports of home invasions and flash mobs have firmed up the market for firearms. After the 1992 Los Angeles riot, when Californians found themselves defenseless in homes and shops, gun sales soared.
Others argue that a fear of new laws in an Obama second term, or even the possible confiscation of handguns, is driving sales.
A 2005 Gallup survey found that three in 10 Americans own a gun, that 40 percent had a gun in the house, that nearly half of all men own a gun, as do one in seven women. Two-thirds of all gun-owners gave as a reason they own a gun: protection against crime.
America is an armed camp, with the South and Midwest the most heavily armed. Yet, still, Americans buy guns in the millions every year.
Why? Whatever the answer, it is our business
Do you have NEGRO FATIGUE?
Negro Fatigue, or NF, is one of the fastest-growing chronic fatigue syndromes. Month by month, the number of people who are experiencing the symptoms of NF is growing. It affects primarily white people and Asians, mostly between the ages of 25 and 55, although anyone can experience it. City-dwellers are more likely than rural inhabitants to display its symptoms, but NF can strike any white person of any age or locale at any time.
Are you among those suffering from NF? Know these warning signs:
1. Increased blood pressure when in the presence of Negroes, or when viewing images of Negroes on TV or in print
2. Lack of concern with what Negroes want, deserve, think, or feel
3. Diminished patience with behaviors typical of Negroes, e.g., talking loudly in public, crotch-grabbing, ruining theatrical movies etc.
4. Increased awareness of the number of Negroes in one’s immediate environment
5. Hyper-alertness when encountering Negroes in public
6. Lack of desire to view or listen to Negro music, video programming, motion pictures, or other entertainments
7. Anomalous behavior (e.g., walking away in mid-sentence) when conversing with other white people who seem concerned with the welfare of Negroes
8. Decreased resistance to using the “N-Word”
9. Increased feeling of annoyance when encountering the term “N-word”
10. Scrupulous avoidance of contact with Negroes at work, school, shops, etc.
11. Hatred or cold indifference toward professional and collegiate sports, especially basketball; increased interest in “white” sports such as hockey, swimming, etc.
12. Sudden lack of shame in “white” behaviors (e.g. earning a living, abiding by the law, monogamous marriage, wearing Dockers, etc.)
If you exhibit any or all of these symptoms, you may have Negro Fatigue. For help in living with NF, please contact your local European Self-Extinction League (ESEL) chapter, or write to:
Eric H. Holder, Jr.
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
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Posted by Do you have Negro Fatigure (NF)? on April 3, 2012 at 9:34 AM
It was interesting to track this story. The pro-White community was out early pointing out that the anti-White media was lying about Zimmerman’s race in order to construct the “Evil White man, poor non-White victim” narrative they love so much. This got picked up by the respectable right.
Media pros need a “take” on a story and they often don’t have the time or ability to think of one for themselves, so if pro-Whites can be out early and forcefully promoting our take on an issue we can get our message propagated to a wider audience.
Take a look at the Yahoo News article titled “Does the far-right in Europe pose a growing threat to democracy?” then scroll down to the comments section. Pretty much everyone there is on board. Seriously. Is it my imagination or has there really been a rapid increase in Nationalism (much of it White Nationalism) over the past few months? I’m seeing it everywhere on the net. For example as I was reading the comments to some Leftie’s video on youtube I came accross commenters despairing that “White Nationalism is taking over the internet” & “I’ve had to stop using Yahoo Answers because it’s so full of White Nationalists”. Earlier on I found the following comment on an article about Phill Collins & his daughter: “Another Jewish princess climbs the Hollywood ladder”.
I’m still a little incredulous but there’s no mistaking it.
Oh come one, NSA can already unlock whatever it wants to. And as for the whole telecom system, the feds can flip it off like a lightbulb if they want to. Remember they invented it and the Ma Bell phone system and its progeny have all been totally complicit to any kind of federal tapping the agents have ever wanted illegal, warrantless, or not. They just dontdrag all that crap into court or it would be thrown out. They are black bag jobbing all of america now via robotic intrustion and most of what we say they could give 2 shits about because they are focused on specific stategic threats and agendas on which we are not more significant than a pissant buzzing around a Clydesdale’s rump
Re NSA. Read James Bamford’s latest book. I haven’t read it yet but read an article about it.
NSA contracts out its illegal spying on Americans program to
“Israeli” companies. Companies that are basically spinoffs of mossad. Top people at NSA claim they have been shut out and don’t know what goes on in these secret programs.
They may not be looking for pissants buzzing around a clydesdale’s rump but probably are looking for anti-semites aka jew-haters.
I tell you what else, regular black people were not taken in by all this bullshit. The ones that are productive regular law abiding blacks- yes there are some out there although to be fair they are overwhelmingly the older women, not the young, and definitely not the men- but theyave not been talking and squawking about him. I know this from a kinsman who works in the public sector surrounded by them. This event was a nonevent except for the poverty pimps and rabble rousers. Anybody with sense knows the kid got what he had comin. Oh and the fact that Zimmerman was a mestizoid was also not lost on them. They expect a tougher attitude out of a brown than a white. Whites are believed by blacks to be pussified. Now Bernie Geotz I dont know if he was jewish but a pasty white ashkan if he was, that was a big surprise to people. But most black people think twice before trying to take down a full grown hispanic man in FL because they know they love to carry guns and use them. If white Nordlings had this rep then they would all be a lot safer. Anyhow it is a nonevent that will soon be forgotten. Good article.
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