Now Available on Kindle! 
The Columbine Pilgrim

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Andy Nowicki’s The Columbine Pilgrim [2] is now available in an Amazon Kindle edition.

Other Counter-Currents titles available in Kindle editions include:

Greg Johnson, Confessions of a Reluctant Hater [3]

Ward Kendall, Hold Back This Day

Michael O’Meara, Toward the White Republic [4]

Also, Kindle users can subscribe to the Counter-Currents website so all of its new content is automatically delivered to your Kindle. Just click here: Counter-Currents Publishing/North American New Right [5]

In the coming weeks, the rest of our titles will become available in Kindle format, and each new title will be available in Kindle editions as well as the standard hardcover and paperback editions. Selected titles will also be available as PDF files.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.
& North American New Right