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Editor’s Note:
This is a very important article. Please forward, link, and post it on forums far and wide.
There has recently been speculation about the involvement of whites in England’s racial riots, August 6–10, 2011. A partial explanation has emerged in the Establishment press.
The race riots began in London on August 6, quickly spreading to other sections of the city. On August 8 rioting and looting spread to Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham, Bristol, Medway and Leicester, and on August 9 to Manchester and Salford.
Many police officers were injured and at least five deaths were reported, including the vicious, fatal beating of Richard Mannington Bowes, a 68-year-old retired accountant described as quiet and shy. Ten years previously the government had fined him as a criminal for confronting “youths” who were urinating outside his home.
By August 11, total property damage was estimated at more than $320 million.
What Triggered the Riots
The race riots were triggered by the fatal shooting by police of a 29-year-old mulatto named Mark Duggan on August 4 in Tottenham, North London. The shooting occurred during a planned arrest that was part of Operation Trident, designed to combat gun crime connected with the illegal drug trade. Tottenham was the epicenter where the riots began and from which they spread to the rest of England.
Nothing happened, however, until two days after the shooting, on August 6, when a “peaceful protest march” of 200 people ending at Tottenham police station was organized by Duggan’s “friends and family.” The crowd grew larger at dusk as people with weapons joined the group. Violence broke out, allegedly over a rumor that police had attacked a 16-year-old girl, and police vehicles were set afire. From there everything quickly spread.
Duggan was an alleged drug dealer and member of North London’s Star Gang. He was also the nephew-by-marriage of Irish gangster Desmond Noonan of Manchester, England, who was stabbed to death in 2005. The Noonans are a large clan regarded as one of the most notorious organized crime families in English history.
Desmond Noonan and the Noonan Crime Family
Mark Duggan’s uncle came from a family of 16 in which every one of the 14 children, boys and girls, had been christened with a name beginning with the letter D, after their father’s home city of Dublin. The Noonan gang, formerly run by brothers Desmond, Domenyk, Damian, and Derek (Desmond and Damian are both deceased), has dominated Manchester’s underworld for two decades.
The Noonan brothers built their criminal empire supplying private security for England’s night clubs.
In the 1980s and ’90s Desmond Noonan was aligned with the violent anti-white Anti-Fascist Action (AFA)/Red Action groups which attacked National Front and British National Party (BNP) members. The current Anti-Fascist Action, Ireland appears to be modelled on this British group.
In 1989 Desmond Noonan joined members of a Manchester anti-fascist squad in a brutal attack on a group of Ulster Loyalists (pro-Northern Irish). One of his cronies, Paddy Logan, bit the earlobe off one of the Loyalists.
Through complex, subterranean connections at that time, AFA/Red Action, in turn, had ties to Searchlight, a sort of analogue in Britain to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in the US. Searchlight, in the words of Peter Rushton, a writer for Heritage and Destiny magazine, maintains “intimate connections with the Jewish establishment and with British police, security and intelligence agencies.”
Because of its Establishment nature, Searchlight felt compelled in the early ’90s to cosmetically sever its links with AFA after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombed Harrods department store in London. One of the bombers, Patrick Hayes, was a leader of the anti-white Red Action group; less than two years earlier he had served as liaison with police for an AFA march through East London protesting John Tyndall’s BNP.
The South Manchester BNP collapsed in 1993 after its branch organizer was physically intimidated by an anti-white gang that included Manchester mobster Desmond Noonan, Mark Duggan’s uncle. Noonan personally threatened the BNP organizer, ordering him to tell AFA everything he knew about the party in the region.
At the time, Manchester’s Irish gangs controlled the ecstasy and amphetamine trades while the Negro gangs of Moss Side and Cheetham Hill dominated the heroin business. Desmond Noonan was part of a group that provided the Negro gangs with guns and other weapons.
The Noonan gang appears to exercise a Godfather-like influence over Manchester residents, which may embrace non-whites as well as whites. According to an older account:
People in Moston, a poor working-class district [in Manchester] whose residents complain of feeling abandoned by the authorities, including the police, have come to look to Dominic, Dessie and their gang for their own special kind of street justice. In the recent fly-on-the-wall documentary MacIntyre’s Underworld on Five [a British TV channel], Donal MacIntyre explained that when somebody was burgled, people would turn to Dominic Noonan to sort it out.
Noonan brothers Desmond and Dominic were glamorized in the British TV documentary made by Irish journalist MacIntyre in 2005.
Mark Duggan and His Uncle Desmond Were Close
In the words of the Sun (UK):
Dessie’s [Desmond’s] second wife Julie, 50, is the sister of Duggan’s mum Pamela.
Duggan, 29, regularly visited his uncle and Julie—who he married in 1985—to babysit their children.
The pair divorced following Dessie’s 1993 acquittal for the murder of gangster Anthony “White Tony” Johnson [the white—presumably Irish—co-leader of a Manchester Negro gang] two years earlier. But Duggan continued to visit Desmond and [his brother] Domenyk [Noonan] for barbecues and family parties.
A source said: “They took Mark under their wing, they liked him, not just as a nephew, but as a mate. When he came to Manchester he’d see them, and if they went to London they’d have a night with him.”
Dominic Noonan and the Riots
While the English riots were of course primarily an expression of the racist dynamics of contemporary society, one cannot ignore the role of anti-white Irish mobsters in them. The original trigger for the riots was the Tottenham police protest organized by “friends and family” of Mark Duggan.
While specific information about the organizers of the initial protest march has not been revealed, the Noonans are certainly capable of gathering crowds.
When brother Damian Noonan was buried after his fatal motorbike accident in the Dominican Republic in 2003, thousands of mourners joined the procession. Due to the size of the crowd, parts of Manchester had to be closed off.
And after Desmond was knifed in 2005, hundreds of residents attended his funeral in South Manchester. Men from the family company, D. J. Noonan Security, wearing black jackets with the words “We serve to protect” written on the back were followed by an Irish pipe band and drummers. Behind them came a horse-drawn carriage topped with white flowers bearing Desmond’s coffin, and twelve black Daimlers filled with floral tributes.
Another of the gangster brothers specifically mentioned by the Sun as being close to Mark Duggan is Dominic Noonan (a homosexual) who today goes by the name of Domenyk Lattlay Fottfoy. He was arrested on suspicion of violent disorder during the riots in Manchester city center on August 9, and subsequently charged with handling stolen goods and possession of marijuana. The camera caught him “chatting to a hoodie-wearing youth with a looted flat-screen TV.”
Indeed, the Telegraph‘s (UK) account strongly implies that the looting in Manchester was organized and orchestrated by Domenyk Noonan and his gang. Read the newspaper’s very revealing article for yourself.
According to the Sun,
Hundreds of “Noonan Boys”—youngsters allied to the crime boss—were allegedly among [Manchester] city centre rioters. The source added: “Domenyk made sure there was a big crowd of them rioting last night.”
Domenyk has more than 40 convictions for offences including armed robbery, police assault, attacks on prison officers, deception, firearms, jail escape and fraud, and has spent 22 years behind bars. He is suspected of being involved in several murders but has never been charged.
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Assuming that the anti-fa did instigate the riots, I am wandering what were their political motives for doing so? Also does the noonan clan actually still coordinate its activities with “mainstream” anti or receive direction from them or the jewish and security establishment.
A disturbing article. So this Searchlight group has ties to the police, government and Jewish orgs on the one hand, and the White anti-fa on the other, who in turn are connected to White organized crime groups who have connections to non-White organized crime gangs. Do I have that right? It would be interesting to know deep this rabbit hole really goes. We will probably never know.
While on the subject of race riots in Britain, many readers here may not know that there was an anti-Jewish pogrom at Tredegar, South Wales in 1911, exactly 100 years ago. The smug Anglo/Judeo newspaper media (Fleet Street), quick to pontificate about pogroms in the Pale of western Russia, was shocked that a ‘pogrom’ could actually occur in Britain! The [White] Welsh rioters were brutally suppressed by none other than, get this, Mr Winston Churchill, then Home Secretary! This is quite a story, and information can be easily ‘Googled’ to locate.
Anti-white Irish mobsters aside — if ‘We Irish” organize the resistance, we will drive the race-mixing, drug-dealing, gender-bending degenerates of our declining civilization into the Atlantic Ocean — we Irish who have fought for a thousand years and know how to fight– even when it’s for the wrong side.
Michael, you need to tell the people of Dublin this! They’re too busy hating the English, to notice the colonisation of their own homeland. But yes, the Irish are Fighters…
Yes, Joe, we, like the English, the Americans, and everyone else, have lost all sense of who our real enemy is.
My dream remains of an IRA/UVF front against the colored hordes.
I think that Michael O’Meara’s dream of an IRA and UVF front against the coloured hordes will remain a dream. If such a thing is possible, it could only occur in a manner analogous to that envisaged by Jean Thiriart with regard to the formation of a European historical party: “For us, Europe will be made with former fascists as much as with former fascists, in the measure that they have surmounted fascism and communism.” Thiriart similarly remarked of leftists and rightists: “there are men who, coming from the left and forswearing its dogmas, are sincere Europeans; there are men who, coming from the right and rejecting its manias, are sincere Europeans. These men should meet each other.” Why not?
By coincidence, yesterday I read the dedication in Pierre Krebs’ Combat pour l’essentiel, which expresses the hope “that parties, flags, and symbols will cease to separate us at the identitarian moment when we become conscious of the common blood that unites us.” (Incidentally, Krebs’ book is dedicated to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Kurt Eggers. The first is characterised as a Guelph, the latter as a Ghibelline, and both as European. To my ears, this seems to echo a passage in Arthur Moeller van den Bruck’s Germany’s Third Empire concerning the transcendence of historical antitheses among the Germans.)
It is imperative for White nationalists to surmount historical divisions, to face the challenges of the present and the future, to correctly identify their real enemies, and to inculcate genuine militancy. Michael O’Meara’s explanation of why it is difficult to define the principle enemy is extremely cogent:
The only thing here that I would question is that this struggle “is as much about class as it is about race.” This is because I’m not entirely sure what O’Meara means by this, and I’ve never thought or read much about class issues, not because I reject class issues as irrelevant. Guillaume Faye has remarked in several places throughout his works that the contemporary class struggle in France is directed against the White working class. It might be said that complicity with or collaboration in the anti-White policies of the system is normative for the Whites within it. Unfortunately, racial treason is rewarded with upward social mobility, not punished with defenestration. While I’m no communist or nihilist, I think that much of what goes up today should be brought down tomorrow.
It is tempting for many among us to ignore real enemies and focus on false or secondary enemies due to the scale and complexity of the political challenge before us, our lack of political will, and our lack of political capacity. Properly recognising and addressing the real challenges before us is extremely difficult. It’s much easier to quarrel among ourselves, to complain about coloureds, and to curse the Jews. When our enemies are everywhere, who should we fight, where should we fight, how should we fight? Effectively answering these questions requires a sense of strategy and tactics that is woefully lacking among White nationalists at present. This answer must be political above all. It is not words that define the identity of friend and foe, it is conflict and the capacity for conflict that does this.
If Andrew Hamilton (whom I’ve the utmost respect for) is inferring that Manchester disturbances were orchestrated by Dominic Noonan, then I’d have to strongly disagree. I’m almost sure Dominic Noonan took advantage of the situation, as did many other lowlife. But I can’t believe he orchestrated (or organised) the white trash in a frenzy of looting and anarchy. But yes, I’m almost sure he took advantage of a deteriorating situation. Also, there most definitely (like in Liverpool) was no left-wing element controlling or leading mobs of rioters or looters.
Salford, Manchester was another white enclave where rioting erupted. Now I know from my sources that Dominic Noonan has no substantial influence there. Infact, it’s not his turf. Also, the Noonan legacy in Manchester is not what it used to be. Young up and coming gangs have replaced them.
Sorry, but it’s very easy to run away with conspiracy theories when one is not on the ground…
Thanks for your perspective.
Just to let you know, the common epithet “conspiracy theory” is water off a duck’s back to me (anytime, anywhere). Where do the facts lead? Clichés aren’t going to stop me.
I of course know, in a general sort of way, where you’re coming from, so I don’t take anything you say lightly. But the more specific and backed-up-by-evidence-or-reasons a statement is, the more helpful it is in determining whether a reevaluation is necessary.
The newspaper accounts imply greater Noonan power in Manchester, and, specifically, participation in the riot in that city (among the white element, anyway) than you feel was the case. Sometimes journalists get things right, especially when there’s no ax they’re forced to grind. And I can’t see that there is one in the case of the Noonans. The journalistic assessments were measured, and in the absence of persuasive counter-evidence, I feel compelled to give them due weight.
Probably the deaths of two brothers, and imprisonments, have hobbled their organization. However, the fact that they may wield less power today than in the past doesn’t mean that they have no power. Also, one account mentioned that when Desmond was in prison, he ran the organization from there.
Andrew, maybe “conspiracy theory” was not the right word?
The Noonan clan is not what it once was, belive me! But yes, they do hold enough sway in and around Manchester. However, my sources on the ground don’t beef them up to what everything the news papers say. Most of these journalists get their (sometimes) outdated info from various police sources, and not from the lion’s den as to speak. I will, however, concede Noonan involvement in the Manchester riots.
I don’t think that Andrew Hamilton is indulging in “conspiracy theories” or drawing tendentious or nonexistent “links and ties” in the manner of the SPLC. It seems that there’s a lot of combustible rubbish around in Britain, and little effort is needed to ignite it. Gangsters such as the Noonans don’t need to “orchestrate” riots any more than arsonists need to “orchestrate” fires. They only need to start them, after which they have a life of their own.
“Conspiracy theories” in the sense of a left – wing gangster connection, is what I should have implied. Anyway, Andrew Hamilton as spelt it out exactly what he meant.
It just goes to show where it’s all headed. Different ethnicities will unite in angst toward the society that is not theirs. Thieves and murderers become freedom fighters and rejuvenation is a blaze across the horizon.
The nothing more worse than fellow whites engaging in degenerate behavior and contributing to the same system that is destoying the native white population.
No idea what ANY of your comments has to do with the above article.
To clarify a couple of points.
I am not implying that the English riots were white riots (no, not even gangster or antifa). Rather, I was trying to evaluate the presence of some whites in the video footage, an issue raised both here and at TOO.
Simply saying “white trash” or “whiggers” (basically a class- or status- based assessment) without further explanation isn’t particularly enlightening. Possibly the case can be made (a huge number of whites are now Negrified, racially and socially degraded), but I haven’t seen it yet. The argument needs a solid evidentiary foundation.
The mainstream media reports (which of course never mentioned uncle Desmond’s antifa activities) explain quite a bit about why some whites were in the footage.
And the fact that a member of the Noonan clan, and an organized protest on his behalf, was at the epicenter of the entire national explosion needs to be looked into. As far as I am aware, nothing at all happened for two days after Duggan’s killing—it was the organized march that sparked everything.
To clarify a couple of points, in that this article is perhaps something of a rebuttal to my own thesis (not that I mind); my article title “white riot’ was a provocation, the riots were most definitely negro by a large majority. As to many white English people’s cultural Negrification, well if one lives in England, one sees it on daily basis (with the frequency determined by the poverty and squalor of the area in question). It’s simply a matter of a common sense awareness of a widespread cultural phenomenon. I do not regard personal observations of social decadence, as invalid per se, simply because they are not backed up by some sort of quantitative data. I am quite willing to regard, my own two eyes, and what other people I know and respect, have seen with theirs, as “solid evidentiary foundations.”
Blacks rioted first in Tottenham, which is now a well known black area, since whites have moved away (white flight). The police did not get stuck in as they were dealing with blacks and had to tread carefully. Moronic whites did not understand the racial component and thought that the police would treat them with the same kid gloves and started looting in other parts of the country. Having said that, most of the locations where there was trouble were heavily black, e.g. Birmingham, Bristol, all the places in London such as brixton, Clapham…Manchester was more or less the only white city with rioting and predictably the media have concentrated on that. Perhaps because they recognise that its more “man bites dog” than the rest of the rioting, or perhaps not.
Wonderful Helvena!
Jews handing out snacks to the street apes! Were they perhaps afraid that their energy might be flagging? How does this fit in the timeline?
ad Mike Bell
The jews have a lock-down on ecstasy (as with anything with low expenses and high profits).
I’m well aware that Jewish distributors are the biggest players in the ecstasy trade. I just didn’t see the point in saying “Interesting the Irish are dealing it when…yada yada.” Just say there’s a connection if that’s what you’re getting at. I wouldn’t doubt that there is. The Breivik statement, however, was completely irrelevant, and it just suggests your trying to draw up a giant conspiracy theory that’ll only make us look nuttier to people.
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