The Aryan Values of Avatar

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French translation here [2]

The film Avatar is a huge commercial and cultural success. In White Nationalist circles, however, the blockbuster often is labeled as anti-white. (See here [3], here [4], and here [5] for examples.) This interpretation of the film illustrates four problems currently manifest in the White Nationalist movement:

  1. The tendency to see only skin color when discussing race;
  2. A lack of knowledge about Aryan values and Indo-European culture;
  3. A “white makes right” mentality that leads to the inability to self-criticize, even when whites act like blacks or Jews; and
  4. The recent proclivity of whites to play the victim, interpreting everything as an attack and claiming they’re not allowed to do anything.

The anti-white analysis of Avatar is a result of an over-simplified biological outlook that is focused only on skin color, and therefore lacks any awareness of Aryan and non-Aryan values. If whites hope to achieve any success in taking back their countries and culture, then we must learn to see beyond purely material interpretations and learn to recognize our own values and ideals when they are literally jumping out of the screen at us in 3-D.

Avatar is the story of RDA, the largest non-governmental corporation in the year 2154, which is looking for a rare mineral that sells for $20 million per kilogram. The corporation employs mercenaries that closely resemble America’s present-day army with goons and thugs of every color. They are mining the planet Pandora, and if the indigenous Na’vi will not relocate so RDA can harvest the motherload and thus score big money, the corporate execs and their army plan on killing the natives in cold blood.

Jewish Greed and Capitalism in Avatar

The greedy, capitalistic corporation represents the Jewish spirit that has overtaken American society. The mercenaries are of many races, and although Colonel Miles Quaritch is physically white, he does not have an Aryan character. Instead, he and several other corporate heads have the Semitic characteristics of spiritual degeneracy and being focused purely on material ends. The short, beady-eyed corporate administrator played by Giovanni Ribisi was almost a Jewish caricature.

These humans are incapable of understanding the Na’vi’s spirituality and think they are mere savages to be controlled so their land and religion can be plundered. The humans see everything as an economic unit, in contrast to the Na’vi, who believe all life is sacred and of value beyond economic profit. The corporate heads find it strange that the Na’vi won’t give up their sacred sites in exchange for blue jeans and light beer.

Another display of Jewishness is the corporate workers’ inability to understand the love between the hero and a Na’vi girl; instead, they insinuate that he was just having a cheap lay.

When the corporation does finally bomb the Na’vi’s sacred tree, the Na’vi fight back for “their land,” echoing the words of the Palestinian national anthem (“My country, my land, land of my ancestors”). When the Na’vi must flee, the scenes are comparable to those of the horrors inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel and the Americans who fight for the Jews.

The Na’vi’s Aryan Values

Unlike most of the RDA executives, the Na’vi display many characteristics associated with Indo-Europeans (and also other noble societies). Their tribes have a tripartite caste system as described by Georges Dumézil, with a warrior-chief, a shaman, and commoners (who also are warriors). They value strength, courage, and honor, the fundamental Aryan values.

The men must undergo an initiation of which Neytiri, the hero’s mate, says, “Every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among the people forever.” The initiation echoes ceremonies common throughout Indo-European cultures, for as in other traditions, the Na’vi required an ascent to the floating islands, where a wild animal must be tamed.

Like the ancient Europeans, the main Na’vi tribe in the film is a group of hunter-gatherers, rather than Semitic nomads. They respect the land, rather than plundering it and then moving on. Also like European cultures in the past [6], the Na’vi allow women a relatively high position in the tribe and are not as xenophobic as the corporate workers with Jewish values. In addition, the Na’vi are not ruled by their animal passions as is common for many races; instead, they mate for life (a distinctly European trait).

The Na’vi are deeply spiritual and have a great respect for their environment, echoing the environmentalism of the pagans, Hindus, and in more recent times, the Romantics and the entire völkisch movement and National Socialist policies. According to the Aryan Nations website [7], the threefold Aryan duty is to the folk, to Nature, and to the Cosmos. It could be describing the Na’vi when it states: “This Aryan duty requires us to respect Nature, and the diverse creations of Nature. This means … striving to live in a balanced way by restraining our greed, our desire for material possessions, and by respecting the traditions, the culture, of our ancestors.”

Obviously there are Na’vi characteristics that do not fit the Aryan mold (their religion is more chthonic, for example), but they certainly possess more traditional Aryan qualities than the greedy human industrialists in the film.

The False Dichotomy of a ‘White Makes Right’ Mentality

The Na’vi share many characteristics with not only Aryans, but other great cultures as well. Many reviewers have pointed to similarities to Native Americans, for example. As White Nationalists, it is helpful to our cause to realize that Aryans are not the only great culture, and to not whine when we see other races portrayed in a good light.

A main issue that nationalist reviewers have with Avatar is its portrayal of white-skinned people as vicious colonialists. But the truth is that there have been times in history that our race has acted brutally. The treatment of the Native Americans, for example, is not the brightest chapter in white history, and we have been duly punished for it.

But clinging to the notion that “whites are always right” is false. We do not have to identify with members of our race who are traitors to Aryan values. Doing do makes us jump to a guilty defensive position every time whites behaving badly are onscreen. In fact, trying to explain away injustices with elaborate explanations makes whites seem like little children who won’t apologize just for the spite of it. Rather than try to justify acts of our ancestors who did not uphold the Aryan spirit of honor, we should move beyond the mistakes of the past and work to overcome them in the future. Playing the victim and complaining is better left to those who are less noble.

A Different Kind of Race Traitor

A scene at the end of the film resulted in a number of claims that Avatar is anti-white. The white colonel yells at the hero, “How does it feel to betray your race?” The implication many see is that the hero has betrayed the human race to fight for the aliens. But in fact, it is the colonel who has betrayed his race, and become Jewish in spirit. He is a military puppet, the way that many white thugs in the military are simply puppets for Israel. The hero, on the other hand, defends a people’s land and acts with honor, truth, and courage; as such, he is displaying the qualities of a true Aryan.

The corporation in Avatar, with its Jewish-like humans and mercenaries of many colors, is not simply “us” portrayed in a bad light; it is what we are fighting against—the takeover of our lands by greedy capitalists who would have our homes and culture destroyed for profit. They are the ones who do not understand our religions, who destroy our environment, and seek to erase the memory of our ancestors.

As the success of the film suggests, the general public is tired of this as well—people are still fascinated with epic myths, heroes, and men of honor, and like the Na’vi, wish they could fight against mindless capitalism. As such, some time spent thinking critically reveals that Avatar is not a “white guilt” film at all. It is a collective fantasy of taking back our land from the industrial machine and keeping our traditions alive. The popularity of Avatar gives us hope that people are ready to be wake up and fight for a just cause.

TOQ Online, January 3, 2010